My prayer:
Awesome God. I have been noticing something about Christians, me included. We seem to have a really hard time receiving. We are happy to give and feel good about that but when we are really in need, it seems like it is very hard for us to accept help, in any form.
Sometimes for me I know it is pride. Sometimes it is because I don't think I deserve it. Sometimes I am worried about what "they" the giver, will expect in return. And sometimes I am worried that it will cost the giver too much.
The scary thing is, that kind of thinking bleeds over into what I am willing to receive from you. I wonder what I have missed because I have been unwilling to receive? I bet there is a lot.
The thing that really doesn't make sense when I think about it is that I know when I give, it is always a bigger blessing for me than for the person I have given to. And yet, when I refuse to receive, what I am really doing is denying that person, or you, that bigger blessing which is down right selfish on my part.
God I pray for help to be able to rightly receive the blessing that you and the people around me want to give to me. Help me to receive help when I need it and blessings when I don't. I choose to change my mind about how I have thought about this and I pray that you help change my heart.
What God Said Tonight:
I have seen this too. I usually see it in my people who have a true heart for me and for my people. It is the givers that have the hardest time receiving; but the truth of it is, giving and receiving are all part of the same cycle.
You cannot, or should not, have one without the other. By definition, if you do, you get out of balance. If you are always giving and never receiving, you will run out of the ability to give. If you are always receiving and never giving, you will be smothered by your own gifts.
When you are giving and receiving freely, especially within the Kingdom, you will achieve balance and everyone in your community will be taken care of. This is how we started with the early church and it was a peaceful way to live.
Look for opportunities to give and look for opportunities to receive. Both are blessings to you and to the other person. Be generous in both and you will become a free flowing source for all those around you.