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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, November 8, 2015

God of multiplication...

My prayer:

My thoughts are a bit scattered tonight God but they all center around love and friendship. True friendship and love is so profoundly valuable. It really means more than anything else, except for my relationship with you, which is really the example of ultimate love and friendship.

God, thank you for true love and friendship in my life. Please make me a better friend to the people you have put in my life. Please continue to teach me how to truly love and be a true friend.

What God Said Tonight:

I have the power of multiplication but it always starts with something. I can multiply anything you do. I can multiply anything about you. I need you to give me something to start with. It is like the fishes and the loaves story. I multiplied the food to feed thousands, but I needed something to start from.

It is not that I can't create it from scratch. I am the God of all creation. I can and have created things from scratch. But, when I do, you have less appreciation for them. My children appreciate what they have more if they gave up something to get it.

The idea of sacrifice is real but it is not exactly like you think it is. Your sacrifice is brief and transient. You give me what you have, what you want multiplied, and I will multiply it. I won't take it and run. I will bring it back to you multiplied.

Never be concerned for loss in your life. I am the God of restoration. Never be concerned about what you give up to me, I will multiply it back. I am yours and you are mine forever.

Friday, November 6, 2015

See the good aorund you...

My prayer:

I love you God. Thank you for today. I feel a little spoiled. You are an awesome daddy! I thank you and trust you to guide and direct my life.

What God Said Tonight:

Great things are happening here and around the world. Many great things. Many breakthroughs, many healings many celebrations.

It is easy to get caught up in the reports of evil. It is easy to think that good has left this world. But, that is not true.

This world is the home of my creation and it will live again in the state that I intended it to. And, you will live in it as I intended you too.

I have great dreams of walking in the garden with you. I will see you there someday. In the meantime, see the good around you. Don't get overwhelmed by evil but look to and focus on the good. I love you.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


My prayer:

Too tired to talk but never to tired to listen to you God. What is on your heart tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Do you feel the barrier? Do you feel the pressure as you brace yourself against the thing that is holding you back?

There is great tension in the experience of pressing up against barriers. One of two things happens...well, one of three things happens. You either give up, get crushed, or break through to the other side.

I am on your side. With me on your side, what do you think will happen? I will bring you to your breakthrough. I will not see you crushed. Just, don't give up, please.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Big plans...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I could use a little perspective tonight. I have been so focused on getting everything done that I have lost track of the big picture and purpose of life.

I ask for you help to see things from your viewpoint instead of my very limited viewpoint. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I have a big plan for your life. I have a greater purpose for you than you realize.

I am working out the steps, but, I am not in a rush. I have all eternity with you my sweet child. We can take our time in this marathon and get it right.

In the meantime, you keep doing what you are doing but do it with the realization that everything you do, everything that happens is part of what I am working out for your good. Even the smallest of things have purpose. It is my job to line them all up to benefit you.

I only ask from you your trust. I hope for your love. I appreciate your obedience.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

When life doesn't make sense...

My prayer:

Wiped out. This day took everything I had, and then a little more. I pray God for restoration tonight. Thank you for your divine health and healing in me. Thank you for your strength when mine wears out. Thank you for rest.

What God Said Tonight:

I was working hard on your behalf today. As much as you saw going on, there was so much more behind the scenes.

Don't ever forget that what you see is the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more reality that is outside of your sight. The spiritual battle that rages constantly is as real as the hair on your head. And its power reverberates into the natural world in unforeseen ways.

When life doesn't make sense, know that you don't have all the facts. I love you daughter and I am all yours.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Forgotten prayers...

My prayer:

Such amazing peace today God! Thank you!! It was not that things were peaceful. Things were crazy as ever today. But, all through the day I had your peace and it was wonderful.

I have told you lately how wonderful you are and how incredibly grateful I am for you? I can truly never tell you enough. I understand why the angels praise you all day, everyday for eternity. It is what you deserve. You are more wonderful than my words can say.

What God Said Tonight:

Your time has nearly come. There are things you have been waiting on that are so close.

That is part of the tension you have been feeling. You can sense that there is something right around the corner and you are right.

It is a matter of a little more time and then you will see. You will see what you have been waiting to see. You will have what you have wanted.

I have heard your prayers. Even the ones you prayed so long ago that you have forgotten them. I love you.

Sunday, November 1, 2015


My prayer:

God I ask for the deep down awareness that you will work everything out for my good. I pray for your peace. 


I am trying to trust you but I am experiencing fear. I am afraid of how things could turn out. I am afraid of this crazy and violent world we are living in. I am afraid of tomorrow. 


