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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My Prayer:
Awesome God of all creation. Thank you for today. Thank you for the attitude adjustment and the reminder to be thankful, grateful and appreciate all that you are doing.

Thank you that you don't get angry or fed up with me when I let my attitude slide, but that you always bring me those gentle reminders, and when I don't listen, the stronger reminders. Thank you for loving me too much to let me stay in my mess. You are so good to me God.

You have given me such amazing experiences so far in this life and I can't wait to see what is next. Thank you as always for amazing friends.

Thank you for continuing to confirm your direction for my life. Thank you for continuing to provide opportunities to bless and be a blessing to the people who have put in my life. Thank you for enlarging my territory to include people from all over the world. I thank you God for continuing to expand the reach of your living word that changes people's lives. Thank you for being faithful, every time I seek you, I find you.

ILY God! What do have for us tonight God?

What God said tonight:
Your attitude determines your altitude. You have heard that preached a few times now. It is true you know. When you have a bad attitude, it takes you no where but down. It makes you fail in circumstances that I intended you to succeed in.

Your attitude, like your words, is so important to what happens in your life. Be more watchful over your attitude. Be more aware of the effect it has on you and the people around you.

I will continue to help you and show you when you need to adjust. Remain open to my guidance. Let me be the barometer that warns you of the coming storm. Live a life of gratitude, love and prayer and you will not believe what you can accomplish.

You are a little to wiped out to hear too much more tonight. This has been a roller coaster week but it is necessary to move into the next stage and next season. Continue to trust and love me and I will continue to lead and love you.

You will see the dawn and it will be good. You will see more dreams fulfilled, and not just your own. Be at peace and know that I AM. You will never want for any good thing. Everything I have is yours. Live in the rich abundance of my love for you. Let it flow over and through you that you can be the conduit of it to others.

You will understand one day what this day meant. It and every day has a unique purpose that all work together toward the day that we get to live together forever in paradise. That is the goal. Let's get as many people as we can to come with us. Be you while you do it. Rest now. ILY too!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My prayer:
Mighty God you are incredible! God I love it when you tell me things in different ways to make sure I know it is true and from you!! Tonight was confirmation of so many things. Thank you God.

I will do my best to be true to the calling you have on my life. To not follow others' ways of doing things but to do things like you have shown me. I will do my best to remember that you are in charge and have everything under control despite what I am seeing. I will trust you Lord. I do trust you Lord.

You are everything God. You are my future and my present. You are the love of my life and all that I live for. I am so in love with you God. Your sweet care and carefulness with me makes me feel so precious and tended. I love you and long for these moments of closeness when I can just sit in your presence. Your love, your presence is so sweet. You fragrance is so beautiful. Your peace is so perfect.

You are my God, Lord, Saviour, Healer, Teacher, Father, Husband and Friend. You are everything I need and I am complete with you God. I pray God that you continue to draw me in even closer. I pray God that you teach me how to love you better. I pray God that you teach me how to love people better. I pray God that you make me the blessing that you have been to me. I am my Father's daughter and I want to be like you Daddy! I pray it in Jesus name, amen.

What God said tonight:
Sweet daughter of mine. You have learned so much this week. You have grown and it is good. You are listening, paying attention and you will need everything you have learned for the next steps, stages and seasons.

Your life is a continual preparation for the next level. Some people can stay in one place, one season for a long time and be very satisfied. I made some people to be that stable person who remains in the one place and is the center cog that others revolve around. That is an important position and an important need in my kingdom.

You on the other hand are made to establish things and move into new things. You will be continually growing and building and doing the new thing. I made you that way so you could get things moving. You will always be faithful, you have learned the value of faithfulness and loyalty. But you will always be following the new thing that I need done. You will leave the maintenance of things in the very capable hands of the people I bring to you to raise up to leadership.

This is what I need you for. Knowing your place and position in life is important. You get a lot more done if you aren't trying to do someone else's job.

I love you my precious child. I haven't told you that enough lately. You need to know that I love every cell that is in you. You are made of the love of God. You are my precious and perfect daughter. You are covered in the blood of my son who died for your sin and you are covered in him. He is the blanket to your soul and will keep you safe, covered and redeemed all the days of you life.

