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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Joy in the hard times...

My prayer:

 I feel like I spent the day running on a treadmill God. A lot of movement and work but I really did not get anywhere. I pray for focus, direction, and help God. I am not able but you are.

What God Said Tonight:

My will for you is that you find the joy and the peace in all aspects of life. Not just the times that you enjoy, those are easy. I want to teach you to find the joy, even in the hard times. 

I promise you, I always bring some joy and peace, wherever I am. My love generates it. 

If you can touch me, you can find joy. I love you.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

God missed you...

My prayer:

Amazing Father. I want to learn something about you that I have never known or heard before.  I want to know you, all of you. 

I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

I missed you today. I had several opportunities for you to turn to me, to talk to me, to ask for my help, and I missed you. 

We could have had a day together but you were distracted. We could have rode the bike together but you were distracted. I love you and I miss you when you are distracted. 

Spend more time with me than you do in distraction.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

God's light presence...

My prayer:

Well, the last few days have definitely been a change. I don't know if it is the change you were talking about, but a change for sure. Plenty of time to reset and find a calm space in my mind, my spirit. 

Awesome God, I seek an intense experience of your Spirit tonight. I pray for your visitation, your palpable presence in this room and in me. God, I need to feel you tonight. I know in my mind that you are always with me and will never leave me. I even know it in my heart. But tonight, I pray that you let me feel your presence. I need to feel your Spirit around me, in me. I need a closer experience of you tonight God.

What God Said Tonight:

There is a lightness in the air. A freedom. That is me. 

My Spirit, my presence can be different at different times. You know my blanketing presence. You know my surrounding presence. Tonight, feel my light presence that reflects the freedom you have in me. 

Tonight is not a time to curl up and hide. Tonight is a time to spread your wings and fly with me. We are taking off.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A change is coming...

My prayer:

I sense an ending God. Not sure what is ending but it seems like something important is coming to an end. Is that just me or is that you guiding me? If it is you, please let me know if I should be doing anything to prepare. 

Thank you for today. Only you can make me successful in the midst of chaos. 

What God Said Tonight:

Waiting on the end of something is no different than waiting for the start of something else. In every change, I have prepared you. Each season is preparing for the next and each season arrives exactly on time. To everything, there is a season. 

Don't be surprised if your next season looks very different. A change is truly coming and you are fully prepared. I love you. Count on me.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

God's hidden will...

My prayer:

God, I pray that if I am out of your will in any part of my life, please show me and help me get back in line. It is never my intention to live outside of your will but I know sometimes I do. Help me to see it. Help me to fix it. 

I pray for your will to be done above all things, even my own or I should say, especially my own.

What God Said Tonight:

Things in life, my will in your life, is not always obvious. It is sometimes hidden behind other things. It is sometimes only evident when the season is done. 

I love you and I am your Lord. I will guide you always. You are mine, now and forever. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

You win...

My prayer:

Today was a REAL shocker God. You never cease to amaze me and you continually find ways to surprise me. Thank you for stepping in. Thank you for giving me the strength to endure the season. Thank you for the hope you showed me today. 

The future looks bright, FINALLY. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

I have no plan that does not result in your victory. You win. In the end, you will always win because you are a King's kid and the King is King of all. I will see you prosper. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Stay alert...

My prayer:

I am grateful for the quiet time God. Two days where the world, or at least my immediate experience of the world, slowed down with no tragedy and no emergencies. That was pretty wonderful. 

As we march into a new week, I pray for guidance, peace, strength, and wisdom. I pray that you help me to be a blessing to those around me.

What God Said Tonight:

Each day, each moment is precious and will never come again. the time you have right now, you will never have again. 

Find the purpose and the joy in each moment. Do not let it pass without you recognizing why it is there. Live aware and don't miss what I have for you. Don't let this world lull you to sleep. Stay alert, stay present, there is much to experience right now.