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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, April 6, 2020

A time of trial...

My prayer:

Well, I made it through the day. This was a rough one God. Thank you for guiding me. In the end, it all worked out but it was a rough road getting there. 

Thank you for your help and your strength to help me persevere. What would I be, where would I be without you? I cannot imagine life without you. Thank you for choosing me and making me your child.

What God Said Tonight:

A rough day is not always a bad thing. It is in the struggle that you grow stronger. It is in the battle that you learn to trust me more. It is in the tough moments that you draw close to me. 

I am here for you now and always. I am never leaving you. But that does not mean that every day will be easy and filled with sunshine. 

A time of trial is a time of purpose. A trial that is overcome is a celebration. I will not deny you the joy of coming though the fire with no scars to show for it. I will not deny you the opportunity to be the evidence of my miracles. 

I love you sweet daughter and I will always bring you through but I love you enough to let you walk a hard path now and then. 

Live in my peace, now and forever.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Entering darkness...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have a few more things coming up this week that I have no idea how to handle and my mind is stuck on worry mode. 

Amazing God. I can already hear your voice and I know that you will take care of it all. You always do. You have shown me time and time again that it is all under control and that you are in charge. I know these things to depth of my soul.

So, why do I worry? Why does my mind still go in over drive? Why does my heart start beating so fast if I think on it too long?

I choose to trust you God, in this and in all things.

What God Said Tonight:

A night without moon light is beautiful but not much use. It is so dark that without some other source of light, you cannot even put one foot in front of the other. 

There are times in your life when you are entering darkness. When you have no idea what is in front of you or around you. Those are the times to rely on my light. Let my light shine in your life and let it illuminate your path.

I will shine in the night and lead your way. Just follow my light. I love you now and forever my child.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hedge of protection...

My prayer:

Amazing God. Watching you work is one of my very favorite things to do. I love how you take impossible situations and turn them into blessings. I am living in one of those blessings. I am waiting expectantly for you do your work in friends lives now. 

Now is a time where nothing can be taken for granted. Our tomorrows are truly not promised, at all. Tomorrow, there may not be food or necessities. Tomorrow, we may not have a job. Tomorrow, we may not even be here or be alive.

In all of the uncertainty, I have peace because I know that you are not uncertain. I know that your promises are not uncertain. I know that you have it all under control and I can trust you to take the impossible situations and turn them into such amazing blessings. 

I can't wait to watch you do it, again! 

What God Said Tonight:

Everything is unfolding now. A plan, a purpose, a meaning will become so very evident as the days continue to go by. 

I won't leave you and I won't turn my back on you. Your trust will not be in vain. My purpose will be fulfilled. My promises will become manifest and, above all, my will shall be done. 

I declare that you are a victor. I declare  hat you are my son, my child, my daughter. I declare that you are above and not beneath and I will let no harm come to you. I will not let harm prosper against you. Your hedge of protection is fully in force. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


My prayer:

Awesome God. Thank you for the wall of protection you have placed around me, my family, and my friends. Thank you for your near constant reassurance. Thank you for the many blessings that you are revealing in the middle of the crises. 

You are the God of the impossible and your blessings never end. LOVE YOU!!

What God Said Tonight:

A meadow, a forest trail, a wave that slowly slaps the shore, I know the things that you need to keep you happy and well. 

I am your Father and I will provide for you all the days of our life. I will provide even those things you don't know you need yet. 

I will give you everything you need, including experiences. I will not leave you in a situation beyond your capability. I will not throw you into a challenge without preparation. The challenges in your life are training ground to take you to the next level. I will always take you higher. 

I love you. I love your trust. I will provide, now and forever. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

One step at a time...

My prayer:

Awesome God. A beautiful day of worship and rest. Today was a true sabbath. 

I need to thank you for the time and the space to rest. This has been such a great opportunity to rest in you, rest in your peace, and rest in what is usually such a chaotic life. Thank you for the gift of rest God. 

This week has a lot of challenges in it, none of which I have a good handle on. I pray for your help, guidance, and favor. I pray for your protection and continued divine health. I pray for your will to be done above everything else.

My God, my Father, my Savior, and my help, I love you more than I can ever say.

What God Said Tonight:

A step at a time. You follow my will one step at a time. 

There is no need to worry about five steps down the road. Remember, tomorrow has enough worries for itself. Today, take the step that I have for you. Tomorrow, I will have another. Take each step, as I lay it in front of you and you will find your self on the other side, free from the worry, and fully blessed in my will.

That is how you got to where you are today and that is how you will get to your tomorrows. 

I love you now and forever, my child. I am yours.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Let the world see...

My prayer:

Feeling so grateful for you in my life and all that you have given me God. I am so blessed and so grateful. Your blessings are so very good. There is a lot of fear and worry in the world right now but with you, it is as if I am in a bubble of peace. Thank you Jesus!

I pray for your healing power. I pray for your peace. I pray for you to cover this world God and all of your people in it. 

What God Said Tonight:

No fruit comes from a dead tree. I have given you life and life more abundantly and you are bearing the fruit. 

Do not hide what I do for you. Do not keep it from those around you. Help the world to see that I am God and that I will take care of those who love me and keep me first in their lives. 

I am God all mighty and I will see you prosper my child. let the world see it as I do it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


My prayer:

I am living each day and each moment, trusting you. In this unprecedented time of crisis, I KNOW, I don't just think, I don't just hope, I KNOW, you are with me and you will take care of me. 

Thank you God for this assurance. Thank you for everything you allowed in my life to prepare me for this time. I hated it at the time but now, now I begin to understand your purpose.

I am yours and you are mine, now and forever my God.

What God Said Tonight:

Water turned to ice and back again. There are times in your life where you will need the strength of ice and there are times in your life when you will need the flexibility of water. 

I am your God and I will form you into what you need for each season and each circumstance. I am the potter, you are the clay. As you allow me to mold you, you will find that you are the perfect shape and the perfect strength for what is needed at this time and for tomorrow. 

I love you. Stay moldable.