Your trust in me is begining to grow. With that trust, we can do even more amazing things. And, most importantly, with that trust, you can experience a greater level of love from me. It isn't that I love you more. I love you to the ends of time with more power and more intensity that you could ever receive. But your trust in me allows you to receive more of that love than in the past. You aren't trying to protect your heart as much any more. You can trust me with your heart. I consider it more precious than my own. I will protect it always.

I will be your covering, your mentor your guide. Receive my love, my protection, my guidance that we can be and do everything that is for you to do. My love for you is deeper than the ocean and greater than the universe. There is no end to my love for you. My love is not tied to an event, your actions or any circumstance. My love is tied to you, your soul, the essence of who you are. I am tied to you with a bond that will never break.

I love you. When in doubt, hear me, I love you. When you are afraid, hear me, I love you. When you are waiting, hear me, I love you. When you are challenged, hear me, I love you. When you rest, hear me, I love you. At ALL times, hear me, I LOVE YOU! Rest sweetly daughter and know that we are right where we need to be. ILY! My new abbreviation for you!

Monday, August 23, 2010


My prayer:
Hi God. It's good to be here with you tonight. Not much seemed to happen today. Not much to talk about. I guess I needed a mellow day to process the last couple of days.

God, thank you for always giving me what I need. You bring people to encourage me when I get discouraged, you bring me a challenge when I am bored, you bring me opportunities when I need to serve more, you bring me people to love and to love me.

You definitely don't always do things the way I think you are going to. You definitely still surprise me pretty regularly. Color me surprised this week! Nothing is really going according to how I thought it would but I do trust you to work it all out, most of the time.

Forgive me for the moments, hours that I doubt. I am trying to trust you completely and sometimes I get there. Right now, I am there. This morning, not so much!

Thank you for friends to remind me of what you have planned for me. Thank you that I am only one phone call away from the love and support of people who love me. What an amazing thing it is to be truly loved. To be loved by you, to be loved by family, to be loved by friends. There really isn't anything better. Thank you for teaching me that God. I haven't always understood that. There was a lot of years that I thought love was about control and I had two choices, be controlled or control. Thank God those days are over.

Thank you God for teaching me that love is about surrendering control and trusting. Thank you God for teaching me that love is about giving and not taking. Thank you for teaching me all of this through your amazing example of love in my life. I have never been and will never be loved better, more completely than the love I have from you. Please know that I recognize the value of that love and wish I had better words of appreciation. Hear my heart God and know how I value your love.

What do you have to say tonight? What is on your mind?

What God said tonight:
What is it that makes you doubt the truth that you know? Sometimes you get so caught up in the circumstances of today that you miss out on the bigger picture. That is why I have to mix it up now and then. I need to remind you that I am in charge. I have to remind you that the purpose will be served and accomplished regardless of the circumstances around it. The circumstances don't accomplish the purpose. The purpose uses circumstances to achieve what it came to achieve. I am the purpose. I will accomplish what I have set to accomplish in your life.

Due to your surrender and your choice to make me Lord of your life, I have free rein to accomplish everything every last thing that I had planned for you from before you were born. That is SO GOOD! Your surrender makes it possible for me to give you every blessing I have for you. Your surrender makes it possible for me to provide every thing you need. Your surrender allows me to do things for you and through you that will blow your mind.

Surrender is not a sign of weakness like you thought in the past. Surrender is a sign of strength. It says I know who I am and I choose to give myself over to a God that is bigger, better and loves me more than I can imagine. You will never regret your surrender to me. You will never regret your choice for me. Just don't quit and leave me in control.

I will take you to the highest of highs. Be ready. And, you guessed it, I love you! Rest sweetness, tomorrow is a good one.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

On earth as it is in heaven...

My prayer:
Awesome God. How was your day God? Did the things you wanted to see done get accomplished? Was our worship pleasing to you and did it touch your heart? How are things in heaven tonight? I wonder what a day in your life is like. I wonder what it is like to be you. I am sure I can't even begin to imagine. Talk about multitasking! With all of the prayers, the needs, the events and the people in the world, it is a good thing you are the almighty God of the universe because no one else could handle it!

Thank you for being you God. Thank you for making it possible for me to know you, love you and live with you in my life. Thank you for the assignments you have given me. Thank you for the people you have trusted me with. Thank you for family who loves me. Thank you for dreams and desires to make each day worth getting up for.

