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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, July 7, 2014

A full life...

My prayer:

Wow God. Today sure flew by! It seems like I woke up this morning, blinked, and now I am here with you. Time really is a funny thing. When I am waiting for something, time can seem to drag on forever. When I am busy, it can fly by so fast I have trouble keeping up. I know there have been times when I have prayed for more time and you have given it to me. 

Anyway, just the random wandering thoughts of you daughter on a stormy night. Do you have any random thoughts to share with me tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Not every moment needs to be earth shattering revelation. 

When I was walking on the earth, I had great miracles that I performed, I healed, I taught, I provided. But I also rested. I sat with friends. I enjoyed a meal. Life should be a wonderful mix of work, and rest, peace and striving. A full life has all of those things and more. A full life brings you great joy and fulfillment. 

Don't be afraid to just rest and be. Sometimes, those are the truly great moments that you remember all your life. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014


My prayer:

Life is SO EXCITING right now God!!! Thank you for ending the season of boredom! I don't know what this next season is going to bring exactly but I am pretty sure that it won't be boring!! Thank you for the amazing people in my life. Thank you for the opportunities. Thank you for joy. Thank you for health. Thank you for being YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Ahhh, you see it. You see the plan. You see the future. You see that life is made to be lived, not endured. Those are all very good things. 

I will show you more. I will show you more miracles. I will show you the stars. I will show you so many things and each will be wonderous. 

I am yours and you are mine and nothing is out of reach for us. I told you that I would and could make the impossible, possible. Well, now I am making the impossible, reality. 

I love you. Go, sleep if you can. :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

God's plan...

My prayer:

Sitting out back, looking at the stars, thinking of you. Sweet Father God. 

When I look at how you work things together, I never cease to be amazed. Sitting here in amazement and not even able to describe it in words. There is an assurance in it. It shows me how you are always in charge and taking care of things, even the things that I don't know need to be taken care of. But at the same time, it is a little scary. To truly realize that ALL things are possible through you means that ALL things are possible. It means that tomorrow could be anything. Exciting, scary, wonderful all at the same time! 

Thank you for this time God. Thank you for being in charge. Thank you for working all things to my good!

What God Said Tonight:

I am speaking to you more through circumstances than I am through words. I can do it either way, but right now, the circumstances of your life are more important than what you are hearing and learning in your mind. 

My plan is at work. I had to take a few extra turns to get there but it is at  work. I worry not about the plan and I worry not about you. Don't worry about me. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Don't give up...

My prayer:

I am cranky and generally unpleasant tonight. If you were anyone other than who you are, you would not put up with me. But you are who you are and I am grateful. Is there anything you want to talk about tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Your life is just beginning. I know you sometimes think it is ending but it is just beginning. Your preparation has been long but your mission will be great. You have seen much and done much but you are not done. Not even close. 

Don't get weary now. Don't give up now. The good stuff is just over the ridge. I love you and I will see you soar.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Get the log out...

My prayer:

Thanks for the scary but important insight tonight God. I hate when I get all judgemental and irritated looking at someone else's flaw just to realize I have the same flaw and people have been trying to tell me about it for awhile. I think the way you said it was to take the log out of your own eye before you try to take the splinter out of your brother's eye...or something along those lines.

God, thank you for showing me my log. I ask for your help in getting it out. You are awesome!

What God Said Tonight:

I will. 

You can see the set up to this revelation. I have brought you through several steps and this was the last one. You are in a good position that you are willing to see it. 

I am here to take it out for you. You can still be you but now you will be the you that you thought you were, not the you that others thought you were.  

Walk in love. I am your strength and I will cause you to prosper.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

He is coming back...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Your favor on me is amazing! Thank you for today. Thank you for new opportunities. Thank you for wonderful people in my life. My brain is about done for after using it so much today. All that is left in there is praise and thanks for you! 

What God Said Tonight:

My time here is not done it is just beginning. We are not just finishing a season but we are starting a whole new adventure. 

I am coming back and I am coming back soon. I will prepare the world for my return. When I come, no man knows the timing, that is true; but, all men will be prepared. All men will be ready, or, at least all will have the opportunity to be ready. 

Be alert. Be ready. Be waiting for me. You will see the heavens open. You will see me coming back. There will be no doubt of who I am or why I am here. We will celebrate together on that day and it will be glorious! 

In the meantime, help me to get my people ready? I will show you how. I love you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

God's peace...

My prayer:

Busy day, great night, love you! Mighty God, I have a lot of thoughts tonight but mainly I am just sitting here firmly entrenched in your peace. What a great place to be! I would love to stay right here in your peace forever. loveyouloveyouloveyouloveyouloveyou!!!!! I cannot say it enough and I cannot say it enough different ways. YOU ARE SO WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

My peace I give to you. It is  a gift, not earned. It is because of who I am and my love for you, not because of circumstances. It does not rely on things going well. It does not rely on success. It only relies on my presence. 

Where I am there is peace. Where I am, there is joy. Where I am there is love. These are all evidence of my presence in your life. I love you and will keep you in my peace, my joy, my love, forever.