My prayer:
Thank you for a truly beautiful day God. I ask tonight for your guidance and direction. As we go out on this new adventure, I pray that you guide and lead us. I don't want to waste time wandering into places that you don't want us to be in. I really would love for you to just lead us to the exact place that you have for us.
I understand that there can be value in the journey, in the search. I understand that I have learned a lot from making the wrong decisions and the wrong turns. But, in this, I just want whatever your will is for me. I already know without a shadow of a doubt that what you want for me is better than anything I would choose for myself, so, this time, can we just jump to the end? Can you just take my hand and lead us to the right place?
Thank you God.
What God Said Tonight:
Each and every day is a new beginning. Each and every moment is a second chance. I do not look at your past to determine where you will go next. I only look at your heart. I only look at the amazing child that I know you to be.
A life lived can color who you are. It can mask the beauty that I put in you. But it can never cover it enough that I don't see you.
I love you. I have your best interest in mind, always and I will lead and guide you in this and all things. I am a light unto your feet my child. I love you now and forever.