God, I pray in preparation for this week that you bless me, my family, my friends and that your favor be on our lives. I pray God that you show us your plan and purpose in each moment. I thank you God for what you showed me earlier about direction--if I am on a road driving down a canyon and I know better than to drive into oncoming trraffic or off the side of the road, I don't really need you to tell me specifically to turn left of right, I just need to follow the road. God I thank you that in this season, I am on the canyon road and just need to follow it and make common sense decisions. I love you God.

What God said tonight:
I love you too sweet daughter. Tonight is a good night to rest and to relax. You were pretty tied up and stressed out today but I am glad you have found some peace. I am glad that you turn to me in those times and look for my peace. It is the only lasting peace and the only peace that will satisfy.

Thank you for asking about my day. Not many people think to do that and even though it is hard to expalin it is still good to be asked.

Heaven is a difficult place to describe. You have heard the stories of people who have been to heaven and returned. Some of them are true, some are not. It is a beautiful place. It is a place of peace and worship and joy. We are always celebrating here. There is thankfully always something to celebrate. Each second there is someone somewhere who is accepting Christ into their life, doing something for the kingdom, loving and forgiving someone. We celebrate each of these things. We love to celebrate in heaven. You know the part of the prayer, "on earth as it is in heaven"? Well, that's how it is in heaven.

You should find more to celebrate on earth. I know that life can be hard, but there is something to celebrate in each moment. If you run out of things, remember that there is always someone somewhere getting saved. Then, just join us in our celebration in heaven.

On earth as it is in heaven. I am anxious for the day when there is a new earth and new heaven and we can live as one kingdom free of sin and the results of it. I am anxious for the day when we can live in an even closer communion. I look forward to the day of truly wrapping my arms around you. Hopefully, by that time, we will have been so close in the spritual realm that we won't even really realize that we are connected in the physical realm as well.

You are my everything. Let me be yours. We love you and send you a blessing tonight to last the whole week. Thank you my servant daughter.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


My prayer:
Mighty God. Awesome Father. How can everything seem so good one minute and one rumor later have me questioning everything. I hate rumors God. They do nothing but tear down. I try not to listen, but sometimes they get through. And the thing is, even if this one is true, I am not sure why it is bothering so much but it is. It has me questioning everything. It has me questioning my future. It has me questioning my motives. It doesn't have me questioning your plan for my life but it has me questioning how I am supposed to get there.

God my mind is a mess tonight. I need to hear you clearly and without question tonight. I thought I understood. I thought I knew what we were doing. Now, I am not sure. Now I am not sure what to do and what not to do.

God have your way. Show me if I am to continue in what I am doing or if this means a change of direction. Why am I so scared God? Why am I so filled with insecurity over a rumor? God help me in this. I need you so much. I need to know your every minute plan for me. I need to have you lead me in every moment so that I am in your perfect will. I know what it is like to be out of our will. I don't want to be there again ever. Show me, teach me and guide me God. I love you and need you so very much.

What God said tonight:
What has troubled you so tonight? Your path, your walk has nothing to do with man and everything to do with me. Can I not open opportunities for you and prosper you wherever you are? Have I not promised you a life of prosperity and favor. What makes you think that has changed? I do not change.

Your assurance is from me. Wherever we go, we will go together. Whether we are traveling to the far reaches of he world or sitting in your back yard, we are together. You know that I will not leave you ever. You know that. In the face of that, does the decisions of man really make any difference at all?

I will guide you as always. My love for you is undiminished and ever growing. Your call to be my lighthouse has not changed. Do you remember the last time you were baptised in the Jordan? I do. There was so much happening in that moment. Remember the commitment and the words over your life. You are to be a lighthouse to the world for me. Your call is not changed. You will follow that charge, that path no matter who is with you and no matter who is against you.

My call is greater than ANY person. My power is greater that any circumstance. My love is more than any force can deal with. Bask in my love and trust that I will take care of you and the dream no matter what else happens.

Do not be afraid my daughter. Do not fear. It is all working toward your good. I promise you will prosper and not fail. Trust in me and get your eyes off of the rumors and off of man. I will make a way. I will bless you abundantly. I will make your way prosperous. You are my first "son" and I will always treat you with the favor afforded your position.

