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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, April 13, 2015

God's future...

My prayer:

I don't know what to talk about tonight God.

Thanks for listening to all of the prayers throughout the day today. Thank you for always being there for us.

But, now, I think I just want to listen. I want to know what you are thinking about and what is important to you. What do you want God?

What God Said Tonight:

It is not hard to know what I want. To know what I am thinking about. I have only one goal, restoration of my children to me.

I started something a long time ago. It was good. Then, it was corrupted.

Now, through the new plan and our new covenant, it, our relationship, our universe can and will be stronger and better than ever.

You will see a day where my son reigns as King and there will be peace, everywhere. Not just peace within you but peace among you. There will be no need. Everyone will have everything they need. There will be no pain, no sickness, no sorrow. There will be no death.

I have such a clear picture of how wonderful it will be. And, everything I do is to get us to that time, that place, that existence.

I love you so much and the journey to get there is just as important as the destination. But, in this case, especially, the destination is really, very important too.

I love you sweet child. Rest knowing that I am working everything for your good.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


My prayer:

Mighty and wonderful God. Laying down everything tonight at your feet. Holding nothing back. Knowing you will take care of me and my life. Thank you for always knowing what is best for me. 

What God Said Tonight:

Sweet daughter. Your surrender is beautiful. Your trust makes me wholly content. 

I am always on your side. When you submit it all to me, I have more latitude to effect change. 

I am in you and I am with you. I will never leave you. Your life is completely covered and redeemed by me. It is no longer about what you do, it is about who you believe in. Your belief in me, who I am and what I have done, that is all that matters now and forever. 

I love you. Your next steps are going to be fun.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tangled roots...

My prayer:

Grateful for what I have. Confused about what I want. Content that my needs are met. Love you Abba!

What God Said Tonight:

Thanks for the summary update my child. While the simplicity of it is beautiful, the truth of what I see is a bit messier.

Your roots, the core of you and what makes up you, is in a tangled mess. Give your mess to me and I will arrange it. I will make order in chaos. I will bring peace where there is none. I am all yours and I will make this situation right if you give it to me.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Turning struggle into blessing...


My prayer:

Awesome God, I am so grateful that this week is in my rear view mirror! There were times when I was not sure I was going to make it to Sabbath and I am so tired, I can't even really put two thoughts together.

However, when I look at my week compared to the week that many of my friends had, I realize that mine was not so bad. There are a lot of people dealing with much tougher things than I am right now.

Thank you for getting us all through.

What God Said Tonight:

I have ways to use anything and everything for your good. I can turn things around so that the very thing that you thought was going to destroy you actually becomes your biggest blessing.

You see me do it all the time.

So, when you have a week like this, full of struggle and hard work, start to get excited. It just means I have more material to work with. More things that I can turn around to bless you.

Rejoice in me and watch me bless you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Buried things...

My prayer:

Amazing and wonderful God. I do not always understand what you are doing or why you are doing it, but in the end I am always grateful that you did it. 

Sometimes I feel like Peter, slicing off the soldier's ear in the Garden of Gethsemane thinking he is doing the right thing and protecting you, only to find out that he was getting in the way of what you and the Father wanted to happen.

God, forgive me for the times I have gotten in the way of your will. I ask for wisdom to know when what seems right to me is not in accordance with your will. God, I pray above everything else, that your will is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.

What God Said Tonight:

I am unearthing some things that have been buried for a very long time. I am bringing out things that have been hidden. I am in the process of revealing things that many have forgotten even existed. 

I am not done yet. There are a lot of debris and dirt that needs to be moved out. But, soon, you will see things that you thought were lost forever, brought out into the light of day. 

Watch for it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The shape of struggle...

My prayer:

Well God, a whole lot of things went wrong today but nothing that couldn't be fixed. I guess that is the silver lining of it all. Thank you for having the solution to every problem.

God, I ask for more joy, peace, love, purpose and power for me and for the wonderful people you have put in my life.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not so much about the struggle as it is about who you are through the struggle. I will pull you out of every bad situation. I will always bring you out. Who will you be while you are waiting for me? Who will you allow the circumstances to turn you into.

You have heard it before, I am truly more concerned about your character, about who you are and that you be the best you than most anything else. I created you for such great things and I want you to experience them all.

Don't let the struggles mold you into someone you were never meant to be. Keep the shape I gave you. Keep the character I gave you. Keep you, you. I love you. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Finding contentment...

My prayer;

Wonderful Father. Thank you for a successful day. Thank you especially for your protection over me the last couple of days. There have been quite a few close calls and you have brought me through safe and sound.

I really do not want to be a whiner, but you do say to talk to you about everything. The thing is, I am thoroughly discontent. Nothing horrible is happening. I simply want more. More purpose, more meaning, more love, more you, I want more.

I am so grateful for all that you have given me. Truly, my life is blessed and I feel ungrateful and spoiled to even say this; but, that is where I am at.

I lay this down God and ask for your help.

What God Said Tonight:

I hate to tell you this but you will likely feel discontent more than a few times in our life. You are living in a world that is not your home. You are living n a world that is fallen from grace and you are covered by my grace. Your discontent is real and is partially evidence of you being in this world but not of it.

I can help you. I  can give you more. I can help you to find contentment in me in the midst of your discontent. I can make it better.

But the root of it is, you are misplaced for awhile.

Know, that for this time, I need you where you are. I will call you home when it is time and then you will find the sweet contentment and fullness that you desire. Until then, let me fill you, let me be your  contentment. I love you.