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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shake it off...

My prayer:
Hi God. Today was rough but I get to end it here with you and that always makes it good. I am not sure what to say tonight. I kind of shut down today and it is hard to open up again.

I love you. I pray God for worship services tomorrow. I pray that you are present and achieving your will in every service. I pray God that people experience your love and get to know you better. I pray God that you inspire each person who is bringing your words, your teaching to your people. I pray God for every person who is serving you tomorrow. Give us strength and fill us to overflowing with your love. Help us to love and serve your people and you in excellence.

What is on your mind tonight God?

What God said tonight:
Wow, you are shut down tonight. You have closed out the whole world. I understand why, but you can't stay there. You have to come back out. The pain was momentary and you know it wasn't from me. You know it was your enemy. Will you let him win? Will you let him win so easily?

I built you to be stronger than that. You will put this behind you and you will move into your future with the love that I have put in you. You will know and trust that you have more to give. You will stop doubting the significance of you life. You will recognize that you are the head and not the tail. You will recognize that you are a royal priesthood and you will recognize that you are covered in the blood of Jesus and an adopted child with first son rights. You will remember and recognize all of this because you need to know exactly who you are to do what I have called you to do.

I can't afford to have you close yourself off. Not now, not ever. I need you to stay connected. I need you to stay connected and loving my people. I need you to stay connected to me.

You will rest tonight but tomorrow, you will leave it all behind and remember who you are in me. You will pull yourself up by your bootstraps and walk into the future that we have both been waiting for.

I love you daughter. Don't give up. Not now and not ever. Don't give up. I love you and I need you to be what I created you to be. Shake it off, like Paul and the snake, and move ahead. You are my precious baby girl and I will be with you every step of the way. Be healed and move forward, now.

Friday, October 15, 2010


My prayer:
God it was good to be with you today. It was so good to spend the day with you. Thank you for insights. Thank you for showing me the root of the issues. Thank you for explaining things. Thank you for ideas. Thank you for completing the book. Thank you for time with amazing friends tonight to celebrate and confirm what you have been teaching me all week.

God I am so grateful for this week. It has been amazing to have the time to spend with you, focused entirely on what you want to do. God, help me to carry this into the weeks to come. Help me be able to keep you and your will in front of me every day. No matter what the day brings, help me to keep you and your plan dead center in front of me. Help me to remember the importance of your plan regardless of the other demands that life brings. Help me to maintain a better balance so I don't get so burned out.

Wow, I clearly need a lot of help tonight God! I love you Great Helper. Thank you for coming to help me today and every day. My life is yours.

What God said tonight:
Today was good. You heard most of what I needed you to know. I have some more that you will need to hear this weekend, keep listening. But, you are well positioned for the next season. Your completion of this week is the beginning of your next season. It all ties together in an intricate and beautiful plan that I have had from the beginning of time.

You are part of a purpose much greater than you know or can imagine. You are networked into a tapestry that is my plan for the world and my people. You are perfectly placed to hold together the beautiful pattern. You are doing exactly what I need you to do at this time.

In the future, your tasks may change. In the future, your connections and network may change. You will always be connected. You will always have amazing people in your life that are a part of the greater plan. You will not walk alone although there will be times when I keep you to myself for periods. Those times when I need to get your full attention.

Your love, your capacity for love, your ability to love freely is getting stronger and as you love those around you, it will reach farther than you can know. You will always have love in you and in your life. You were made for it.

I love you more than you know. I adore you. My daughter, my love, my sweet cherished confection. You are and I love you for it. Rest and we will finish tomorrow. Rest now and we will begin tomorrow.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


My prayer:
Incredible creator of the universe. What a beautiful day God. I feel like I have been whining a lot to you lately God. Tonight, I want to focus on how great you are. I want to spend my time and effort toward reminding myself how wonderful you are and showing you how much I love and appreciate you.

God, I got "caught" singing your praise on the trail today by the guy on the bike. But he seemed to think it was pretty cool. :) I guess if I am going to make a fool of myself, it is best that I do it for you!

You are so amazing. As I looked out today over the mountain range, the trees, the river, the animals, the flowers and the rocks, I marvel at all that you created for us. I am in awe of your artistry. I am humbled by the loving care in which you fashioned it all. I am never more aware of your mighty power and massive creativity than when I am out in the nature that you created.

God, this week has been so great. Thank you for this time. Thank you for the time to rest, work on the book, connect with friends, and most of all, connect with you.

God you are good! You always so good! I love you God. My life is yours. My heart is yours. My mind is yours. My soul is yours. Everything I am and everything I have is yours. God have your way.

What God said tonight:
Is this the time that we have saved for each other tonight? Is this the set aside time to concentrate on each other? This is the time and the place that I can count on your attention and while I am grateful for it, I need more from you right now. I need more of your concerted attention.

We have a few more days before you return to work. Spend more of that time listening to me? There are some things you need to know. Some things I need to make sure are clear for you. You will need it in the days to come. I love you and want you to have every advantage, every tool that I can give you.

