My prayer:
Made it through one more day. Definitely living one day at a time right now God.
You would think, I would think, with all of the seasons of waiting that I have been through, I would be better at this. But it doesn't seem to matter how many times you show me the wait is worth it, during the waiting, it is REALLY HARD.
Ok, I am done complaining. Thank you for bringing me through and thank you for whatever you are planning for me.
What God Said Tonight:
I have created you to live a life of integrity. I have created you to be a reflection of my love. I have created you to be my child and to live this live fully immersed in my love.
A time has come that is trying to challenge that in you. It is only a challenge, an attack. It is not personal. The attack is more against me than it is you. I will show everyone that I am the God of everything and that every blessing comes through me.
There is an important message that will come with this change in season for you. It is not just for you. It is for so many of my people. That is why the timing is so critical. If it as just for you, we would have moved into this season years ago. But, it is not just for you. There are many messages for many people in this next season and the timing must be perfect.
Thank you for trusting me with the timing. I love you.