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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Pass it on...

My prayer:

Thank you God for the opportunity to be a blessing today. One of my most favorite things is when I can truly help someone. Not just a gesture but do something that really matters. Thanks for showing me a way to that today.

Love you.

What God Said Tonight:

Broken hearts are not less capable of love and generosity. Something about the breaking gives the person a greater capacity for love and compassion. Not always right away but eventually and once there, it is enduring. No one knows better the power of a helping hand than the person who desperately needed that help in the past. 

The "Pass it on" movement, there was something that reflected the best of humans., You receive help, you receive love and then you pass that on to everyone around you. That is the original example of going viral. 

Get this love out to the world. Get my love out to the world. Let it spread like wildfire. I love you, pass it on.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Stumble, fall, recover...

My prayer:

I am very grateful God, you are lifting the darkness. Thank you from the bottom of my soul. I could breathe today and it felt amazing.

My prayer tonight is for my dear friend. You know the situation. She needs a way out. She needs favor. She needs you God like never before. I lift her up to you God. Have your way in her life.

What God Said Tonight:

Walking this road of life, you will stumble, you will make wrong decisions, you will act in ways that you will regret. 

What I can promise you is that I will never leave you. What I can promise you is that I will always turn it for your good. What I can promise you is that I will always bring you through. 

I have the answer for every mistake you make. My blood covers you, now and forever.  My grace is sufficient.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Bringing you through...

My prayer:

I pray for your will God. Nothing more and nothing less.

What God Said Tonight:

I am bringing you out. I am bringing you through. 

There is more path to travel and more challenges to endure but I am bringing you through. We have been through so much together, now is not the end. There is more. There is more joy, there is more purpose. 

Hang on and we will get there together.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Blinded by the light...

My prayer:

Have I missed the point God? In all of my logical choices over the years, did I miss the point? When did I decide that following my heart was the wrong way to go? How have I ended up with a life devoid of purpose and passion? That was never the plan. But, here I am. Now what?

What God Said Tonight:

I have much to say but I will say it with very few words. 

Your life has purpose, it is me. I am the center and purpose of your life. Saying your life is without purpose and passion is a denial of the truth. 

The truth is you do not recognize the impact your life has on others. The truth is that you have more to do on this earth. The truth is I love you more than you will ever know and that is the love story of your life. 

Look at yourself through my eyes for just a moment. You will be blinded by the light reflecting off of you. Let that same light give you the passion and the fire to move on.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Life with God...

My prayer:

I don't have anything to talk about tonight God but I am always ready to listen. What is on your heart?

What God Said Tonight:

I await your answer. I have called. What do you say? It is not a requirement but it is a request, I have saved you. What I am talking about now goes beyond that. 

My offer now is a life with me. Not just a life after death with me but a life with me, here and now. I am with you forever. I will always be here. But, if you want, we can live life together now like we will one day in heaven. No barriers. No road blocks. Just you and me. 

What is your answer?

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Find the joy...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I pray for your help and guidance, most of all your will in my life. I ask for a few days of joy and rest before I have to jump back into the battle. 

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Each day has gifts within it. Don't forget to pick them up and enjoy them. I promise you, I will put joy in every day. Make it your mission to seek it out. Make it your goal to find the joy. 

I love you my daughter and I am with you now and forever. This battle is not yours. It really isn't, even though you are on the front line. I will fight it for you. You, look for the joy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Maturity and choices...

My prayer:

I am trying to switch it up God. Trying new things, new perspectives. Not because I think I can really make a difference but because if I don't do anything, well, I don't think I can keep doing nothing. The season is too long to wait out and do nothing. 

So, please know, I am not making the changes to take control. I am not making changes because I don't trust you. I am making changes because I am tired of not making changes. 

I don't know if this is right or wrong. I don't know how it will turn out. I do know that above and beyond anything I think and do, I pray your will is done, in everything.

I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

Changes are not an issue. I never want you to be my puppet. I only want you to be my child. To grow in my love. To know that I am your strong tower and your safety net. I am your Father who takes care of you no matter what. 

That does not mean that you can't make choices and changes, take risks. It means you can and I will be there with you in all of it. 

Obedience is no longer an issue for you. Authority is no longer an issue for you. You have grown your way through those. You are now in a time, where your maturity, the maturity that you have earned, can guide your choices. 

In that maturity, you seek me and my will and I will show you. I will speak, but only when needed. Your choices will guide you in this season. My will shall be your light, your vision for the future but your choices will guide you. 

I love you, now and forever.