My prayer:
I pray for your help tonight God. You always tell me when I need help, just ask for it. I am asking. There is more than I can do, more than I can handle on my own. It is only with you stepping in that I make it through this successfully.
Thank you God for destining me to succeed and for being my ever present help. You are amazing.
What God Said Tonight:
A great day. A day that gives you more than you can handle and you don't panic, you don't drive yourself into the ground. You step back and you ask for help. You have come a long way my child.
I am your ever present help and I will destine you to succeed. I love you and I will walk you through this.
It is not what it seems. It seems big and overwhelming but it is not. It is nothing more than a bump that you will quickly run over.
I love you, I am with you. You can rest in the peace that I am yours and you are mine.