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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, June 30, 2017


My prayer:

There are some struggles I can understand. I may not like going through them, but I can understand why they are there. I can understand how good can come out of them. Somehow, that makes it easier than the struggles that just go on and on and nothing seems to make it better. Those are the ones that seem so senseless and are so hard to get through. 

God give me strength, peace, direction and if you are willing, give me understanding of this struggle. And, as soon as you are ready, please give me relief and complete healing.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

NO struggle is ever wasted. The long ones, in particular, are the ones that teach you things about yourself and about me. They are the ones that have you seeking me at midnight and searching out deeper truths. 

I don't mean to make light of it. The pain is very real. The suffering is not something I would ever choose for you. But, in this world, you will have trials, tribulation, suffering. I am working on changing that. Soon there will be a new heaven and a new earth where those truths no longer apply. But, for as long as we are in this world, you will have my help, my strength, my peace and my deliverance. 

Even when you think I have forgotten your suffering, I won't let you down. I feel every hurt and every struggle as deeply as you. I took them on for you. I will never forget and I will never turn my back on you. See how I work it all for your good. Always and forever my love.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

More blessed...

My prayer:

Today sure turned out better than I was expecting it to. THANK YOU JESUS! As you know, I was kind of dreading it and spent a fair amount of time this morning asking for your help. And you really showed up God. Not in the way I expected, but as always in a way that was even better. 

That is one of the joys of living this life with you. Just when I think all is lost, you show up and show me new life and new hope from a totally unexpected direction! Thank you thank you thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

A house is a palace to a man who is living on the street. Much of life and the experience of life is related to your perception. 

I have great things for you. Things that others will look at and say, "Wow! Look how blessed she is!!!" But, for you, it will be just the next step in the process and it will be harder to see the true magnificence of it. 

Once in a while, take a step back from your life and from yourself and imagine what it looks like to others. I bet you will find that you are more blessed than you ever realized. 

I love you.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


My prayer:

Wisdom and guidance God. I need it more now than ever before. I am feeling that extreme uncomfortableness that proceeds great change but I have no idea what the change should be. 

I only want your will for my life. I don't want to chase rainbows that take me away from your plan. 

I am yours. I am all yours. Show me what is next. Show me when to move. I will follow your lead. Please lead me.

What God Said Tonight:

Dawn is different. The start of a new thing is seldom something that happens all at once. It is usually gradual like the sun coming over the horizon. You first see a shaft of light, then a bit more, then a bit more and before you know it, the sky is ablaze with light. You don't think about making dawn happen. It is there and before you know it, you are in a new day. 

I don't need you to do much. The change is coming and you will see the path. It will be obvious. What you can do in the mean time is remember your passion. Remember all of the things you said you would do. Remember every lost dream and give them life again. 

I will bring you some unexpectedies in this season. I will bring you some opportunities that speak to the dreams of your youth. Long forgotten in your mind but still present in your heart. I love you.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Walking away...

My prayer:

Thank you for healing me! Thank you for the surprise gifts today too!! You are so wonderful God. You make life worth living. I know each day has its struggles but I am SO GRATEFUL I don't have to face them alone, without you. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't want to try.

What God Said Tonight:

Walking away from something is never easy but walking toward something is almost always exciting. Live a life of walking toward your next adventure, blessing, challenge, joy. 

I will lead you. 

But never get stuck holding onto the things that don't let you move forward. There is death in that. There is life in letting go and moving forward. 

I love you and we have many more adventures to make.

Sunday, June 25, 2017


My prayer:

I need your healing power tonight God. If there is something to learn with it too, fantastic. I am open and listening. But, I really need your healing too. Thank you for taking our sickness. Thank you for the gift of healing. 

I bind any evil and it's attachments and cast them to the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ. God, kill this thing at the root. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so there no room for them to return. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

Healing is yours. Restoration is yours. Manifestation is yours. Wholeness is yours. 

I love you and I will restore you, now.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The wave of love...

My prayer:

Awesome God. It sure seems like there is a lot more opposition to you these days. Tonight's broadcast, that was the first time we had people actually trying to start problems. How can people be against you? You are love. How can people be against love? 

I know it is not that simple and I know a lot of people have been hurt by people doing things "in your name." I hate that we are not better reflections of your love so people can see you more clearly. 

I guess that is my prayer God. I pray that a new revelation of your love be launched tonight. Let a wave of your love cover the world. Let people who have never known you love, experience it for the first time. Let people who know you love get a fresh revelation of it. 

Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

Love, like a flood, being poured out on the world. I will show my love in every corner and to every person. It is up to them to receive it, but I promise to you tonight, I will show them. 

