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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

God armour...

My prayer:
My God, Lord and protector.  I am here tonight and I am a little nervous about tomorrow.  Did I make the right choice?  Is it going to be ok? Is this your will?  Is it ok? 

God, I know you have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.  I know that, but it doesn't really feel like it tonight.  God, I am in your hands. 

Thank you for always taking care of me.  Thank you for amazing people who surround me with love and with prayer.  Thank you for making everything work to my good.  Thank you for being God, almighty Father and King.  I love you God.  I praise you God. I worship you God.  I am truly crazy about you God.  I am truly nuts about you!  I am in your hands God.

What God Said Tonight:
No fear my daughter.  No weapon formed against you will prosper.  You know that I am bigger than every attack and I will make it all work for your good.  I have promised and I stand by my promises. 

Be assured tonight that you are mine and that I will ALWAYS take care of you.  I will never let you go.  I will be your covering and your shelter.  I will defend you to the end of the earth.  I will protect you against all enemies.  I will never let you down and I will never let you come to harm.  I am a shield for you daughter.  I am your helmet and your breastplate.  I am your sword and I am your belt.  I am your armour for this battle called life and I will cover and protect you for ever. 

I love you so much.  No weapon formed against you will prosper.  I will never allow them to touch you.  I am so in love with you. I love you with a violence and a fervor that makes it impossible for any harm and evil to touch you.  You are completely covered by me daughter and I will not let you be exposed.  Rest assured tonight and walk with confidence into tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More weirdness...

My prayer:
Another weird but glorious day God! So MANY things trying to come against me today but you worked everything out perfectly! You are such a perfect and amazing God!  I PRAISE YOU AWESOME LORD!!!  I want to hear just from you tonight God.

What God Said Tonight:
Today was more of the weirdness that is trying to throw you off track.  We are so close to the promises that you have been waiting for and today was more of those attacks I told you about. 

You did well today, you did not panic and you came to me with it all.  You trusted me and that is so good.  Keep trusting me and I will make ALL things work to your good.  The attacks and the blessings.  I will make all things work to your good.  You realize that means every thing.  Every act, every word EVERYTHING, I will make every thing work to your good. 

You are a blessed child of mine and you are set up for such greatness in your life. You ...I don't want to say more because I don't want to ruin it for you.  I want you to experience it in its fullness including the surprise of it. 

Keep the faith girl, it is right around the corner.  Be prepared for anything and trust me in every thing and I promise I will work it all out for your good! 

You rest now daughter, you should be pretty tired after this day!  Love you and sleep sweetly.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The power of choice...

My prayer:
Mighty and powerful Father God. My thoughts are all over the place tonight.  I am so grateful for all that you are doing in my life and the lives around me.  Thank you God for bringing "D" her job! She has been waiting for SOOOOO long.  Thank you for providing for her God and hearing our prayers. 

You so often decisively answer our prayers God and I am so grateful for that.  Sometimes it takes a long time for your answer or your provision to come through and although the waiting is hard, I can understand why it is good for us to wait sometimes. 

The ones that I have a hard time understanding are the ones where you don't seem to answer.  I am sure that it is just that I don't understand what all is going on, but like the baby we prayed over in the hospital; the report is that the baby is brain dead, not healed like we were believing for.  Now, it could be that the report is wrong.  It would not be the first time.  And, I will believe your report on the matter, not the doctors report, by choice, but it is hard.  It's hard for me to understand why sometimes, with something I am so sure that I understand your will, like in the case of healing where you have said that it is your desire that we live in divine health and that by His stripes we are healed, and we pray for your will over sickness and sometimes they don't get better. 

I know that we have talked about this in the past and you have taught me a lot about it.  But truth is, I still have trouble with it.  I have trouble understanding why sometimes they are not healed.  I want to understand so I can know that I am doing or not doing everything I should be doing or not doing for them. 

You are the healer God and you are all knowing.  Therefore, I really should let it go, knowing that you always know best and I should leave it at that but I haven't figured out how to do that. 

Huh, when I started this prayer tonight God, I didn't think I had much to talk about...guess I was wrong.  Thank you God for never getting tired of my questions.  I wonder if I will ever run out of questions.  Seems unlikely.  I love you God and I thank you for everything.  You are incredible!!

What God Said Tonight:
Walking in faith is not easy. If it was, everyone would do it.  Being with me, trusting in me, loving me, doesn't always make sense.  I know you want it to, but that just isn't the way it is. 

I am who I am.  I am not what you think I should be.  I am, and that is what you have to understand.  There are things about me that can't make sense to you because they are bigger than what your mind can reason out.  There are aspects of me that seem confusing because you can't get beyond your experience of life and your experience of me. 

