My prayer:
Ok, I know that offenses are a tool of the enemy to wipe us out so I am working REALLY hard not to be offended. Really hard. But sometimes, I am not sure how to let go. Other times, I wonder if I really should let go or if I should move on. Maybe the offense is just a sign that I am not in the right place?
Those are my thoughts but I would really like to know what you think. And if I am supposed to just let it go, I will need some help with that.
Thanks Jesus.
Those are my thoughts but I would really like to know what you think. And if I am supposed to just let it go, I will need some help with that.
Thanks Jesus.
What God Said Tonight:
Are you offended or is your pride hurt? Are you offended or have you convinced yourself that you are right and any other opinion must be wrong? Before you worry about letting go of the offense, I need you to be honest with yourself. Take a minute to see what is really happening.
Maybe, that different viewpoint has truth in it. Maybe it is not about you at all.
I love you daughter and I love your passion. Don't give that up. But, before you act, before you respond to this situation, take a minute to ask yourself the hard questions.
I love you and your life is in my hands.
Maybe, that different viewpoint has truth in it. Maybe it is not about you at all.
I love you daughter and I love your passion. Don't give that up. But, before you act, before you respond to this situation, take a minute to ask yourself the hard questions.
I love you and your life is in my hands.