My prayer:
Dearest God of all creation on heaven and earth. I come to you tonight as this country I live in is in turmoil, or at least that is the way the news is making it look. Just yesterday I was complaining that we have become too apathetic as a society. Well, these folks who are rioting are not apathetic.
I just pray for your peace in this situation. I pray for your protection around your children God. I pray that you help us to find a path that leads away from violence and toward reconciliation.
Not that I am against change or standing up for change. I actually think that is pretty great. I am just concerned that people are going to get hurt in the process.
What God Said Tonight:
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but do not be afraid. You will hear of people in the streets, tearing the world apart, but do not be afraid. You will hear of plagues and you will hear of terrible things, but do not be afraid, I am with you.
I tell you so often to not be afraid because I know how frightening this world is and will continue to be. I am telling you now that it will get worse before it gets better, but do not be afraid. I am with you. I am on your side. I am making all things turn for your good.
In the midst of chaos and terror, I am still with you. I am still working it out for you. I love you. Do not be afraid.