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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Expect to be blessed...

My prayer:

What amazing favor you showed me today God! Thank you!! I needed a "win" day and you sure gave me one. You are so very good to me. I am grateful to be yours.

What God Said Tonight:

I have more for you. I have more for you than you can receive.

I want you to expect my favor. Not in a spoiled or entitled way but in an excited and expectant way.

I want you to understand who you are in me. I want you to understand that there is no limit to what I will do for you.

Expect my blessing on your life because it is already yours. Expect my healing on your life because I already paid for it. Expect my grace and mercy to follow you because I have said that they would.

I love you sweet child. Expect to be blessed.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

God's bias...

My prayer:

Today beat me up and beat me down a bit God. I pray for rest and restoration tonight. I pray for wisdom to handle things better tomorrow. Help me to be more like you.

What God Said Tonight:

Today is over and only important in that it sets you up for tomorrow.

I am your God and I will see you prosper no matter the circumstances around you. Remember to love those aorund you and I will take care of the rest.

I am your God. I am yours. I am always on your side. I will turn all things for your good. I am biased in your favor and always will be. I am the reason you  are favored and that will never end.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Let go...

My prayer:

Dear God. I feel like I beat my head against a wall all day and got no where. That is usually a very good sign that I am trying to control things that are outside of my control.

I pray God for your help to recognize the things that I do not, or should not have control over. I pray for your help to then let those things go.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Let go. You have such a tight grip on a life that you are not even enjoying half of the time. Let go of what you have and open your hands to receive what I have for you.

Don't be afraid of the open empty hand. I will always fill it. And you know that I will not give you a stone when you ask for bread. I will give you all that you need and all that your heart in me desires.

You will see great things. But before you have room to grab hold of what I have for you, you must let go of what you have right now. I promise it is worth it.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Love purpose...

My prayer:

Sweet loving Father. We have been doing this, meeting like this at night for a long time now. I still love it. I love hearing from you. I love hearing how it blesses other people. I wonder sometimes how long we should keep doing it. Or maybe how long we should keep doing it this way.

Do you want to do more with it? Do you want me to be doing more or doing it differently?

Fact is, whether we do it like this online or not, I don't ever want to give up our talks. They are too important to me. And, if sharing them this way blesses other people, that is a good thing, right? Just wondering.

Thanks for the great hike and all of the insights today. I still don't understand it all but I understand more and I can trust you with the rest.

I ask for your help as I go into this week. I pray for your peace and your power to reign.

What God Said Tonight:

I will never run out of things to say and I will never get tired of listening to your heart. For me, as I have said so many times, this is for now and forever. You and me are for now and forever.

I am in your life for a purpose and a part of that purpose is to reach out to people and let them see my love. You do that in many ways. This is one. This is one that happens to reach a lot of people very quickly.

I am here, ready to talk, ready to listen for as long as you are willing to show up. I love you and I am with you always.

Keep your mind on me this week. Not the ten percent. Not on the things you cannot control. I am on your side and I will work all things for your good.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Holy Spirit Love...

My prayer:

Holy Spirit, have your way. Not just "have your way" in the traditional sense of how we expect you to move but truly, now and forever, have your way. I invite you right now, to fully have your way in my life. Whatever you want.

What God Said Tonight:

My way is always going to be to love. I will find new and creative ways to show it. I will show you new and creative ways to show it. But my way, will always be to love.

My love makes all things possible. My love makes life possible. I am love and love is in you.

The one way to make sure you never truly fail is to always act in love.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


My prayer:

Hi most wonderful God and Savior! How are you doing tonight?

I am grateful for the perspective you gave me today. I am grateful for the reminder that I get to choose my perspective and choose what I focus on. I choose to focus on the kind driver who let me into his lane when I suddenly realized I was in an exit only lane and I did not want to exit. I choose not to focus on the driver who was going 80 mph down the highway and drifted into another lane almost side swiping another car. That is one example but you know there are so many more.

Life is a lot more fun when I choose to focus on all of the things that are going well instead of wallowing in all of the things that are going wrong and which I have no control over. Thank you.

What God Said Tonight:

Wait until you are living here with me! That will give you some real perspective.

So much of what you think right now is important, isn't. And so much of what you think is not important, actually really is. It is very easy to stay late at work to finish a project. It is easy to believe that your family, your friends can wait. But, the truth is, family, friends, people, that is what really matters.

Your job is important right now because it is what you do and how you earn money to live. But, in the greater scheme of things. n the long term vision, none of that work will matter. People will matter. The love you show people will matter. Souls that get to live with you forever in heaven, those things will matter.

In the meantime, it is time for you to find a better balance. You have become out of balance and you need to balance out to receive my next assignment for you. You never know when everything, EVERYTHING, could change.

I love you daughter. Rest well so we can go at this thing called life again tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


My prayer:

Dear Lord. I am pretty wiped out from today but still in awe and amazement of your power and love.

 I am very grateful to be yours. It could have gone a different way. I could have been born somewhere else and never heard or learned about you and your love for me. I could have gotten so lost in my teenage rebellion that I never found my way back to you. I could have stayed in my safe self imposed solitary confinement and never got to experience your love through our God family. There are so many ways, moments and choices that could have taken me away from.

Thank you God that they didn't. Thank you for always bringing me back. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for always loving me.

What God Said Tonight:

I chose you and then I gave you the choice. This relationship is a two way street.

I will never leave you. I am always with you. Your choice is whether you are with me.

I love you so dearly. Like a parent loves their most favored child. I will never turn you away. I will never run out of second chances for you.

I love you. Rest in my arms tonight.