Experiencing fear is not something I normally have to deal with and when I do, I don't let anyone know about it. But, I need your help. I need your assurance. I need you tonight God.

What God Said Tonight:

Courage comes from moving forward in the face of fear. I am with you. I am always with you. Know that and walk anywhere with confidence.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Already in you...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am being faced with a lot of choices right now. I am remembering your advice from several nights ago about going with the choice that gives me peace, which is easier said than done. I also did not realize I would have a bunch of choices all at once. It is exciting and overwhelming all at once.

When it comes down to it God, my life is yours so whatever you want, that is what I want. Guide and direct me to the choices that are best for you.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

It is in you. The knowledge, the preparation, the choice, is already in you. Trust your instincts and follow your nose.

I am right here with you, now and forever.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Get quiet...

My prayer:

God, you are so awesome, wonderful, amazing and every other word that expresses greatness. I love that you are in my life. Thank you for perspective today. I am excited to hear what you have to say tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

There is a lot of noise in your life. Noise that sometimes drowns out what is important.

I ask that you take a bit more time to get quiet, away from the noise and the distractions. You can hear me better in the quiet. But even more, your soul needs the time to heal from the constant onslaught. Your soul needs times of quiet to restore.

I am yours and I am your peace. I will bring you peace in any environment. But, when you can, get quiet with me and restore your soul.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Partnering with God...

My prayer:

What a week God. Thanks for bringing me through it and giving me the strength and wisdom for each step and each decision. We just have one more day before Sabbath, and it shouldn't be too rough, especially with you on my side.

Sometimes, it feels like my life is an endurance game more than anything else. If I can just make it through, week, month, season, year... Not always. Sometimes life is full of joy and peace. Sometimes it is exciting and wonderful. But, sometimes, like this week, I am happy to have survived.

Thanks for making me a survivor God.

What God Said Tonight:

I partner with you in this life. I don't force you to one thing or another. I don't make you do what I want, but I do care and want to help.

So, I partner with you to face every challenge. I partner with you to give you strength when you need it. I partner with you to see you succeed. And, I celebrate who you are.

Bring me a long and I will always help. I love you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

God never runs out...

My prayer:

Some days feel like I am running a marathon, just to get through the day. Today was like that. But, you got me through, like always.

Thank you God for your strength and your endurance. I ran out of my own many hours ago but I got to rely on yours.

What God Said Tonight:

I am here for you to lean on, rely on, count on when you reach then end of your abilities.

That is what makes my kids so special. In a world that will try to take everything you have, I am here to make sure you never run out.

I am water when you are thirsty and strength when you are weak. I am what you need, when you need it and I will not let you down.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Don't let go...

My prayer:

God, I pray for the wisdom to know your path. I pray for the courage to follow your path. I pray for the grace and the love to bless people with every step. Help me to be everything that you planned for me to be.

What God Said Tonight:

I have news for you. I have never stopped leading you.

I have a plan and like all of my plans, it will be crystal clear in hindsight; but now, looking forward, it is nearly impossible to discern.

I have your hand. Follow me. Trust me. Walk in faith with me. Just don't let go and we will get there together.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

God is not giving up...

My prayer:

I really enjoyed this weekend with you God. Thank you for the surprises. Thank you for the love.

As we go into this next week, I have no idea what I will be facing but I am confident that you will guide me through it.

What God Said Tonight:

This week is yours to make of it what you will.

I will present opportunities and the enemy will present obstacles. I will present peace and he will present strife. I will give you love and he will give you deception.

Make choices to follow me and it will go more smoothly. Make choices to follow him and we will have to work it out later.

I am yours and you are mine when you make the right choices and when you mess up. You are all mine no matter what. I am not giving you up.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


My prayer:

What a wonderful day God. You are so good to me! I love all of the wonderful things you do for me. But, I love you because of who you are.

I love that you are unfailingly kind. I love that you are full of more mercy and grace than we deserve. I love that you are all powerful and all knowing, not just one or the other. I love that you are perfect love. I love that you teach me how to love by how you love me. I love that you are always there for me no matter how much I don't deserve for you to be. I love that you never change so I never have to worry if you will be there and still love me tomorrow. I love that no matter how long I have with you, I will never know all of you. That keeps it exciting.

I love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I have a crossroads coming up. One way will be the familiar way. It is a hard path but you know it and you know you have made it through in the past.

The new path is unknown. It might be harder and it might be easier. It might take you right to the end or it might take you on a wild goose chase.

Choose the path that you feel drawn to. Don't pick the path that fear tells you to pick. Don't pick the path that everyone is trying to convince you to take. Take that path that gives you peace as you near it it. Take the path that my Spirit is leading you toward.

