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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, September 29, 2024



My prayer:

I feel like I am praying the same prayer every week and every day right now. There is so much craziness that is outside of my control, more than ever and I can hear your voice even before I finish the sentence. You are in control. I don't have to be in control and, in truth, when I try to be in control I do nothing but mess things up further. 

So, as you do so often God, you have answered my prayer before I have prayed it tonight. I will continue to pray that your will is done. I will continue to trust you. I will lay every worry at your feet.

I pray that your strength, your peace, and your salvation rest in me as I abide in you Lord.

What God Said Tonight:

It's not that you don't know. You know that I am in charge and I won't let you down. But that is the nature of this world and the challenges it sends your way. Each new challenge seem insurmountable. Each new attack seems that it cannot be defeated. 

But, you know, from your history, that every challenge I will meet and every battle I will win. I am your Lord and you can count on me, every time. 

It is why I tell you so often to make a memorial. Do something to remember what I did for you yesterday to help you to have the faith for what I will do today. 

I love you my child and I will not let you down. This is the beginning, not the end. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

God is in charge...


My prayer:

Awesome God. I need you. In so many different ways right now, I need you. I need to you to take over my health and to make me well. I need you to help me to love the way you have asked me to love. I need you to give me the strength to go on, when I run out (which is more often than ever right now). I just need your help God. 

What God Said Tonight:

There is little to no need at this time to move anything faster As chaotic as it may seem right now, it is nothing more than the dust settling from the last battle.

Trust me. Trust that I am sovereign. Trust that my will shall be accomplished. 

I love you my child, now and forever.,

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Faith opens windows...


My prayer:

Your will is a crazy and wonderful thing God. Thank you for taking care of the mess of last week. You turned things for our good in ways that none of us could have predicted. Thank you for tonight and all that you showed and taught us. 

My solid and constant prayer God, is to pray that your will is done, in all things and at all times. That is my deepest need and desire. I love you now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I show you things sometimes, not because you need to know but I show you because you don't actually need to know. I show you because you trust me with your future, before I show you anything. 

It is that trust and that faith that makes it easy for me to share with you wheat I have coming up next for you. When I can know that you will allow my will to be accomplished in your life, I don't have to keep it to myself. 

I sometimes still will. Sometimes, the surprise of it still brings such joy that telling you ahead would rob you of the richness of the experience. 

Just know that it is your faith that opens the windows on your tomorrow. 

I love you child now and forever more.

Sunday, September 8, 2024



My prayer:

You taught me so much this week Lord. I am exhausted by it all, but so grateful as well. Thank you for the clear reminder as to whose approval I need to pay attention to and whose I do not. Thank you for taking care of my friend, giving her hope and a future. Thank you for your help in responding to the attacks. SO much this week God.

I pray, as always and above everything else, that your will is done this week. There is so much potential, both for good and for disaster, within this week. I leave it all in your hands God that your will is done. I pray that you guide me to anything you want me to do, or learn, this week. 

I am yours, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

Get out the bunting and the celebration. There is a time that is coming when you will have no choice but to celebrate. A time is coming when you will see the truth of all I have said and taught to you and you will be overwhelmed with joy and celebration. It is a time that is nearly here. You can be excited for it now because it is that close. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Jehovah Jireh...


My prayer:

Thank you for this down time this weekend God. The week was intense and next week looks like it could be even worse. I am grateful that I do not have to face it alone. I am grateful that you are with me, at all times and in all things. I pray for your help to do the hard things, in love. I pray that you take care of your children and guide them to the future you have for them. I thank you God that you are our provision, our provider, and we do not have to be afraid or wonder where our food or clothing or shelter will come from. It comes from you. 

My life is yours, now and forever, Jehovah, Yeshua, Holy Spirit.

What God Said Tonight:

Nothing is impossible with me. Remember that. What you dread happening, may not happen. What you fear happening to your brother and sister in Christ is not the end of any story. I am the Great I AM and in that, I can literally do anything. Wait and see what I will do in this case. 

My blessings are not on hold and they have not been depleted. My blessings, for my people are stored up in heaven and cannot be lessened. The blessing from God is one that is replenished immediately upon being sent you. We have no shortage here. 

Let everyone you know who is afraid that their finances are not enough. Remind them of the loaves and fishes. Remind them of my sovereign rule. I am God of all and I will not let my children starve. I will provide.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Child of the most high God...


My prayer:

A week of challenges and new information God. Thank you for bringing me through it all and thank you for your will being accomplished in my life. That is truly my one prayer, your will be accomplished in me and in my life. I love you God, more than I know how to express. I trust wholly in you. I am yours, now and forever sweet Joshua;Jesus, Jehovah.

What God Said Tonight:

There is no man on earth or in heaven who can boast if a power greater than me I will see my will be accomplished on this earth. 

Hold your banner high, Let the world know, you are are the child of the most high God. I will not forsake you or leave you behind, ever. I will always protect you, keep you healthy safe and whole. 

You are my child and my love for you shall not end.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Spiritual war...

My prayer:

What a week Father. Thank you for all of the amazing insight. Thank you for reminding me that my security is in you and you alone. Forgive me Father for losing track of that, even for a minute. I love you and I am grateful for all that you do for me and in me. I pray above everything else God that your will is done. Your perfect will is better than anything I can think of or ask for. Guide me in that will for the sake of you and your Kingdom. I am yours God, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

There is a war in the spiritual realm that you cannot see but you sometimes sense. It is a war for the souls It is the only war that will matter in the end. 

The winner of this war will reign forever. The loser in this war will rot away in hell until hell is no longer enough. He will be crushed and there will be no trace of him left. 

I am fighting this war, I am winning this war, and in the end you will see victory with me and my people. 

In war, it can be hard to see for certain who had the upper hand. There can be several events that may happen in succession and the enemy thinks he has done something important, but he hasn't. He cannot win this war, it is already finished,