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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, January 16, 2015

The Wedding...

My prayer:

All knowing God. Not much about today happened the way I thought I wanted it to happen but everything turned out pretty wonderful anyway. You have a tendency to do that. To take circumstances that should be rotten and turn them around into to something pretty wonderful. Thank you for turning my lemons into lemonade God!

I pray and hope that I am always open to your plan, your path. It always works out best, even when it looks like it is not going to.

Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

I am waiting with such eager anticipation for my bride. She is almost ready. I can see her in the wings, dressed and beautiful. She looks a little nervous but that will pass. 

Our time is almost here. I want to run to her, to help her get to me faster. But the waiting is sweet torture. I have waited a eternity for her and she is worth the wait. 

White as snow, covered by my sacrifice. We are already bonded but we are about to be joined as one in a new level of intimacy that we have not experienced before. All up to now was the courting. The time for commitment and deep intimacy is here. 

I love you my bride. I am here for you, waiting. Don't make me wait too long, please.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

God or the devil...

My prayer:

Wonderful God. I keep having the same question asked of me by different people. "Is this God or the devil doing this." The "this" is always different but the question remains the same. 

What do I say to that? I mean there is the obvious, if it disagrees with your Word, it is not you. But sometimes, that is just not applicable. 

How do we know if that miracle is from you or just satan trying to deceive? How do we know if that opportunity is from you or from satan trying to take us off course? How do we know if that door that closed was because you did not want us to go down that road or because satan blocked it?

I feel like I know in my heart but I don't know if I am right and I have no idea what to tell the people who are asking. 

God, I pray for wisdom, understanding and the right things to say to people asking me about this.

What God Said Tonight:

There is good and there is evil. Satan does not use good to deceive. He may try but he is not capable of using good. Everything that is good becomes tarnished in his hand. 

Let's take an example. Winning the lottery. That is a good thing. However, for some people, once they win, it opens up all kinds of ugliness in their lives. Family fighting over money, gambling, other excesses. 

Many times the people who "won" end up more broke and broken than they ever were before they won. So, where they ended up, was that because of winning the lottery or because of choices they made after winning the lottery. Usually it is the second. 

I tell you so often that I will work all things for your good. Satan is busy trying to do the opposite. He is trying to work all things against you. He will try to take the blessings of life and turn them around on you. That is why the line of what is from me and what is fom him becomes blurred sometimes. 

I will tell you, the best determinate of whether I am in something comes through your sensitivity to my Holy Spirit in you. Seek the Holy Spirit and he will help you and guide you. He is there with you for that purpose. I cannot give you a short answer on this one other than to say seek my Spirit on each occasion and let me guide you. 

I love you and I will always guide you.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


My prayer:

SO many thoughts running through my head tonight God but not in any way to make sense of them. Thank you for bringing me through another day that was rich with challenges. 

If I had one request tonight, it would be for restitution for anyone one who I have hurt, either knowingly or unknowingly. The older I get the more I realize that decisions or even one off comments that I thought nothing about can often result in someone getting really hurt. 

I understand that through your grace and mercy I am forgiven of all of my sins and I am extremely grateful for that. But, if it is not too much to ask, I would also request that those I hurt be somehow restored, redeemed, healed from any harm I caused. Is that possible God?

Thank you God for being the great redeemer, the great healer.

What God Said Tonight:

I have enough forgiveness for everyone. I have enough healing for everyone. I have enough salvation to cover every sin. 

I do need them to turn to me to receive. I will provide, but for them to receive the healing, the restoration, I need them to be open to me. 

I cover your sin. Yes, I have forgiven your sin through my blood sacrifice. And, I cover it. I cover the cost. The cost to you and to others. I am your redeemer and I have paid your debts. 

I love you and I am always on your side. Live well in the peace that I have you covered, Then, go and love. Your job always is to love the best that you can. I will still be here when that does not work out sometimes.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Precious gems...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. I am so very grateful that you are on my side. I am never alone. I can always turn to you. You make me prosper. You give me wisdom. You give me answers. Feeling happy, at peace and very grateful for you tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

In the old days, I would tell you to put up an altar in remembrance of this moment. I had my children, my people, build altars so they would remember what I had done for them to get them through the tough times and the struggles. Now, today, we have different ways of remembering, like writing them down. 

Hold these days, these moments of clarity and peace as if they are precious gems. These are the moments that sustain you in the battle. These are the moments to remember when you just don't think you can take one more...whatever. 

I am always here for you. I will never leave you. I will always make you win in the ned. I am yours and you are mine and I don't want you to ever forget the joy of that. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Outside of the fog...

My prayer:

Amazing God. I have been focusing on the fact that I need a little better perspective on life. 

The things that I get caught up in, worrying about, stressed out about, do they really matter in the bigger scheme of things? Does my getting caught in traffic and delayed from getting home by 39 minutes in any way compete with someone who does not have a home to go to? Of course not. 

And yet, those things seem important to me because they are happening to me. Is that me being self centered and selfish or is that me being human? Or, are those two things the same?

God, I pray for wisdom to know what is important and worthy of spending time and effort on and what is not important. I pray for the ability to let go of the things I have not ability to change and focus for those things I can and should change. This is starting to sound an awful lot like the serenity prayer, but then again, that is a pretty good prayer!

Love you Jesus and thank you for your ever present help.

What God Said Tonight:

It is easy to live your life in a fog that only allows you to see those things that are right aroudn you. It is easy to forget that there is an entire world outside of that fog with other people just like you (and some that are nothing like you). 

Lifting the fog, at least once in a while, is a good idea. Living your life within the fog will get small and depressing. 

It is much like the blessings I have for you. I have so much more for you than what you are seeing right now. You look at the blessings that are closest to you within the fog and you miss the greater blessings I have for you, outside of the fog. 

I am bringing sunshine into your life to burn off the fog. It is time for you to see and be a part of the greater picture, the greater blessing I have for you. 

I love you. Get ready for the light.

Friday, January 9, 2015

God's perspective...

My prayer:

Thank you Jesus for a pretty wonderful day filled with pretty amazing people! This week was not easy but it is done and you blessed me all of the way through it. I cannot ask for more. I look forward to Sabbath with you tomorrow. Let's have some fun!

What God Said Tonight:

I am walking in stride with the rhythm of life on this world to be with you but my ways, my timing, my existence is not like yours. My perspective is not like yours. 

I can see the purpose and long term plan as easy as you see your next breath. Trust and know that I know things you do not and I will guide you according to my insight, not yours. 

I love you. Go rest now.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

God's pursuit...

My prayer:

Thank you God for today. It was still crazy but I felt your presence and your peace all day. 

I am so grateful for you in my life! I don't think I would make it a week without you. Thank you for all you do and all that you are. Thank you most of all for loving me. Your love is more valuable than anything else that ever has or ever will exist. 


What God Said Tonight:

I love you too. More than you can every truly understand. My love is deeper, greater, and beyond anything you can imagine. 

I have a burning and aching love for my children. 

I will not sit idly by waiting for my children. I must pursue them now. The time is short. They need to choose. 

You, your life can hellp. Let's get the kids together for this last season.