You will not be disappointed.

Friday, October 23, 2015


My prayer:

You are mighty. Your are loving. You are powerful. You are kind. You are so generous. You are my protector You are my Father, my Lord, my Savior and my peace. I am yours, you are mine, forever

What God Said Tonight:

I have something to tell you. I have to find the time and the place to say it. It is not something bad. It is something quite good but you have to be prepared to receive it, to hear it.

You are very close to being ready. I see you growing, loving, healing every day and that is good. Good for you, good for me, good for the people around you.

It is also good to lay hold of you. If you have needs, anything you want to bring with you, get it fast because we are leaving. I have an army of angels waiting to meet you.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

God has you covered...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have been praying most of the day. I think maybe I should hush up and listen for awhile.

What God Said Tonight:

I have your prayers, your hopes, your dreams and your requests safely within my arms.

There is nothing that concerns you that does not concern me. Every need, every question, every concern that you have is of vital importance to me.

I love you so much. I care about the things you care about. I am listening. I have heard and I am on it. Rest knowing that I have you covered.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Inheritance of peace...

My prayer:

Awesome Father. I pray for your peace that passes all understanding tonight. My mind is racing and I am on edge.

I know part of it is my fault. Skipping exercise two days in a row is not good for me, physically or emotionally. I can fix that tomorrow but tonight,nothing but your peace is going to help.

God, I ask that you flood me with that peace of yours that is so wonderful, that wraps around me like a big fluffy blanket and let's me know that it is all going to be all right. That peace that does not rely on circumstances changing but is so powerful in itself that it changes me in the circumstance.

Thank you God.

What God Said Tonight:

My peace, I give to you. I am the Prince of Peace and you are my child. All that I have is yours.

Your inheritance is complete and not broken apart. Your inheritance is yours, now. I will not make you wait. I want you to have all that is yours, now.

I love you. Rest in my peace tonight.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Trust God through the changes...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I do not know what to make of today. Very confusing but definitely not boring. It appears that I am definitely in a season of change, which is great in most ways. But, this feeling of uncertainty has me a bit on edge.

You have been pretty clear, especially lately, that you have everything under control and I need to trust you.

I am consciously choosing to trust you in this and in everything God. I will relax into your arms as you guide me through the changes. I will rest in your path for me. I am excited to see what comes next.

What God Said Tonight:

Rest your mind but enjoy the excitement.
Trusting in me means you get to experience the joy of change without the anxiety. Trust in me allows you to be confident that the outcome is for your good while you enjoy the journey to get there.  Trust in me allows you to enjoy life without the worry of how it turns out.

I love you daughter. You are really going to love what this.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Opportunity and God's will...


My prayer:

Awesome Father. As you know, I was presented with a pretty amazing and frightening opportunity today.

If it is your will, if it is what you want me to do, I am happy to do it. If it is not, please let me know so I can avoid it. If there is a third, or fourth or...option, that you want me to take, that is ok too. God, I pray your will be done in my life.

It is easy to pray for your will in my life because experience has shown me that your will is awesome and amazing and always turns out to be better than I could hope for, at least in the end.

Thank you Father, Holy Spirit and Savior Jesus for your guidance and wisdom.

What God Said Tonight:

I am not a fortune teller but I do know the end from the beginning. I am you guide and your teacher. I am your Father who cares for you and takes care of you. I am your safety net in a world of danger.

This opportunity, like most opportunities can absolutely serve the will of my Kingdom. Whatever yo do, do it as you are doing it for me and that thing you do, becomes worship. That thing you do becomes blessed and a blessing.

I have challenges yet for you. This can be one if you want it.

I am here, my hand is on your elbow and I will guide you forward through the things that you cannot see. I will always be yours.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


My prayer:

Amazing Father. I ask that you show me the things I don't know yet and give me the knowledge and understanding that I need. I feel like I am flying blind a bit right now. Help me to see what I am blind to and hear what I am deaf to. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I have all the knowledge in the universe. There is nothing I don't know. I can give you wisdom and understanding, and I will, when you need it. But better still is when you trust that I know what you do not. Better yet is when you trust me to be your eyes and your ears.

 I am leading you in all your ways. I have never left you and I never will. These things are true. Trust. I won't let you down.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

God's healing power...

My prayer:

Mighty and awesome healing God. I claim your healing power in my life for me and those around me. I thank you God for making everything that is wrong, right. I thank you for replacing evil with good. I thank you for making me whole.

What God Said Tonight:

My healing power is in you. I realeased it to you when I walked the earth. Reach out and grab what is yours.