I love you sweet child. Ride the wave of love.

Friday, June 23, 2017


My prayer:

I love you. I am grateful for you. I need you. I worship you. Now and forever God.

What God Said Tonight:

Waiting through the storm is never fun but you can find ways to wait with joy. A storm is a great excuse to hibernate with a good book. A storm is a great excuse to cozy up with a fire. A storm, while noisy and frightening, can bring a lot of good as well. 

The same is true of storms in your life. They are loud and frightening but if you wait them out, they will bring growth and joy to your life. I am with you in every storm.  I will not let it destroy you. Wait out the storm with me and let's see what the sun brings. 

I love you, now and forever.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


My prayer:

I still feel like I am missing something important God. I now I keep bringing variations of this same theme to you. And you have been great, trying to help me refocus on what is important. But, truth is, I can only do it for short periods of time and then I am right back here, feeling like something is missing and that my life is missing purpose. 

I don't know what I need but I know I can't do it myself. I ask for your help, again, Lord.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I don't expect you to heal yourself. I took stripes on my back for your healing. I don't expect you to know and implement the answers to life's problems on your own. Then, you would not need me. 

There are a couple of triggers that take you back to the place of disappointment. Disappointment in yourself, in the world, in life. Those triggers are not fully obvious to you. My mandate and my will is that those areas in you be healed. 

As you open up to that healing, as you receive it, you will see new doors and you will lose the hole in your spirit. It is time.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Grace, love, peace...

My prayer:

Found myself doing those things that I hate today God. 

My attitude was not good, my words were not good, the way I treated at least some people, was also, not good. I am sorry that I did not do a better job with this day. 

I ask for your healing, your grace and your love to be fully present in me tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

Grace, my grace is not something that runs out. My grace is yours. I bought it with my blood and I give it to you freely. It is yours, now and forever.

My love, that was yours before you were born. You were created from my love and for my love. It is deeply rooted in you and will never be separated. 

My peace, that is a gift I can give you tonight. Rest in the peace that I am God and I can turn all things for your good. Even the things that you mess up. 

I love you daughter. Now and forever.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Life is hard...

My prayer:

What an amazing gift you gave me tonight God! Thank you for that amazing encouragement and confirmation. It was so unexpected. I wasn't even looking for it but you plopped it down right in front of me. You are so good, kind, and generous! You give me what I need even when I don't realize I need it. You are a GOOD GOOD GOD!

What God Said Tonight:

It is not up to you to change the world. I am already working on that. It is up to you to love people through it. 

Somewhere, some people got an idea that having me in your life simplifies life. I am here to say that is unequivocally not true. 

Life is hard for everyone. No one gets a free ride, no matter what. As long as there is sin earth, death has a stronghold.

I don't make your life easy but I do make your life worth it. I will give you joy and peace in the middle of the chaos. I will see you safe all the days of your life. 

Sunday, June 18, 2017


My prayer:

Today was a great day God but for some reason tonight I am feeling discouraged and purposeless. Maybe it is just the Sunday night blues. Monday is not looking real attractive right now. But who knows what tomorrow will bring. You might have some great surprises. You sure had a lot of them last week. 

I pray and ask for your direction, you guidance and your fire in me God.

What God Said Tonight:

Purpose. Your purpose on this earth is pretty straightforward. You are to reflect me and my love. Where you work, what you do is really secondary to that. 

Focus all your effort on reflecting my love and being the physical representation of my love here on earth. Do that and all the rest will fall into place. 

Study my love. Receive my love. Then, give it away, to everyone. Especially to those who don't know me. Spread my love and you will be in your perfect purpose. 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Holy warrior...

My prayer:

Thank you for your healing power God. Thank you particularly for healing me tonight. 

Thank you for the insight on what has been happening. I feel like I understand the one aspect but it seems like there is a lot more. The massive influx of cancer for example. It is everywhere I turn right now. I pray for wisdom and I pray for your healing to overwhelm the influx. 

I love you. You are my healer.

What God Said Tonight:

You have been in the dessert for a long time. There is something coming that is casting a shadow. The shadow is ominous but it can't hurt you. 

I am your protection. I am your weapon. I will fight against the attacks on you and your life, your family and your friends. A Holy warrior wave is on it's way. The time to fight is near. 

I won't need your help but I will need your trust. 

I love you sweet daughter.

Friday, June 16, 2017

In heaven...

My prayer:

Sweet and amazing Father. I am enjoying your  presence tonight. I am enjoying your peace. I am enjoying your love. There is really nothing better than sitting in your presence and love. Everything else fades away. The worries, the pain, the needs, none of it matters when I can sit in the presence of the Most High God. 

