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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dirty laundry...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I feel like I messed up a lot today. I didn't always say what I needed to say the way I needed to say it. I said some things that I probably shouldn't have said. I was more focused on me than I was on other people. I don't know if I actually helped anyone today...maybe the students in the class this morning, but I am not even sure about that. 

There was nothing wrong with today other than as I reflect back on it, I wasn't the reflection of you that I want to be. Forgive me God for missing the mark today and I pray for your help to do better tomorrow. All I want is to bless you and bless the people you have put in  my life. That is the heart and the core of everything. 

I love you God Thank you for second, third, billionith, chances!

What God Said Tonight:

Arrogance, pride, and self centeredness are the three top terrors of my people. Guard against them constantly. They will destroy you if you let them.

You were created to be a giving being generous and in relationship to the people around you. Understand that truth of who you are so many things become easier. 

I love you daughter and I am grateful that you bring me your dirty laundry. Consider it and you clean to move onto the next thing. I love you daughter 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Building forever...

My prayer:

Today was full of good news God! Success at work, prayers answered for dear friends, new ministry connection...I love living in your favor! You make everything so very GOOD! 

God I am so grateful to you tonight and I would rather listen to what you have to say than fill space with my words. I love you. What do you want to talk about tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

A healing is good. my healing is forever. A love is good, my love is forever. A blessing is good, my blessings are forever. 

Everything I have for you is for today and forever. I am the everlasting God and my gifts are everlasting. There is a permanence to what we are doing right now that I need you to understand. We are not building temporary shelters. We are building permanent homes. 

We are building permanent places of residence for people. We are building a Kingdom that will stand forever. There will be a day when there is a new earth and a new heaven, that is true. But we will build upon the foundation being formed in these last days. 

I am the master builder. there is no coincidence that when I came to earth I was a carpenter's son. I am the great builder. Builder of structures, builder of people, builder of Kingdoms and builder of worlds. I am the builder of the universe and beyond and these things that I build are forever. 

I love you daughter. Build some forever with me.

Monday, May 14, 2012

ALL things are possible...

My prayer:

God, today was rough. I wasn't sure I was tough enough at times. But, like always, you gave me strength to persevere. Fact is, with you, I think maybe there is nothing I can't do. Doesn't mean it won't be hard. Doesn't mean I won't fail before I succeed. But, in the end, because of you, I will succeed. 

There is nothing impossible for you God. All things are possible through Christ. All things. I have heard those scriptures my whole life, but I think for the first time, I can really believe them. I think for the first time, they are more than words. They are the reality that I can do ALL things through you! 

Wow. Thank you God.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your source and I am your strength. When you remember that, ALL things are truly possible for you. There is a world of possibilities that are opening up to you right now, tonight. This is the threshold of living a new life. This is the threshold of a new understanding. 

You will do things that you could not have imagined yesterday. You will see things that you did not think were possible. You will be witness to the miracles of me in this life and beyond. Get the revelation of the limitlessness of me and you will see things beyond your imaginings. 

I am your rock and I am your fortress. I will surround you and keep you safe. But, I will also expand your borders beyond what you see today. I will show you great and mighty things. 

I will do all of this because of my great love for you. I have loved you from the beginning of time and don't plan on stopping now. I am crazy about you and I have waited for this time together. I love you beyond measure and I will NEVER stop. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mysteries of life...

My prayer:

My amazing God. I am not sure how to put my thoughts into words tonight. I am in a place of awe. Sometimes, you bring revelation that when I say it out loud, it seems so very obvious; however, there is a new level of understanding in my spirit that cannot be put into words. 

I am experiencing that tonight in relation to the gifts and the anointing that you give each of us. You gift us each differently and wonderfully to accomplish your purpose in this life. then, we spend a lifetime trying to discover and understand those gifts and those purposes. If we are lucky enough to figure it out, then we spend the rest of our lives searching out those opportunities to use the gifts, the anointing, and accomplish the purpose. 

