My prayer:
Well, I made it through the day. This was a rough one God. Thank you for guiding me. In the end, it all worked out but it was a rough road getting there.
Thank you for your help and your strength to help me persevere. What would I be, where would I be without you? I cannot imagine life without you. Thank you for choosing me and making me your child.
What God Said Tonight:
A rough day is not always a bad thing. It is in the struggle that you grow stronger. It is in the battle that you learn to trust me more. It is in the tough moments that you draw close to me.
I am here for you now and always. I am never leaving you. But that does not mean that every day will be easy and filled with sunshine.
A time of trial is a time of purpose. A trial that is overcome is a celebration. I will not deny you the joy of coming though the fire with no scars to show for it. I will not deny you the opportunity to be the evidence of my miracles.
I love you sweet daughter and I will always bring you through but I love you enough to let you walk a hard path now and then.
Live in my peace, now and forever.