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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Not perfect...

My prayer:

Today was rotten. I really did not enjoy it. All day, every time I turned around, somebody was doing something to make something harder, less efficient, and generally making bad decisions which made me work harder. I am exhausted and frustrated. 

I pray God that you renew my soul.

What God Said Tonight:

I leave you tonight with one thought. Waiting on perfection will always leave you frustrated. No one can sustain it. No one can live up to it. 

Back down, take a breath, and give grace. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018


What God Said Tonight:

Enjoy your life. Find those moments of joy and dwell on them, expand them, keep after them. 

I love seeing my children enjoying life. I know there are struggles and I know there is pain. We will keep working through those together. But, in the mean time, find some joy and sit on it. Don't let it get away. Keep it near, wrap your arms around it, and bury your face down in it. 

Joy is my gift for you. Joy will get you through.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Get me out of this season...

My prayer:

I want change but only if it is in your will. I don't like the season I am in but I know from experience if I rush to get out of it, I will have to start over somewhere else until the purpose of the season is accomplished. So, while I an really tired of the season I am in, the one thing I absolutely do NOT want to do is something that will make it longer. 

So, as always God, I pray your will be done. And, if it is in your will to move me out of this season...WOOHOO!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Seasons may last longer or shorter but the one thing they never do is last forever. The one promise I can always give you is, this too shall pass. 

Know that, remember that, and remember that I will not leave you. I will not forsake you. I will love you now and forever and I will never leave you behind. 

A season is just that, a season and by definition, it is temporary. 

I love you.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Tunnel vision...

My prayer:

Today was quite a puzzle God. I feel a bit like an observer of my own life right now. Things are so crazy, it doesn't seem possible that I am a participant. So I observe, try to react appropriately, then walk away a bit confused and not knowing if things are better or worse. 

But, I am trusting you. I do know that you will work it all out for my good. I have been through enough roller coaster seasons to know that you are with me and in the end, we will find the place of peace again. In the meantime, I will hang onto you and pray for the best resolution of it all.

Thank you. I love you so much!

What God Said Tonight:

Tunnel vision. The people around you are seeing the world through tunnel vision. They can't see beyond their own immediate need. 

This is sad and not good or beneficial, but it is also temporary. They have blinders on that only allow them to see their own need. You, keep your eyes open, looking for people to bless. You make sure your vision is clear. You will be a example for people to follow as they take off their blinders and remember there is a whole world of people out here waiting to love them. 

I love you, now and forever my love.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Trust God in everything...

My prayer:

I am not sure what to talk about tonight God. Today was odd. Not bad, not good, but odd. It has left me feeling just a bit on edge. It has me wondering what is going to happen next. 

My prayer is the same as always, your will be done God. I will trust in you.

What God Said Tonight:

There was a common theme in today, you just have not yet seen it. There is a logic to your reality but you can't always understand it. 

I can teach you much but the most important thing I can teach you is to trust me. Trust that I know what is gong on even when it does not seem to make sense. Trust that I am omnipotent and I will turn all things for your good. Trust that even in the confusion, I am not confused and I will make a straight path for you to walk. 

I love you now and forever.

Saturday, December 1, 2018


My prayer:

Awesome God, I pray and ask for physical healing tonight. Thank you for healing me by the stripes you took. 

When I think of the pain you suffered, of an intensity I cannot begin to imagine, I wish that you had not had to endure it. Then, on nights like tonight when I need that healing or when someone I love is in need, I am so very grateful that you did. 

Awesome God, I claim the healing that you bought for my sake, in the name of Yeshua.

What God Said Tonight:

Stone is not as permanent as you think. Neither is life or death. I have never known a building to outlast time. I have never known a life to outlast death, except for my son. 

There is so much pain and suffering in this world. It was not my plan. I had a plan of peace, joy, and fellowship. The plan was corrupted and with it came sickness. 

My plan now is to obliterate sickness with the rest of the evil in this world today. I will see a new earth and a new heaven. I will see my original plan in place and shining in my glory. 

I love you my child and the healing is yours. Now and forever.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


My prayer:

I survived the roller coaster of this week! Thank you for strength, guidance, and peace in the midst of chaos. You are my rock and my strong tower. LOVE YOU DADDY!

What God Said Tonight:

Is there anything we can't handle? Is there anything we can't face?

With me on your side, there is no obstacle big enough, no challenge hard enough and no barrier high enough to keep you from my promises for you. I am yours and you are mine, now and forever my love. 
