My prayer:
All knowing God. Not much about today happened the way I thought I wanted it to happen but everything turned out pretty wonderful anyway. You have a tendency to do that. To take circumstances that should be rotten and turn them around into to something pretty wonderful. Thank you for turning my lemons into lemonade God!
I pray and hope that I am always open to your plan, your path. It always works out best, even when it looks like it is not going to.
Love you!
What God Said Tonight:
I am waiting with such eager anticipation for my bride. She is almost ready. I can see her in the wings, dressed and beautiful. She looks a little nervous but that will pass.
Our time is almost here. I want to run to her, to help her get to me faster. But the waiting is sweet torture. I have waited a eternity for her and she is worth the wait.
White as snow, covered by my sacrifice. We are already bonded but we are about to be joined as one in a new level of intimacy that we have not experienced before. All up to now was the courting. The time for commitment and deep intimacy is here.
I love you my bride. I am here for you, waiting. Don't make me wait too long, please.