I am who I am.  I am the great physician and it is my desire that my children live in divine health.  I will heal every time, when I can. I have placed and given some power to you as my children.  I have given you the power of choice.  I have given you the ability to choose to be with me and to choose not to be with me.  I have given you the choice to accept my presents to you and I have given you the choice to refuse them.

People so often refuse the gift of healing.  They are afraid to believe or they think that the healing stuff is crazy and not for them...there are many reasons why they chose not to be healed.  Then there are times when people choose for them, like in the case of a baby.  They don't mean to make a choice that ends in death or sickness but they don't believe that the gift is real.  They don't believe that I still heal. 

You have seen it multiple times in multiple people and multiple situations, so you are more likely to believe it and to receive it than some.  But for someone who has not seen it or experienced it, it sounds crazy.  It is easier to believe in death and sickness.  They are so completely in your face.  There is no subtlety in death or in sickness.  They get right up in your face so you can't see anything but them. 

The more you talk about my miracle healing power, the more likely they are to believe and to begin to accept my gift.  Don't be quiet about what I do.  Talk about it, share it and help people to believe; I am real, I am here and I am theirs.  I love you daughter and don't ever stop asking questions.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The complete package...

My prayer:
God I am so excited tonight!!! I am so excited by what you are doing and what you are about to do!

I really should have trusted that you had a great plan, and I kind of did, but part of me wondered how much yuck I had to go through to get to the good stuff.  I know I probably shouldn't think about it that way but sometimes I do. 

It is always worth it.  The joy that you bring the things you do are always worth the struggle in the end.  I just wish I would get  better at remembering that in the middle of the struggle.  I wonder if I will ever get to that point where "I count it all joy," where I find a way to even enjoy the struggle?  Now that would be something.  That would be a true life of joy if I could find a way to enjoy even the tough parts! 

But, back to the good stuff...I am so excited about the directions you are taking us, the new things you are doing with us, the new partnerships you are creating and that I get to be a part of it!!!!  Thank you God for letting me be a part of what you are doing.  I am SO GRATEFUL!!!! Ok, you are probably getting sick of the exclamation points but it is hard to dance on a blog!!! Love you so much God!!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:
You are cute daughter.  I love seeing you excited, exclamation points and all!  You are getting a glimpse of the future and it is so bright.  I am so exited about taking you to this new level, this new place.  There is so much we can do together in this new place.  You will continue to be amazed. 

I want to see you stretched beyond your limit and trusting in me.  I want to see you trusting me in the things that you know you are not good at.  I want to see you letting me fill those gaps you have and make you complete.  I want to see you accepting all of this willingly and not thinking less of yourself for the lack but thinking more of yourself because you know that I am in you and with you and accomplishing all that you cannot. 

You are more because I am in you.  You are more complete and capable of so much more than you ever would have been on your own.  But with that, never forget that it is me in you that is accomplishing it all.  With me, you are the complete package, you are a royal priesthood and the head and not the tail. You are all of these things because of me in you.  I am the glue that holds you together, the covering that makes you stronger. 

Tomorrow is better than today and the day after will be better much to do and the perfect amount of time to accomplish it all, if you trust and follow me.  Love you sweet girl.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God, I am lost in my own thoughts tonight and I am having trouble putting words to them.  I need to start sketching again because sometimes words are simply not enough. 

There are thoughts and feelings that transcend words.  Like the first time you see the ocean or snow, how do you explain that feeling.  Or like the first time I fell in love, words are not enough.  Like the first time I felt you in my heart and in my spirit, words do not exist. 

God I love you and I trust you even though life is very weird right now.  I trust that you are in control despite all of the weird things that are happening.  My life is completely yours and I am at your disposal God. 

What God Said Tonight:
Words are not enough but words are a start.  I communicate with you in words but they are more than words. 

Words are powerful and they create reality.  Words create the world around you.  The power of words is truly undeniable if you pay attention. I have infused words with power.  I spoke the world into existence.  I used words.  Don't discount the power of words. 

You are right that some experiences transcend words, but you must find the words in each situation. It is the task I have for you at this time.  Find the words, create the reality and spread my word throughout the world.  We are running short on time to get the message out and I need you to be serious and targeted in your ministry.  I need you to use the words I give you to show as many people as possible the salvation and joy that I have for them  I need you to explain how amazing our relationship is.  I need you to tell them in a way that makes them want it for themselves. 

You find the words and I will anoint them with the power to touch their hearts.  Together forever my girl.  I love you and those are words with a lot of power.  Rest now and get ready for tomorrow.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

In the dark...