Come and let me love you through this tonight. There you are, rest in my arms and know that I am God. I love you sweetness. Be sweetness and light in the dark and I will prosper and protect you. Feel my light in you and rest. See how good that is? Stay here with me for awhile...You are my blessed and you are my blessing. Be all that you were created to be in Christ.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Know your worth...

My prayer:
Awesome God, 4 hours of sleep, full day of work, lunch with mom, dinner with a friend and now I get to spend time with you. So tired I can barely move but life doesn't get much better than this.

What an exciting time God. You are doing such amazing things every time I turn around. You are helping people to see life long dreams come true. You are touching and teaching people in all new ways. I keep hearing common themes around transparency and true relationship with you. It seems like these things are pretty important to you right now. You are telling so many of us the same things about it.

Thank you for talking to us God. God, with my last moments of semi-conscious thought for the day, what do you want to say tonight?

What God said tonight:
You are here out of obedience, which is good. But better yet, you are here in joy to be with me. Despite your being tired, you have an anticipation to hear what I have to say.

Thank you for caring enough about what I have to say to keep showing up each night with an open heart and mind. I know it isn't always easy but I promise it will always be worth it. I can make you that same promise about life, it won't always be easy but it will always be worth it. My son was such a great example of that. He went through unimaginable pain, torture, death, betrayal, but it was all worth it. You were, you are worth it.

Never underestimate your worth. It is a weird balance I know. You are to be humble and avoid being proud because pride will be your downfall. Pride is something that I always have to take down because it is so destructive to you.

However, you must, while being humble, always understand your undeniable and unfathomable worth as my first son and daughter. It is like the son or daughter of a great singing star. They may not be anything special in their own account, they may not have the talent of their parent, but you see them as valuable because they are the son or daughter of a star. You are just you, nothing too special, but in light of the fact that you are the daughter of the most high God, you are more precious than rubies and gold.

You are about to see things you have never seen and do things you have never done. Your worth and understanding your own worth will be important. Understanding where your worth comes from will be even more important.

I love you sweet daughter. Have sweet and restful dreams. We have more to do tomorrow. Your service tomorrow is already blessed. Thank you for what you are about to do.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to love God...

My prayer:
Restorer, redeemer, God. You are so amazing! What a day!! My head is spinning with so much happening, all of it good!

Thank you for the amazing dream last night. The joy in that dream stayed with me all day. Thank you for the opportunities to serve you in new ways. Thank you for your favor on my work and on the training programs. Thank you for showing me where the lost thing was. Thank you for the confirmation regarding publishing the book. Thank you for my friend's mom's safe surgery today.

You truly were blessing me coming in and going out today God! What can I say when thank you is so inadequate? How can I let you know how much I appreciate you? What is meaningful to you God! I know how I like to be appreciated and loved, but what do you like? God show me how to show you how much I love you. Show me new ways to show you how I appreciate you. Show me the ways that will mean the most to you.

As always God, I pray that you make me a blessing to the people you place in my life. Show me how to best give into their lives. You are...I have no words.

What God said tonight:
What a great question to ask. You should ask that question more often to more people in your life. You should ask them how they want to be appreciated and what you can do that will be a blessing. Some won't know but it will get them thinking about it. It is important to know what makes you feel loved. It is important to tell others.

You have asked me, how can you show me your love. You show me your love when you serve me, when you are faithful in keeping your promises to me, in worshipping me, in meeting with me every night, in loving the people I put in your life, in praying, in trusting me. In each of these things, I see your love for me.

There really isn't one way that I like better than any other. The thing that makes a difference to me is when you love truly and from your heart. It is the intent, the heart that I see. So, when you are going through the motions, doing what ever it is because you think you are supposed to or you think it is what I want, that doesn't really touch me or move me. But, when you just groan out of your heart with deep adoration for me, that is more beautiful than the most beautiful psalm ever written.

When you think of me first in any situation, that makes me feel your love for me. When you ask my opinion and listen for the answer, that makes me feel your love for me. When you let me love you, that makes me feel your love for me.

Love isn't something you want to over think. Just love. Make a decision to love and let it flow. I will receive your love in any expression as long as it is true and from your heart. Don't waste our time with shallow or repetitive statements that someone once told you were worship. One heartfelt thought directed toward me is better than an unfelt soliloquy, no matter how beautiful. Be real, be honest, and love me from your heart. It was a good day. Rest for tomorrow and know that I love you.