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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012


My prayer:

Thank you God! I love my new car and I have total peace about getting it. Thank you for your favor. Thank you for the opportunity to share you with the guys at the dealership. Thank you for everything!!! 

I love you so much God. What is on your mind tonight? Anything you want to talk about...I am here.

What God Said Tonight:

We are partying in heaven tonight! There were people all over the world today who chose to live for me and have been saved for eternity! 

That is what gets me excited. That is what starts a party here in heaven! Angels are singing. We are dancing. We are celebrating and calling out the names of the new brothers and sisters. Come on in and join in the party! There is nothing better than this! People who were cursed are now blessed!!! 

Keep sharing what you know about me. Keep telling people how great it is to live for me. Keep it up!! It makes all the difference in the world. It is life saving and just makes me SO HAPPY!!! I love you daughter. Keep up the good work and don't get weary. There are so many more that need to hear and understand.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tell me what to do...

My prayer:

All knowing God, I need wisdom tonight. I need to know what the right decision is. This is a decision where this is no specific guidance from your word. I don't think there is a "right" or "wrong" choice; but if I could see how they would each turn out, I bet one decision would be better than the other. I want to make the best choice God and logic is not working. Tell me what I should do? Thank you Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit.

What God Said Tonight:

Tell you what to do? That is an unusual request coming from you. My children usually are angry when they are "told what to do" and rebel. 

The fact is I have blessed you and have given you a brain just for times  like this. You are right, there is no right or wrong decision here but there are natural consequences to your decision, most of which you can imagine. 

Make a choice on what you are willing to risk. I love you and I have provided a possibility for you that was a desire of your heart. You make the choice. 

Think of whether the result of the choice will rule you or whether you will rule it. When you have the thing you think you want, will it be a good thing for you, for your character or a bad thing? Will it bring you closer to me and who I have destined you to be or father away. Those are the important questions. 

I love you daughter and I trust you. Make the choice that is most right for you and I will pave the way. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Covered in gold...

My prayer:

All knowing God. You taught me so much today! THANK YOU! Thank you for the new knowledge and thank you for the reminders of things that I already knew but had forgotten. Thank you for reminding me of who I am and what I should be spending my time and effort on. I lvoe you God and I will do my best to remember and follow all that you have taught me today.

What God Said Tonight:

I am decorating you with gold my daughter. I want you to see what I am doing. I am painting you with beautiful gold designs. I have a purpose for this. It is a symbol of your station as a priest. But, it is also a natural expression of my love for you and the beauty that lives in you. 

You are precious to me. My children are all so precious to me. I will protect you and teach you. I will guide you all the days of your life. But, I will also decorate you. I will recognize you as my child in front of the world. I will make sure that they understand the privilege that comes with that recognition. 

You are beautiful and you are being covered in my gold. You will shine for the world.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Light a new fire...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I almost don't want to pray tonight because I am afraid I will just end up whining about things that don't even matter. I think tonight is one of those nights where I should keep my mouth shut and listen to you. What is on your mind God? What do you want to talk about?

What God Said Tonight:

Do not get tired in well doing. Remember me telling you that? I mean it. Keep the fire the zeal for me burning in you. I know that sometimes it seems like too much but it isn't and I will always help you. 

I am going to light a new fire within you. I am going to stir up the coals that have been burning down. I am going to raise you up to feel the air whip up the flames. You use to be white hot for me. I need that back in you. 

Do not forget your first love. I am right here and I am ready when you are.

Friday, July 13, 2012


My prayer:

Amazing God. Life with you is so good. I don't feel like I have the right to complain. And, I don't. But there are days like today where I am down right cranky, irritable, annoying, (fill in your own description) and I hate it. I hate being around me when I get like this. 

It is getting better. I made a choice that I was not going to stay in that dark place and it is getting better but I could sure use some help. I could sure use a reminder of what matters. I love you God. Thank you for always being there for me. 

What God Said Tonight:

You know I gave you a way to encourage yourself when you get that way. You remember King David? He was good at encouraging himself. He always turned back to my word and reminded himself of what was his. 

His life was less than perfect. he had incredible struggles and tragedies (most were a lot worse than the bad traffic you let get you tied up today). But, he always turned back to what I had told him and he remembered what was important 

You can do the same thing. It is even easier for you. It is written in so many formats. Don't forget my word. Don't forget to study my word every day. There are nuggets of joy, nuggets of wisdom, nuggets of solutions, nuggets of peace all throughout it and if you are not in it everyday, you will forget. Do not forget. 

If you lose my word in your life you will be like a boat without an anchor and will drift away. Keep anchored to my word and my promises and you will be safe.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Leaning on God...

My prayer:

I am tired but at peace tonight God. I am here if you have anything you want to talk about. I am ready to listen. 

I love you so very much and cannot, will not, imagine my life without you. Or, imagine my death without you.

What God Said Tonight:

I am looking for someone who is willing to spend some private, quiet time with me tonight. I don't need a lot of fanfare or a big production. I just need someone willing to get quiet with me. I want someone who wants to dwell with me tonight. I want someone who doesn't need to make a show of it but truly just wants to be with me. 

If that is you, if you are willing, come now and let us be quiet together...lay your head against me and rest. I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. I will always love you. I will always be there for you. I am constant and I can be trusted with everything that you are concerned about. 

You don't have to be a part of the mess anymore. Let go. Let go and follow me. You will see that it is a much easier path than what you think it will be. Lean on me...please. I want you to. You are not a burden to me. You are the love of my heart and the apple of my eye. Please, lean on me and let me take it from here.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Keep learning...

My prayer:

All knowing God. Thank you for new wisdom and insight tonight. J in group tonight talking about how most of our disappointments in life are a result of us having unfair expectations of the people around us was a great revelation. Who am I to expect anyone to do things the way I want them to? 

I love when  you teach me things. Once you teach me, it seems so obvious. Thank you for putting people around me who know stuff I don't yet. Thank you for surrounding me with people who love me enough to teach me what they know. Thank you God for wisdom and for answers.

What God Said Tonight:

I have so much I can teach you. The amount of wisdom and knowledge available is as vast as the sand is in the desert. The landscape for learning goes farther than you can see. 

I will always be available to teach you as long as you are available to learn. When you find yourself feeling stagnant and not growing, it is likely because you have stopped being willing to learn. You  are yet being formed into my image. You are yet learning to be like me. 

I will teach you but I will never force you. Come to each day as if it were a class and be ready to learn. Your life is your class, your text is my Word, your test is eternal. I love you daughter. Keep learning.