My prayer:
God of all creation, mighty healer, provider, teacher, lover, Father, best friend, peace maker, protector, ever present, all powerful, all knowing, warrior, creator, King and Lord, you are my everything.  When I feel lack in my life, I just have to remember that you truly are my everything.  When I get stuck in thinking about what is missing, I just have to focus on all that you are and all that you bring to my life. 

You are truly more than enough God.  You are nothing missing and nothing lacking.  You are the reason I get up in the morning.  You are the purpose in my day.  You are the joy and peace that I ride in on the way home and you are the comfort that I rest in at night. 

I love you God.  I love how you love me.  I love your power.  I love your completeness.  I love your gentleness.  I love that you are always the answer to whatever is going wrong. 

Speaking of answers, I am confused by my dreams lately.  Last night in particular with the weird broken finger that didn't hurt but I kept getting side tracked on my way to get it these weird dreams mean anything or should I be more careful about what I am eating before bed?  If they have meaning, I need your help to understand them.  You know I am usually pretty good at picking up on dream meanings but these...well, I can't figure these out.  You tell us when we lack wisdom to ask, so I am asking. 

Thank you God for being there for me always with whatever I need.  I love you God.  It is pretty easy to give my life to a God is everything I will ever need.  My life is yours God.

What God Said Tonight:
What is it that you need to know that I haven't already told you?  The details are not as important as the understanding that I am in control and that I have a purpose and a plan.  If you knew more of the details you would try to make it happen on your own.  I know you dear daughter.  You are a doer, I made you that way.  But because there are some things that I need to do for you, I need to keep some things hidden until the appointed time. 

I need you to trust me with the details and trust that when it is time for you to act and time for you to understand that I will give you direction and understanding.  I will never leave you in the dark for longer than is necessary.  It is uncomfortable, but it builds your faith when you don't know the details of what is next, when you have to trust me to make the way.  Like many things that are good for you, things that make you grow, it is uncomfortable, but necessary. 

I love you so much daughter.  I treasure you and our time together.  I treasure your trust, I treasure your praise and worship.  It is truly a sweet fragrance to me. 

I see your doubt. I see you self doubt. I see your troubled mind, which is spawning these weird dreams and I am speaking to each of them tonight and saying peace, be still.  I tell you daughter that you do not need to live in fear or live in self doubt.  I have you firmly in my hand and I will not let go.  I will never give up on you.  You are my precious gem that I treasure and hold dearly and close to my heart.  You are what I hoped for.  You are my child and I am pleased.  Experience this new peace and you will find a new level of joy in this life.  I love you my sweet.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Inheritance of peace...

My prayer:
Awesome God, my purpose and the meaning of my life.  God, I found us some new music like you asked and it is pretty awesome; but I just found out the man who recorded it was killed in a car accident last December and I am writing with tears in my eyes.  He was clearly a believer and I have no doubt he is with you in heaven, so I shouldn't be sad.  It is just odd to have just found his music and find out he is already gone...It leaves me feeling odd mixture of loss and joy that he is with you.  Weird that I can miss someone I have never met.

On another note, thank you for the great opportunities to serve you and your people,  Great opportunities to pray and connect. I also finally finished the Prayer Campus materials! That took longer than I expected but I am really excited about what you have given me for that God.  I think it is going to be awesome and help a lot of people.  I can't wait to see what you do with it.

On the world scene tonight, there was the earthquake and tsunami in Japan today.  I pray God that you take care of your people.  Help them find the way out.  Help them find shelter and provision.  Comfort them and give them peace dear God.  I place them firmly in your hands Lord where they will always be safe.

Locally, we have a pretty big wildfire burning here.  I ask God that you put a hedge of protection around your people and their homes God.  I pray that you keep them from harm.  I pray that you provide for them and give them peace.  I thank you God that you, as the Prince of Peace, provide us with a peace that passes all understanding.

There is a lot going on tonight God.  Thank you for being big enough to handle it all.  I love you God.  What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:
Wait a little longer and you will see the plan and purpose coming together.  I have had a plan for a long time now and it is all coming together right now. 

You have prayed for peace for a lot of people today.  It seems like a theme and there is a reason for that.  It is times like this when it seems like everything is falling apart and in chaos that you most need to trust me and lean on me. 

I will bring you peace.  I will be your peace in the storm.  I will quiet the waves and calm the winds.  I will create a place where you can sleep in the presence of your enemies knowing that I will protect you. 

I love you and I have a plan that is being lived out every minute.  I am in control of your life and I will not let you crumble or fail. I will raise you up and you will be held high. You will be held above the harm and above the crowd.  You will be safe in my protection.  You, my children will be safe now and forever. 

I wait in anticipation of the day when we can live freely together, above the chaos in my perfect peace.  I love you daughter.  I will protect you and provide you with peace.  You and all of my children have that inheritance of peace, now and forever.