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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, August 5, 2017


My prayer:

I pray that your message and your love get out to the world even when we mess up the message. I pray that your purpose and your love get out to the world even when we get it wrong. 

As one of your imperfect kids, I have to know that you will make it right even when I get it wrong. Because I get it wrong a lot. 

What God Said Tonight:

A dream, a hope, a prayer for tomorrow is a feather on the wind. A prayer for today, for now, can have substance and strength. 

Let's look at this moment. Let's concern ourselves with this place in time. Tomorrow will always be there. I will take care of tomorrow. But, right now, right here, what is it that we need to do. Is there a hurt inside of you that needs healing? Is there a brokenness that needs mending. I am really good at that. 

Let's get you healed tonight. Let's see you made whole. 

I love you. Let me help you.

Friday, August 4, 2017

God's freedom...

What God Said Tonight:

I am pretty content tonight. No urgent needs, worries, requests. Just here to be with you and hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

A little faith and a lot of trust will get you through most anything. 

I am here, in you and in your life. That gives you freedom on many levels. It frees you from death. It frees you from worry. It frees you from guilt. The thing is, this freedom is available to you but you have to receive it. I won't force it on you. Your faith and belief in the freedom I provide has to be real and tangible in or life. When  it is, you can trust me and see the freedom I have for you loosed in your life and covering everything you do. 

My freedom is there for you. Do not cry and bang your fists on the floor in anguish. The fear, the depression, the lack of hope that the world lives with does not have to rule your life. You have me. Believe I will do what I have said I will do. Trust that I will be your God and take care of you and live in the freedom that I bought for you. 

I love you, now and forever.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

New season...

My prayer:

A week ago today, I had just been released from the hospital. That puts life in perspective! 

Thank you God for health, strength, recovery, and your love. You are truly wonderful and I am truly grateful.

What God Said Tonight:

A new day, a new season, a new challenge, a new blessing. Your new is here. Your break from the ordinary is before you. Your rut buster has arrived. The time for the old has past and the time to move into the new is here. 

Don't get stuck or stagnant holding onto an old season when a new season has arrived. The old season is comfortable. It may have even been fun. But if you don't let go, you can never see what I have for you next. You can never know the new joy I have for you. You will get stale and even the old that you love will grow cold and rotten. 

Don't resist this change. It is truly for your good.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A perfect ballet...

My prayer:

I am pretty worn out tonight God. Today was a bit rough. But, it definitely could have been worse! 

I ask for rest tonight God and help facing tomorrow with that hope and expectation you have been talking about.

What God Said Tonight:

Everything is coming together for your good. You may not see it yet. You can, if you look carefully. However, even if you can't see it, hear me and trust me that it is happening, now. 

You will see great wonders and stand in awe. I have set it in motion and am standing by you as it comes together. 

I love you and this is beautiful. Try to see it with me. Try to see the perfect blending of circumstances and timing to meet all of your needs. It is like a ballet. A perfect ballet. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


My prayer:

What a great day! Feeling strong and able to find joy throughout the day. Thank you for all of the reminders and opportunities to connect with people today. It was fun!

What God Said Tonight:

I will give you a picture or a phrase not to tease you and not to give you some kind of premonition. I give these things to you to feed your hope. 

Life cam be so hard. I know, I remember. Without hope, there is often no way to get through the day or even the hour. I am your hope and through me I will always find those flashes of hope to give you in the hard times and the good. 

Keep your eyes and ears open. Look for the light in the distance, the silver lining, the glimpse of what could be. I have placed hope all around you and within you. Seek it out and it will sustain you. 

I love you.

Monday, July 31, 2017


My prayer:

WOOHOO! We made it! Thank you for all of your help today God. I could not have done it without you. 

I am so grateful for you in my life. You make me so much better, stronger, kinder, smarter, and successful than I could ever be on my own. Being your kid has some pretty awesome benefits.

How was your day? What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

I am taking you on a journey that will go through deep tunnels and majestic peaks. You will look out at times and think, "This is so wonderful, I can't believe I am here." You will look out at other times and think, "This is so awful, I can't believe I am here."

Through it all, never lose sight that we are moving forward. Through it all, never lose site that I am driving the train and have a destination in mind. 

The journey seems to take up all of your awareness at times but remember there is a destination and a purpose to the trip. I love you.

Sunday, July 30, 2017


My prayer:

What an awesome day God. Thank you for the lives that you touched and the people you healed. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of seeing you wrap your love around people. Your anointing was so palpable. I absolutely loved it!

Tomorrow it is back to work. I pray for the strength and stamina to make it through the day without setting back the recovery at all. As you have done so many times before, as my strength wears out, yours comes in and gets me through. 

Have I told you lately how much I love you? You are my everything.

What God Said Tonight:

Each day is like the beach shortly after the tide has gone out. Everything is new. Some is expected. You always have sand and kelp. You always have some rocks and some shells. But sometimes the tide leaves big surprises as well. Some good, some rotten. 

Life is like this. Each day is new with some things expected and some that are not. Just because you have seen the tides of yesterday does not mean you know what the tide will leave for tomorrow. 

Remember to approach each day with he expectation of greatness. I am in you and when that is true, anything is possible. I love you and I have great surprises for you. Look to your new day with joy and expectation.