My prayer:
Awesome God, I am grateful for balance and peace. I am grateful that I have finally come to a place in my life where I understand that my worth is not from what I do or don't do but from my heritage in you. I am grateful for this sanctuary that you have given me that I have had the time and the space to finally realize this.
Help me to hang on to it. Help me to teach it to others or at least model the benefits for them so they want to find this with you.
We talked about it for so many years. You taught me so many times. But it has taken every year, every lesson, every moment to get me to this place.
Thank you.
I likely have more work to do. As wonderful as this is, I would bet that there are still areas where I need to forgive, to let go, to receive wholeness. But knowing that does not take away from the joy of this peace, right here tonight.
I love you.
What God Said Tonight:
I am with you. I love you. I am yours, now and forever.
Never forget this moment. Make a memorial, paint a picture, save this writing but do whatever you need to do so you remember this moment.
There will be attacks on this peace. There will be those who will try to take it from you. It is not theirs to take but they will try. The enemy hates this peace. It is born in pure love and he hates that.
When the attacks come, remember this moment. Remember this peace. Remember this confidence of who you are and how you got here.
I love you my sweet daughter.