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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, December 27, 2015


My prayer:

Thank you for your grace and mercy that I don't deserve. Thank you for your healing at every level of my life. Thank you for your love.

What God Said Tonight:

Grace is what I spent an eternity putting together to save my people. Grace is not a mystery but it is hard to understand.

Grace goes against so much of what you think you know. Grace is all encompassing. I can't show you grace in one area of your life and refuse to show you grace in another area of your life. Grace is. It can't be compartmentalized or separated.

My grace is a natural outcome of my love. You are mine, now and forever.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

God's promise...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am not sure what to do. I feel like I have been treading water, staying afloat but not going anywhere, for a long time now.

Am I still on your path? Is this where I am supposed to be and am  I doing what I am supposed to be doing? Or, did I miss something? Did I miss an opportunity? Is there something I need to deal with that is holding me back?

God, I would really love to hear your voice and your direction tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes, things on the surface look calm and serene, like a meadow in Spring, but underneath there is a mighty battle going on. Sometimes, what you see and experience is not reflective of the greater truth.

I have seen you through times of great struggle and I have seen you through times of great joy. I have never once left you, no matter where we were. I have not left you now.

I will guide you, always. It is my promise to you. It is my vow.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

A place to dwell...

My prayer:

The night before we celebrate your birthday Jesus! Today was a wonderful relaxing day and I can't wait to celebrate with you and family tomorrow. I can never be grateful enough for what you have done for me Jesus. I can never have enough "Thank yous".

I am grateful for Mary and Joseph too. I am grateful for their courage and obedience. They believed the impossible and brought you into this earth in human form. A pregnant teenage girl, her fiance who knows the baby is not his and they stuck together and believed. That is amazing.

I love you Jesus. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

A day to rest. A day to give.  A day to remember.

I have many homes to dwell in now. Every believer's heart is my home. Not like in the beginning.

I am with you. I love you. I will never leave you.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


My prayer:

It's almost CHRISTMAS!!!! Two more days and we get to celebrate your birthday!!!

It is pretty amazing to think that the God of the universe, creator of everything, came here to earth to be born, just like us, live just like us and then die so that we can know you and have eternity with you. Not even Hollywood could make up that story. Sometimes, because I have known you and the story of your birth for my entire life, I forget how amazing it all really is.

Thank you for everything God. Can't wait to celebrate with you!

What God Said Tonight:

I have seen you child and you are a property owner. Not property in this  world but property in my Kingdom.

It is harder to see but it is permanent. Once you gain property, once you gain ground in my Kingdom, you can never lose it and no one can ever take it away from you.

You have earned your plot of land, not through your good works but through your relationship with me. Ground, land in my Kingdom can not be won through acts, it can only be given. I have given you much and there is more to come.

You are rich in heaven my child. You are mine.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Keep moving...

My prayer:

A day full of unresolved tension has left me feeling on edge and off balance tonight God.

I pray and ask for your peace, wisdom, and guidance to lead me through this season (which is hopefully a short one). Help me to learn all that I need to learn. Help me to see every opportunity.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Hang on to me. Hang on to the cross. Walk with the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other. Don't stop. Don't stay and live in this place but keep walking and I will guide you out.

I have not designed you to live in this season but I have designed you to walk through it. I have things to teach you in this. I have purpose in this.

Put one foot in front of the other. Don't stop moving. Keep your eyes open and see what I will do.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


My prayer:

God, I ask for your help to forgive those who have hurt me and, even harder, to forgive those who have hurt those that I have loved. I know that is what you want from me but I do not have what it takes to do it on my own. I pray for your help and healing to be able to let go and to forgive.

What God Said Tonight:

I have forgiven you. You already have in you what you need to forgive.

I gave it to you freely. I did not ask you to pay for it with your actions or with your words. I have given it to you through my own sacrifice.

Now, you can give it to others.

Friday, December 18, 2015

God's Kingdom...

My prayer:

I am pretty glad to be at the end of this week God and grateful for a day of rest with you tomorrow. I am worn out.

Most of my thoughts and questions tonight are related to wonderful people in my life who are facing weird challenges. There seem to be a lot of those. I pray God that your sovereign will be accomplished in each of the situations and that every one of them be turned for that person's good. God, you can use anything to bless us. Turn their stuggles into blessings. It is so cool when you do that!

What God Said Tonight:

I am building a great Kingdom. First was the foundation. It has taken many years to build a foundation that can house my presence. The foundation, your foundation is built and is strong.

Next step is the columns. They will be tall and strong and will hold many stories. The columns, for you, will also be ornate. They will be evidence that a child of God dwells here.

There are more steps after that but I don't want us to get to far ahead of ourselves...