My prayer:
Amazing God. I don't know what tomorrow holds but I live a life of peace knowing that you are in charge. I love that you have given me a life where I get to still learn new things every day. Thank you Father.
What God Said Tonight:
This is not what you think it is but it is the first step to tomorrow. A life well lived is lived in transparency with the self assurance that you are walking in the righteous steps that I have laid out. I have not yet begun to see you walking into the promised land but I have prepared a path for you.
Find the meaning and pay attention to each and every experience you are having right now. They are preparing you for the next season. Just as the last season prepared you for this one. Now is not the season for transition but now is the season for growing with an intent for change.
I love you. I am with you. I am never going to leave you. I can and do make those promises.