As I say, so simple when I write it out, but so mysterious and challenging to live it out. I love you God and I am grateful that you have given us each gifts, anointing, purpose and I pray that you help us to live it out for your sake and for ours. I love you so very much and I am all yours.

What God Said Tonight:

You have described the pieces of life well but you are wrong to think that it is a struggle. It does not have to be. I have created all life to come together into a beautiful package of variety and beauty. 

To discover your gifts, you only need to open them and begin to use them. To understand your purpose, you only have to ask and follow the desires I have put in your heart. To experience my anointing, you need only to worship me. It is not difficult. 

There are things in life that are difficult but this is not one of them unless you make it so. If you listen to me when I tell you who you are, you will not struggle in this area. If you listen to what the world says about you, you will struggle. The world does not have your best interest or mine. The world, who is caught up in sin and all that it  entails, only wants to see you fail so it does not fail alone. 

But, focus on me, hear what I say about you and you will no longer be confused. I say you are a royal priesthood. I say you are a child of the Most High God. I say you are a King and a Prince. I say you are more beautiful than rubies and gold. I say you are mine and as such more valuable than anything else in the universe. Listen to me, receive your gifts, and walk in my anointing to achieve the purpose I have for you. It is easier than you think.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

God's assignment...

My prayer:

Mighty and generous God. Today was wonderful! I am so blessed. Your favor and blessing on my life is amazing. 

God, I am in a place of perfect peace tonight here with you. There is no worry, no stress, just peace and your presence. It is so good God. Your presence is so wonderful! You are so wonderful! 

I love you God and pray that my life be a blessing to you. Help me God to use my life and my time to bless you. Show me the ways that I can bless you. Show me the things that you want me to do. I want what you want God. I am all yours, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I have an assignment for you, several actually. You won't have to struggle or seek them out. I will bring each assignment to you. I will not hide them. I will make it plain.

You only have to say yes when I bring it to you. You only have to trust me, even when the assignment doesn't seem glamorous or fun, trust me and say yes. You won't ever be sorry when you say yes to me.

I love you daughter

Friday, May 11, 2012

You are mine...

My prayer:

My God you are so amazing.. I can hardly believe how you so completely worked everything out today. 

Thank you for hearing my prayer last night. Thank you for taking care of every last detail of this day, including the ones that I didn't even know about. Thank you God for being such an amazing Father to me!!! 

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! God, what is on your mind? What can I do for you? How can I help with what you doing?

What God Said Tonight:

You are mine and I will always take care of you. That is really it you know. That is all you need to know. If you really understand that, if you truly understand that you belong to me and I belong to you, you will never fear or worry again. 

You are never alone. You never have to deal with the daily demons of worry and anxiety. You will not be spoiled but you will be blessed. 

You are a child of the most high God and you will show the world what that means. You are my billboard sweet daughter and I love you. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't worry...

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My prayer:

My God, Father who takes care of me. I really need your help for tomorrow. I try not to ask for help for this kind of thing too often. I don't ever want you to feel like I only come to you when I need or want something. But tomorrow, there are so many things that could go wrong and without your favor and intervention, it will be miserable, I will fail, and people who paid good money aren't going to learn anything other than how NOT to organize a training session. 

I am not entirely sure how I ended up in this position. You know me, I tend to overplan and overprepare; but everything kind of fell apart on this one and I need your help. I ask God that you find a way to work it out so the people aren't dissapointed and so we can have a successful training day. 

I love you God and I am so grateful that you are my Father, that you take care of me, and that I get to lay every burden at your feet. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

I love it when you bring me your worries. Worry doesn't do you any good Worry is a thief and a robber. Worry steals you time, your health, your peace and leaves you with nothing but bad health and no sleep. 

I am grateful that you come to me with everything. I never meant for you to live this life alone. I always planned we would live it together. A lot like we are right now. I have your back, I am with you, I will not see you fail.