My prayer:
You brought me through the fire today God, thank you.
It is amazing to me how the day can start out with complete chaos and turmoil, then you come in and everything becomes calm. Sometimes you tell me what to say but so often, you just resolve it from the core and what seemed like a life changing conflict, becomes a distant memory.
Thank you for being the calm in any storm and for leading my words and my life.
What God Said Tonight:
Not all conflict is bad and not all peace is good.
Peace, the peace that I bring is based on a core truth that i am in charge and will work all things for your good. That is a peace that will last. That is a peace that is true.
Beware of the peace that comes from compromise. Beware of the peace that comes from withdrawal. That is not true peace and that peace will one day erupt into a greater confrontation than you could ever imagine.
Don't be in such a hurry to find peace that you bury the cause of the conflict. Sometimes, letting the conflict play itself through, trusting me with the outcome, is the best path to healing, wholeness, and lasting peace.
I will guide you in this and in all things. I am your Lord and I am with you and for you, forever.