We are headed into Father's Day weekend and I would ask you to give my Dad an extra hug. This will be the first Father Day that he is in heaven with you. Keep him close and loved.

What God Said Tonight:

I have love and comfort for you on earth. How much more do you think there is in heaven? Heaven is a place where blessing and miracles are a standard part of every day. When you pray, "on earth as it is in heaven" you are releasing that love, blessing and healing her on earth. 

I love you. I love your Dad. I got him.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Chaos blow out...

My prayer:

Another day of surprises God but today, I honestly did not let it worry me at all. I had that crazy peace that you provide. I had that deep assurance that no matter what was going on, you are on my side and you will take care of me in the middle of it. 

Thank you for all of the guidance the last couple of days too! I apologize for not listening a few times but I got the hang of it after a while!

What would I do without you?

What God Said Tonight:

This is not the end. It is a beginning. It is a new day. It is a door. 

You see the chaos and you think the end is here. The chaos is blowing in the new day. The old must be blown out to make room for the new. Your life is, and always has been, full. I can't wedge in more without blowing some things out. 

I love you and I am with you, now and forever. My plan for you is glorious and so beautiful! 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

At the mercy of strangers...

My prayer:

I do not know where we are headed God. Each day unfolds a little differently than I expect. It is exciting but a bit frightening as well. Where is all of this going to end up? 

I would like to make a courageous move that I look back on and I am proud of. Or, if I choose to stay where I am at, I would hope that there is greater success and purpose than what I have seen. What I fear is that I will not have the courage to make a move and I end up in a worse situation that I have no control over. You know how I hate any shadow of being a victim. I really can't stand it. 

God, I know you have everything under control. Just because I don't know the answers, does not mean that you don't. I pray your perfect will is done in my life and in this situation.

What God Said Tonight:

That is just not going to happen. You are my child and I am in charge of your life. I will not allow you to be penniless and at the mercy of any stranger walking by. I have supported and provided for you all of these years. Why would I stop?

It is my great pleasure to see you prosper, to watch you grow. This is another season coming to an end. Trust me to work it all for your God. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Every doubt, every hope...

My prayer:

Today was sure different from what I expected. Not really good or bad, just different. Sitting here at the end of the day just generally drained. 

I have nothing interesting to say. Nothing interesting to ask. But, I can listen. You always have something good to say.

What God Said Tonight:

There is little left to do. There is little left to say. 

The season is changing and so many things will soon be clear. You have struggled to understand the purpose and the meaning behind this season of waiting. You have struggled with the assurance that it is in my will and my timing. 

All of it, every doubt, every hope will be explained and made clear. I never act without a reason and I never move without a cause. 

i am yours now and forever.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Speed of life...

My prayer:

What a truly beautiful day God. Thank you. I loved every minute of it. 

Tomorrow it is back to work and it is a long week. I will need your help. Well, I always need your help and you are always willing to help so it all works out. 

Having you in my life is just profoundly wonderful on so many levels. It doesn't mean everything in life goes perfectly. It does mean that no matter what happens, good or bad, I know you are there with me in it and you will take care of it. That is profoundly wonderful.

What God Said Tonight:

Life is shooting by at record speed right now. But don't let that frighten you. Even the speed of life is part and parcel to my plans. 

I needed to speed some things up. Time is short and my Kingdom is at hand. 

Pandemonium seems uncontrolled but I can use even that. 

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Love Love Love...

My prayer:

Worshiping at the throne tonight God. Joining the angels in praise and worship of you. Joining my voice and my spirit with those at your feet. Celebrating your presence. Loving your love. You are my everything. You are my everything. YOU are my EVERYTHING!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Love. Love. Love. 

I wrap you in my love. I cover you in my love. I heal you in my love. I raise you up with my love. 

My love is your way forward. It is your purpose. It is the reason for getting out of bed. 

My love will sustain you, now and forever. My love will never leave you. Now and forever my love. Now and for ever.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Health and healing...

My prayer:

Thank you for hearing all of the prayers throughout this day. Thank you for your healing power. 

I love a lot of different things about you God but I have to say, one of my favorites is your healing power and the divine health that you give to us freely. I am certain, when I am done living on this earth, your gift of salvation will probably be at the top of things I am most grateful for. But, now, in this life, there are few things that match being healed when you are sick or living a life of divine health. Whether you are healing me or someone else, the power, the freedom and the joy of your healing is beyond words. 

Thank you for being our healer.

What God Said Tonight:

Healing is the gift for the wounded and health is the gift for the children. 

