My prayer:
Awesome God. There is one thing that I really hate and that is being lied to. I was lied to a lot today and it left me angry and frustrated. No matter what the truth is, I would rather hear that and deal with it than to be lied to.
God, help me to know how best to respond. I am not sure how to love in the face of a lie but I don't want to get bitter either. I want to be able to let this go but I am having a hard time.
Thank you God for your help and thank you for always listening.
What God Said Tonight:
What is good about your frustration is that it is with the lie, not with the person who told you the lie. You have correctly identified the enemy and that is the lie and the Father of all lies.
That is why it makes you so angry. Lies are evidence of satan workng on this earth. I hate lies too. I hate that they show his foothold in peoples lives.
That being said, none of you are perfect and as I extend grace and mercy to you, so also you should extend grace and mercy to others. Come against the lie but don't come against the person. The person needs your compassion and he needs my strength. He needs to know a love that will never fail him instead of a lie that always will.
It is not easy my child, that I know.