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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, July 8, 2016

The disease of evil...

My prayer:

God, I pray for your peace to blanket our country tonight.

Things have gotten really out of control. I don't understand how killing people became a viable course of action but it seems like every day, we have another mass shooting or other horrific violence.

We need your wisdom and your peace. We need your grace to overwhelm us so our reaction is love and not violence. We need your love, which is stronger than any hate, to heal us.

God, I give you my country and ask for your help.

What God Said Tonight:

I have seen great violence done over the ages. I will see yet more. Violence is a side effect, an outcome of evil living in the world. It is a symptom of the disease of evil.

The symptoms seem to be getting worse because the illness is coming to a head. It is like when you have a fever. Often, right before the fever breaks, you have a spike where your temperature rises a bit more, or at least it feels as though it does. The same is true of this world.

The end (or the beginning depending on how you look at it) is nearly here. For now, know that you are under my protection. Know that I have my children well and strategically placed. Know that no matter how out of control it feels, I will see it work for your good in the end.

We are in a battle but it is a battle that we win.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hold on tight...

My prayer:

I am resting in your arms and in your love tonight God. My favorite place!

What God Said Tonight:

Strap on and hold tight. We have a bumpy road ahead.

You can choose to be frightened by the ups and downs or you can trust me in the middle of it and enjoy the ride. It is going to be exhilarating if you let yourself enjoy it. It will be terrifying if you don't trust me.

I love you sweet child. Hold on tight.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Living a life of grace...

My prayer:

Awesome God, THANK YOU! You made today go so smoothly. I was dreading returning back to work, worried about what I would find, but you took care of everything! Thank you Jesus!!

And yet, even in my giving thanks to you tonight, my mind strays to the one offense from today. The one thing that did not even bother me at the time but now, as I think about it, I find myself taking offense. Thinking, "She had no right to say that!"

But, that is ridiculous thinking. All it does is take the focus away from all of the blessings you heaped on me today. God, I ask for your help to let go of any offense. I choose to let it go and I ask for your help to not pick it up again. That offense is an enemy to me, to you and to the blessings you provided me and I will not allow it to fester in me. THANK YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

You will soon see the new heaven and the new earth. You will see that it is full of light and free from darkness. You will see that pain and offense do not live there.

The more you can live free of those things now, the more at home you will be in the new heaven and the new earth.

Letting go of an offense is not weakness. It is the strongest and kindest thing you can do. Living a life of grace means giving it as well as receiving it.

I love you sweet child. Go, in my grace.

Monday, July 4, 2016


My prayer:

I just want to hear your voice.

What God Said Tonight:

I haven't done all that I need to do in you yet. I still have hurts to heal. I still have dreams to realize. I have much yet to do in you and for you.

I have not waited out of punishment. I have waited for the right time. I have waited for everything to be in proper alignment to ensure the best possible results.

I am the God of the universe and I can see the end from the beginning. You will look back on this night and realize that it was not a matter of "if" it was only a matter of "when". Your "when" is coming soon. I have great things yet for you.

Sunday, July 3, 2016


My prayer:

I have so many thoughts running through my head tonight God that I don't know which ones to talk with you about.  Life is this odd combination of peace, joy, revelation with an underlying concern that I am missing something in the whole process.

Trusting you with my life is the easiest and hardest thing I have ever done. Easy because you are so trustworthy and when I can truly trust, my life floats along in a stream of opportunities and blessings. Hard because, well, I am not sure why. There is no logical reason for it to be hard. You always come through for me. I guess it is just that it seems crazy sometimes. I know I don't deserve all that you do for me and that makes me think it will all go away some day.

What God Said Tonight:

I have yet to see the child of mine who lives free of all doubt. You are surrounded by a world that works very hard to convince you that you cannot trust me. That I do not exist or if I do, I am irrelevant. Your enemy, my enemy has worked very hard for many millennium to make this so.

I have you in this world for a purpose. Not so that you live in it and are adapted to it but so that you stand apart in it and show the truth. Show the truth of my love for you. Show the truth of my blessing. I have you here so that those who are adapted to the world can see what life can be like.

Hang on tightly to me. Let my presence remove all doubt. Let my record confirm for you your trust in me. I am with you now and forever.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Perfect peace...

My prayer:

I am at peace and content God. Not that everything is perfect. Life continues to throw challenges at me all the time. But for now, in this moment, I am at peace and content.

Living life with you allows for these moments of perfect peace. Nothing missing and nothing lacking. That is something that only comes from knowing you. The world doesn't provide it, I checked.

Thank you for your peace that passes all understanding. Thank you that I don't have to wait for life to be perfect before I get to experience perfect contentment. You are amazing.

What God Said Tonight:

You are in my arms. There is a place where there is perfect safety, perfect peace, perfect redemption and you will find it in my arms.

You fall down, I pick you up. You can't get into to someplace, I will lift you up. I will take you where you need to go and I will plant and water you in that place to be blessed.

I love you and you are mine now and forever.

Friday, July 1, 2016


My prayer:

Awesome God. It seems like there has been a lot of confusion about opportunities lately. Which opportunities should we go after and which ones should we leave alone. Then there are the opportunities that we think you put in our path but when we follow them, they fall apart.

God, I am always asking for your guidance and wisdom but it seems like me and those close to me are in a bit of a greater need than usual. Help us to see what you have for us and what is better left alone. Guide us clearly to those things that are for our best good and that are for the best good of you and your Kingdom.

Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

I am a lighthouse in the dark. I never intend to leave you in the wilderness without a guide. I am in you and I will always guide you.

Your path is wider than you think. There are some opportunities, some decisions that are truly completely up to you. If you follow it, I will bless it. If you do not and choose something else, I will bless that.

I can tell you, when you have a decision and you have sought me for guidance and I am silent, it is often because the decision is yours and I can make any decision you make work for your good.

I will guide you when I need you someplace for a specific reason. For those things, I will make it very clear and it will be easy for you to follow. For the rest of the time, make the choices that seem best for you, the ones that follow your heart and your soul. I will work out the results for your good.

I love you and I will see you in your promised land.