I love you so much. I am glad that you have rested. You needed that. But now, now I need you to pay attention and hear me. I need you to focus on me. There are as many distractions in this world as you will allow. Anything can become a distraction. I need your undivided attention.

Watch and I will show you. Listen and I will tell you. Focus and I will reveal to you everything you need to know. You will be fully equipped for the next season.

I love you. You are so very precious to me. You are rubies and gold. You are emeralds and platinum. You are pearls and diamonds. You are every precious gem that has ever been and you shine for me. I love you. Be with me, hear me, see me, and experience me.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


My prayer:
Lord, God, Jehovah. Pretty incredible Bible study tonight. That was a pretty quick answer to the unanswered prayer questions from last night! Thank you God for moving in the women's lives. God, thank you for providing the help, the house, the job, that has been our prayer for almost a year! What a great reminder that you always come through. Even when we have been waiting for so long and think that it is never going to happen, as long as we don't give up, you will come through. Thank you for coming through and thank you for the reminder.

God you are so very good to us. So very good to me.

Timing continues to be a topic that keeps coming up for me. I have such a hard time waiting on your timing. God I need your help. I don't know what I really need but I know that I am so often frustrated with waiting on your timing; even though, when I look at it in hindsight, I can usually see why it was important to wait for it to happen at the exact time that you made it happen.

You are always right God. Why then do I have such a hard time trusting your timing and waiting on you? I get so impatient. I want it all yesterday. God, I am almost afraid to ask for help in this because in the past when I have asked for patience, you have had me wait longer to build my patience. I don't think I can handle waiting even longer.

I wish that I could just enjoy each day for what it is and at some level I do. But I know there is so much more and I want it.

Same old complaint God. What am I missing? What do I need to change? How can I learn to wait more patiently with the assurance that your timing is always right? I ask your help God. Thank you for teaching me, growing me, and making me into the woman of God that you want me to be.

What God said tonight:
Good questions and thank you for finally asking me about this issue that has been percolating in you for weeks now. You have been telling others that you are struggling with it but you haven't been talking to me about it. I want you to bring this and everything to me so I can help.

Timing is a funny thing. I don't think about time the same way you do. Since I control time and I am simultaneously the beginning and the end. I am at all places and times at the same time. I am ever present and being so, I don't think about time as linear like you do. I don't see it so much as past present and future. It all just is.

Now, from the time that I lived on the earth as Jesus, Yeshua, I understand how you think of time. I understand that it can be frustrating. I understand that timing and waiting are more important and more difficult for you.

Part of it is how I made you, with ambition and drive to accomplish the next thing. Part of it is a sense of general restlessness that is based in fear. You think that if it doesn't happen now, it might not happen. It seems like no amount of reassurance has touched this fear. It is a deep root based in disappointments of the past. You need to find that root and get it out. Once you find it, expose it so it can die.

I will help you find it. Look for the disappointments that bring the feeling of pain back. The ones that you can still feel today. Those are the ones that are at the root of this.

You are going to come through this like every other struggle. You will be better off when we get this root out. When you are waiting in anticipation and not in fear, it won't be so hard to wait.

I love you daughter. You are on track and you will see it all. Let's get this root out of the way and move on. Be blessed daughter.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Unanswered prayer...

My prayer:

Awesome Lord of everything. What a great day you gave me. Rest, time to work on the book, opportunities to help people, what more could I ask for. I am so grateful for all that you do for me God.

I am struggling a bit in one area tonight though God. It seems like there are a lot of people, well maybe not a lot but several people in a row, who are telling me that praying, believing, standing on your promises are not working for them. They say they are doing everything they know how to do, that they are seeking you and they don't see changes. They don't see the things they are praying for being answered.

What do I tell them God? There is always the easy answer that you "always answer prayer but sometimes the answer is no." But these people are hurting. They think something is wrong with them and that is why you are not moving in their lives. I know that isn't true but what do I tell them. What would you want them to know?

I love you Daddy. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for meeting every need in my life and thank you for always listening to me. I love you so much.

What God said tonight:
Interesting that your prayer is about others needs and desires not being met tonight and not about your own wants not being met yet. You know that the reason you are having trouble meeting their need, answering their questions is that there are things that you are still waiting on and that you sometimes still doubt whether I will make it happen in your life. Despite my reassurances, despite my promises, you still doubt sometimes.

What will it take to convince you that I am on your side, that I will always do what is best for you and that I will always do it at the exact right time? You will see as you go through life that there are many things that you will have to wait on. You will wait to increase your faith. You will wait to improve your character. Sometimes you will wait because what I have to give you will not be right or good until the right time.

When you are convinced that my promises are true every time and all of the time, you will know how to respond to people who are struggling. You will know what to say. Until then, bring me your doubt. Bring it to me so we can continue to eradicate it.

With doubt there is an open door for your enemy to get in. You can't afford that. Let's shut the door and get it right for your sake and so you can help others.

Darling daughter, I love you so much. I will do all that I can to convince you of that love. I will continue to show you the patterns and continue to move in your life. Write it down, remember it, let it grow your faith and let it erase your doubt.

