My prayer:
Sweet Father. Thank you for a perfect day. I stand in awe of you and all that you do for me. Now, I will get quiet so I can hear what you have to say tonight:
What God Said Tonight:
I want to give you some clarity and peace. I want you to see the road ahead as I see it, from the end of the road. I want to show you that everything is truly for a reason and that nothing in your life is ever wasted, it will always serve a purpose in both your life and the lives of others.
I want to show you all of that but if I do, faith no longer has a place in your life. If I do, you trust the future but you don't need to trust me.
How much better to trust that I will work everything for your good, no matter what it is. How much better to trust in me than have to know every detail of what will happen next. It is in that trust and in that faith that our relationship grows, out love for each other grows. And, at the end of everything else, that is what truly matters. In the end it is the love that is shared that truly matters.
Knowing how everything will work out, does not increase the love. Trusting in me, does.
I love you now and forever and I promise that everything I do is for your good. You are my precious child and I cannot let you forget that.