My prayer:
Wonderful teacher. I am pretty excited about the fresh viewpoint you have been giving me while reading your word. I am seeing things I have never seen before and learning things about you that I did not know.
Keep teaching me. Keep showing me the core truth. Keep showing me, you. I love getting to know you better and I love all the different ways you show yourself to me.
What God Said Tonight:
Part of learning is unlearning.
Sometimes, you have heard things so many times that you believe they are truth but they are just things that have been repeated many times by many people.
The truth shines through. You have me in you and I will light up the truth for you to see.
I want you to know me better. I want you to know the truth, in all things, that you are not deceived.
The truth is the light that eliminates darkness. The truth is your weapon. I love you.