I am your healer. I will heal you when you are broken. But what is greater is when I give you health and wholeness not as a reaction to hurt and illness but as a freely given gift so that you can be and achieve all that your heart desires. 

The miracle of health is less obvious but it is the greater gift. 

I love you.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Time enough...

My prayer:

Everything I start to write tonight just sounds like whining so maybe I should stop and listen. I am confident that what you have to say is a lot better than listening to my whining.

What God Said Tonight:

There is time enough for everything. I promise. I am in charge of time and I will make time for every last thing that you are called to. 

When you feel that pressure, rest and remember that I am in charge. I can add time. I can take time away. You have seen me do it so many times. 

Time is not the solid, static thing that you think it is. It is my promise that you will have all the days that I intended for you to do things I have called you too. I love you

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

See you...

My prayer:

I am amazed that I made it through this day God. Thank you for your strength and your help. Tonight, I don't need anything but to hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

Just you and I, here, now there is peace, there is great love, there is trust and there is rest. I am with you and in you and I will see you do great things. 

I will see you choose me when it is easier and more popular to choose someone and something else. I will see your quiet determination to speak your mind and hold up honesty to the world. I will see you challenge  the status quo and say the unpopular thing for the purpose of right. I will see you love, deeply and without fear. 

I love you and I can't wait to see it all.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Thin line of trust...

My prayer:

I was really just 'going through the motions' today God. One foot in front of the other, doing what was expected with little to no passion. Ugh! There were a few bright spots. I loved the pelican from tonight. But mostly, going through the motions.

I am ready for purpose and fire back in my life. I know this was a season for healing and rest and I really appreciate all that you have done for me. But, am I healed enough that we can go do some stuff again? 

I miss praying for people and watching you heal them. I miss the truckloads of clothes coming to us so we can give them out to people who need them. I miss feeling like I am making a difference in people's lives in a tangible way. 

Is it time? Can we get back out there?

What God Said Tonight:

Everything has a time and a season but the seasons are separated by a thin line of trust. Do you trust me in all things? Are you confident that no matter what happens, you will not turn your back on me? 

I need that assurance from you. No act of ministry is worth losing your soul. I enjoy ministering with you. I enjoy seeing people healed more than you do. But their healing is not worth your soul. 

Before we go back out, I need that line of trust to be unbreakable. I will never turn my back on you. I need you to know the same is true for you. 

Don't force it. The time and the trust will come naturally if you let it. But it has to be in firm foundation before we move on. We are going into dark places that need which will take all of your strength and all of your trust. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Shared inheritance...

My prayer:

Today was pretty wonderful God. Thank you for the beauty and the rest and the fun. Days like today remind me that life can be really wonderful even though it can also be really hard. 

I always thought life got easier as you got older. I don't know why but I really did believe that. I was wrong. The challenges change but they don't get easier. 

I pray for your help for a new week. Guide me, strengthen me, help me to be a right reflection of you. I ask in the name of Yeshua Christ.

What God Said Tonight:

I don't need to tell you what you already know. I don't need to teach you what you  have already learned. 

So, I will just say, walk with me in great halls of heaven. Share with me the inheritance of he first son. Recognize your place your privilege, and don't let circumstances confuse you. 

Remember who you are in me. 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Good gifts vs. bait...

My prayer:

Following your will does not always make sense and it is not always easy. It is always best. I know that from years of experience but it is often not very logical. I guess if it was logical, I wouldn't need you to guide me. I could just figure it out myself. 

So, if I think about it that way, your will be illogical and requiring me to really seek you out, brings us closer together. And you have always told me that anything that brings us closer together is good. So, your will being illogical is good. 

See, I will find a way to weave in logic, even in an illogical situation! :)

Thanks for putting up with me God and thank you for your guidance. I love you like crazy.

What God Said Tonight:

My will is nothing more than your best path for being blessed. It is just that sometimes the blessing I want to give you is different than the blessing you have your eye on. 

My gifts are good gifts that will build you up, not harm you. Sometimes the blessing right in front of you is actually more like bait waiting to destroy you. If I redirect you from it, I promise it is for your good. 

I will deny you no good thing. Just remember what "good" means.

I love you.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Rest and trust...

My prayer:

What an interesting path I am suddenly on God. I might be worried if I wasn't so convinced you are in charge of my life and you have a plan. It is quite wonderful to have that assurance. Thank you for being so amazing!

What God Said Tonight:

It is time to rest. Time to turn off the thoughts and rest in my Spirit. I have the rest of it under control. 

Your job now is to rest and trust. Enjoy. 

I have some fun surprises for you this weekend. I have some plans that you will love. 

Rest in my love, in my arms, in my Spirit. I love you so very much.