You are in a position to be a true beacon and lighthouse but your doubt will not serve you well. Trust me and I will not let you down. Make the decision to trust every day, every minute, every second if you have to. I will honor that decision, I promise. I love you. Rest again, we have more to do tomorrow.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Completely good...

My prayer:
God of all creation. Creator of the universe. God you are holy. You are the only completely good thing ever. You have no evil, no perverseness, no sin in you. You are pure love and pure good. Since you are the only fully good thing, it is hard for me to wrap my mind around that sometmes. I think if I could really understand that at a gut level, I wouldn't ever have trouble trusting you. If I could truly understand your love and your complete goodness, I would know that you would always come through on your promises.

I am ready to leave all doubt behind. I am ready for a day that I don't have to think about it, I don't have to encourage myself, I don't have to be encouraged by others. I just know that you said it and I can expect it. I am there sometimes God. Sometimes, I am so confident of your promises, especially when I am praying for other people, that I fully and completely expect you to come through.

I have more trouble with that abosolute faith when it comes to my own life. I honestly don't know why. Maybe I don't think I deserve it. Maybe...huh, I can't think of a second possibe reason so I am guessing it is related to thinking I don't deserve it.

I love you God and I pray that you help me to have a deeper understanding of your goodness. I pray for increased trust and expectation so that I can fully expect you to fufill your promises every time. God I pray for wisdom and understanding regarding the times that it seems like your promise has not been, or at least not yet been, fuflilled. God I pray all of this so that I can be a better help to others and live my life to the full plan that you have for me. I love you so much. Thanks for your help God.

What God said tonight:

Hello daughter. You are right in that conclusion that if you could better understand me, my goodness, you would not worry so much, you would trust more, you would be able to rest in the assurance of my promises on your life.

I can give you that deeper understanding. I need the time and the sacrifice from you. I need you to spend more time in my prescence, paying more attention to me if you want to know me better. I need you to commit to more worship time, more prayer time. I need you to commit to more time with me. That is the only way that I can show you my goodness so that you understand it better.

Are you willing to make the sacrifice? You may think you don't have time, but you also know better than that. You know that I multiply your time when you give it me.

There is so much for us to do. We must be in complete agreement to do that. I need us to work in tandem like a two seated bicycle. Remember those? It took complete coordination to ride one of those. You had to ensure that you were both balancing the same way, you were both pedaling at the same rate, you were both turning at the same time. That you were both headed in the same direction at all times. That is how it needs to be with us. We need to be in complete agreement in direction, speed and destination.

You and I need to be one and that can only happen if you get to know me as well as I know you. I created you and know every hair on your head. I know where you have been and what you have been doing. I know your friends, your family, your unspoken needs. I know every part of you, body, soul and spirit. I want you to know me that well so you understand my goodness and can live a life of peace and joy, trusting me to accomplish every promise I have made.

Always believe in me daughter. I promise I will never let you down. I am so completely on your side. I am your biggest fan. You will always hear me cheering you on in whatever you take on. You are in my heart and I will never let you out. Unless you ask of course, but I hope that you never will. It would break my heart. I love you to pieces my daughter. Rest tonight and prepare for tomorrow.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Desires of your heart...

My prayer:
Awesome God, my Lord, my everything. The weekend is done and it was an awesome start. I can't wait to see what we accomplish this week. Although, right at this moment, I am so exhausted I am having trouble imagining accomplishing anything.

God, I realized something this weekend. You know the scripture where you say that you will give us the desires of our hearts? Did you mean that you would give is the things that we want or did you mean that you would put those desires in our hearts? Does it mean that you will give us what we want or does it mean that you will cause us to want things? I probably need to study that a bit more but I thought I would start by asking the author.

I love you God and trust you. I believe that we are on the edge of seeing some amazing things happening in your kingdom and I am so deeply honored that I get to be a part of it.

God I pray your blessings and your protection over family and friends throughout the entire week. Keep them safe. Help them to see the dream, the desire and to receive it too.

I love you God. I truly adore you.

What God said tonight:
You are my dream. You are my one desire. I have you in my heart and etched on the palm of my hand. I will never forget or forsake you. I will be with you always. I an the author and finisher of your faith. I am the reason for you to live and the reason you serve. I am everything at the same time.

Just like that, I put the desires in your heart and then I make sure you get those things that you desire. It is in full agreement with the way that I work. I would never want to give you something that would hurt you and sometimes you want things, on your own that are dangerous to you. I won't give those things to you because I can't be the source of harm coming to you.

However, I can put desires in your heart for the right things, the good things, the things that will elevate me and my kingdom and bless you with a blessing that overflows.

It is not important that you walk away from this with full understanding of it. I have a long time to help you understand. But I do need you to understand it someday. If you can get this one concept, so many things will become clear. So many things will make sense.

I need you to rest and to listen carefully for my voice tomorrow. Keep you plans flexible tomorrow. I have some divine appointments and I want to bring around you the people you will need in the next 90 days. I love you. Rest now but be ready for tomorrow.