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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Smooth sailing ahead...

My prayer:

Finding the joy and the blessings in this day takes a A LOT of effort. It was still there, it always is because you are so wonderful. But somedays, like today, there is so much truly crappy stuff happening, that it tends to drown out the good.

So, in an effort to let go of the rotten stuff and hold on to the good stuff...Thank you God for all of the answers and solutions you gave to me today. I ask your blessing over them that the seed planted today grow into healthy fruit. Thank you God for helping me teach a successful class today. That was fun. Thank you for my family, friends and my health. And most of all, thank you for loving me and being in my life. As long as I have you, everything else will work out, eventually. LOVE YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

I know that things did not go the way you would have chosen today. I know you were frustrated. I know that you wanted things to work better and go smoother. Things are slightly more out of control than what you prefer. I know.

I also know that I have a plan in it all. I also know that your growing trust in me will get you through. I also know that you, in the end, win.

Right now, there area some things that are tough to navigate. It will not always be that way. Smooth sailing is in your future. Not your immediate future but not too far off. In the meantime, in the stormy seas, remember always to look up to me and not get drawn in by the waves and the storm. If you are too focused on them, you will drown. If you stay focused on me, you will walk over the danger and come out on top.

Love you daughter. Go and rest.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


My prayer:

Awesome God, I love you. Truly. love. you. And, what is even better is that I know you love me. That is really the whole package. Nothing else really matters. Thank you for loving me God and for letting me love you.

What God Said Tonight:

Water. Still water. Still, crystal clear water. My Spirit is like still, crystal clear water that purifies, reflects, and surrounds you.

I am the well that never goes dry. With me you are never thirsty again. You will drink to your fill of my Spirit and you will see great power and love cover this world.

I am yours and you are mine forever. My love for you cannot be measured but can be held. Sweet dreams.

Monday, September 28, 2015

God makes everything better...

My prayer:

Today was one of those days where anything that could go wrong, did. Even some things that I couldn't even imagine going wrong, did.

Thank you for your peace throughout it God.

I did not let it get to me. I knew that you would work it all out. I did not have to remind myself that you would, I just knew you would and kept an eye out for your glory. And, that made it a pretty amazing day, in the end.

What God Said Tonight:

I am with you in the bad days and in the good. I am the one who turns tears into rain and sunshine into gold. I make the bad times good and the good times perfect.

I love you and when you trust in me, you will find that everything absolutely everything is better.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

God's timing...

My prayer:

Thank you God for the opportunities today to minister and to pray for folks. It was truly beautiful to see you touch people's hearts.

God a pray for a wave of overwhelming grace to go over the world. I pray for the freedom that your grace brings. I pray God for revelational understanding of what you have given us.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I have not waited unnecessarily. I have waited with purpose. I will never make you wait for no reason.

I have a time and a purpose for each season and while you know what you want and you think you want it now, it will be much better for you if you wait on my timing.

When I say "not now" I promise it is for your good. When I say "wait," I am not saying "no."

I have a timing for things that truly is perfect. I ask that you wait for it.

What God sees...

My prayer:

Thanks for listening to me all day today God. Now it is my turn. What do you want to talk about?

What God Said Tonight:

I have your ear and I have your heart, I am content.

I have seen you struggle and I have seen you triumph. I have seen you love and be loved. I have seen you hurt but I have seen you healed. I see all of you and love every bit.

I see those areas where you are mature and whole and I see those areas where you have more healing to see done. I am you healer so those areas of healing just mean that my work is not done. They are not a reflection of your value. They are a reflection of breakthroughs you have yet to experience.

I see those areas that need healing as future opportunities for celebration and joy.

You have sometimes wondered how I could look at you, see all of you and love you still. Now you know.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Seeds that grow...

My prayer:

Why was everything so hard today God? Simple things I can normally do without thinking took real effort. I guess it did make me take notice of some things and make some new choices. Maybe that is what is was all about. I do know that I sleepwalk through a lot of things, doing things out of routine and habit, taking for granted all of the possibilities. Today was definitely a wake up call from that thinking.

God, I ask for wisdom and understanding. Help me to learn whatever it is I need to learn.

Jesus, I continue to pray and send your word of healing to my friend in the ICU. Keep her safe and make her whole. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I have made you strong. I have made you whole. I have made you open to the possibility that there is more.

These are the seeds that grow. Days like today are the conditions that help them grow. Days like tomorrow are the evidence of their growth.

I am in you and you are in me and that will be forever.

It is as if your hands are on her and my healing is flowing into her. It is as if the miracle has already taken place. It is as if the pain never was.

I am in you and you are in me, forever.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Path of life...

My prayer:

What a crazy day God. I am pretty glad it is done.

Although, everything in perspective, it was a lot better than it could have been. Everyone I love is still healthy. I have a safe home, a good job, friends/family who love me, and challenges to keep me growing.

That is more than a lot of people have. That's more than I have had in the past. So, no complaints but immense gratitude that I don't have to face life without you.

You are my rock, my safe harbor, my healer, my teacher, my guide, and my friend. I love you so much.

What God Said Tonight:

The path of your life is not always even and easy to walk. There a slippery places where you can fall. There are places where the rocks are loose and you can stumble. But, your path is wide enough for us both.

We can walk this path of life side by side, you in the lead or me in the lead. It is your choice. I love you and I am always with you. You decide what position I take.