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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Not random...

My prayer:

Whoooosh! What a day! All good though God!! It sure seems like you are lining things up for something special. All kinds of things that have been separate, seem to be coming together in a way that could be SO EXCITING!!

God the message tonight was so right on. Please, show me what needs to change in me. Help me not to judge or to let myself be ruled by the judgement of others. Help me God to listen to what you think about me at all times and let that rule and direct my life and actions. 

I love you God and I am all yours, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I have been putting it all together for awhile now but I am glad you are starting to notice. Your life has meaning and purpose. 

The random things, the random decisions in your life are not random. I work ALL things to the good of those who love me and are called according to my purpose. That means all things. That means the things that are in my will and the things that are not in my will. I work all things together. I have such dominion over this earth that I can use anything and everything to bless you and see that you succeed. 

Don't get scared. Fear has kept you from too many great promises in this life. Trust me to work everything together. Trust me to work your best and your worst together for your good. I can make silk out of a sow's ear as they say. I made wine out of water. I can and will use it all for your good.  

I am yours, now and forever.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Open heaven...

My prayer:

WooHoo God! Tonight was awesome!!! You were amazing!!!! The supernatural adrenaline rush is starting to wear off and I am losing steam fast. But, I can't thank you enough for all of the amazing things you did tonight. 

Thank you for healing my ankle, D's shoulder, H's throat infection! You are our healing God! Thank you for setting D free from the things that were holding him back. Thank you for confirming your vision for other Ds future. Thank you for the beautiful vision for the other D! And thank you for all that you restored in M tonight. YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLE!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Miracles are nothing more than heaven opening up on earth. These things you see as miracles are common day occurrences in heaven. It is how we live. 

It is how you can live, all the time, if you choose to. Not many people have achieved or experienced it but you can if you want it. You can live a life where you tell a mountain to move and it does. And, not a proverbial mountain but an actual dirt and rock mountain. You can live a life that sees sick people healed and dead people rise, if you want to you. You can live a life where you see every need provided for out of my riches in glory, if you want to. 

It is there for the taking if you want to. Your life was intended to be lived under an open heaven. I want to pour out my miracles on your life, if you want to. Do you want to? I do.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I give you...

My prayer:

Amazing God! It is good to be alive tonight! No real reason, I am just keenly aware of all of the good you put in my life. You give me so much joy. You consistently make me succeed. You surround me with wonderful friends. You give me opportunities and challenges. You made this beautiful world that I get to live in with flowers that smell like heaven and trees with limbs shaped like hearts. You give me health and strength to enjoy it all. IT IS GOOD TO BE ALIVE!!! Thank you God!

What God Said Tonight:

I give you...It is true that I have so many gifts for my children. More than they can receive most of the time. 

I give you...I also give you to the world. I give you talents, skills, wealth for the primary purposes of then giving you to the world. You and all that I have given you are my gift to the rest of the world who doesn't know me yet. 

Let them see all that I have given you but let them know that it is for them. I give to you so you are then given to them. 

I give you. But I never give you away. You are and will always be mine. But I give you as a father gives his daughter in marriage. She is still his daughter but she and all that he has instilled in her is now given to enrich and support and love someone else, too. 

I love you daughter. now and forever.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Grace covered glasses...

My prayer:

You have surrounded me with the most wonderful people God. Someone said to me today, "You know all the best people!" And, I realized they were right! I use to be so afraid of letting anyone into my life but once I stopped being afraid and started trusting you, that is when you started filling my life with so many amazing people. 

Thank you God for the people you surround me with. Thank you for the sphere of influence you have put me in. I AM SO BLESSED!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Being grateful, that is a great thing. Seeing the value in the people around you is important. Seeing them with grace covered glasses is even more important. 

Every person alive on the earth today has good and bad attributes. There is not one single person who is all good and not one single person who is all bad. You love the person, appreciate the good and give them grace for the bad, as best as you can. 

That is how relationships are built. That is how people are encouraged to grow and become all that they have potential to be. I will give you grace to give away. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Return on investment...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I have been talking so much to you today, I am kind of out of things to say. Thanks for listening and for taking care of everything. 

I can't wait to give the praise report of your favor. I am believing that you have made me to prosper and that you make me succeed. I am going to do my best to rest in that assurance and not worry about getting the answer on that bid from today. 

I love you and am so grateful for you in my life. I would truly be nothing without you.

What God Said Tonight:

I am. I am here. I am yours. I am the creator. I am your healer, I am your teacher. I am. I am everything you need. 

I am the one who makes you succeed and I am the one who picks you up when you fail. There is nothing in life that can happen to you that I can't turn for your good. I will see you succeed in the end always. 

I have a vested interest in you my daughter. Your success is my success. You are my return on investment. I have planted within you the seeds and I expect the harvest. I expect to see those seeds as they grow, mature, and provide more seeds. 

Every success in you, everything you do, gets multiplied out to the people around you. You are a catalyst for so many things that I want to do. You are the light I have placed. in this time, and in this place to ensure that darkness will not win. 

Love you and have sweet dreams.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Broken hearted...

My prayer:

This is a crazy dangerous world we live in God. Most of the time, I forget that. I kind of have to so I can live out each day and not be afraid all of the time. But, just listening to the news the last couple of days, random shootings, hit and run car accidents, a doctor who killed babies with scissors, I mean, how bad does it have to get? 

I know you warned us that in the last days it would be pretty horrible, and you were right. What amazes me is how I can block it out most of the time. Then, I will have a day like today where I realize all that is going on and I am so disgusted. I am disgusted by what we do to each other God. I am disgusted at myself for closing my eyes to it most of the time. 

I know that you keep me safe and I am grateful for that. I know that you have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a strong mind. And, I am more grateful than I can say for that. It is amazing that no matter how bad it gets, I don't have to be afraid because you will take care of me. But, I hope it doesn't have to get much worse before you come back. It breaks my heart.

What God Said Tonight:

It breaks my heart too my daughter. I would give anything to see you spared from this. I did give everything to make sure you come through this time. 

I have the path out all laid and secured. You will not get stuck here. You will be victorious in me. 

In the meantime, love, have mercy and compassion, and don't lose heart. It is all going to work out, in the end.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fun stuff ahead...

My prayer:

Wow. I really had to fight to get to this tonight God. Technical issues kept cropping up and I almost gave up. But here we are and I am betting all the interference means that you have something great to say tonight!

I am grateful to be here with you tonight. Today was wonderful without a doubt. Ending it with you and some quiet time makes it all the better. 

I am excited about the future. For the first time in awhile, I am truly excited about the future! Life has been great, but it has not seemed like there was much changing or much to look forward to. But, after this weekend, that seems to be changing. It feels good to get excited about what is coming up, even if I am really not sure what it is.

When it comes down to it God, I trust you and know that you will make everything work out exactly the way it is meant to as long as I am  focused on you. That sounds pretty easy. Love you!

What God Said Tonight:

Your future is ordained, but it is not boring. It is chosen but it is not out of your control. I have set you apart as my chosen people. My adopted children who I love and in that choosing, I have created a future and a hope for you.

I am glad that you are getting excited. This next season is more than you can imagine. I promise to continue to blow your mind regularly, because I know you love it. We are on our way.

Don't get too caught up in the worries of today. They are there and there are things you need to do now, today. But those things are just the preparation, the ground floor of where we are going. The ground floor is VERY important, and you must take the time to build it right. You must give it time to set.

But, when it is done, that is when the exciting building takes place. That is when you get to begin to see what we are building together. Don't get bored or discouraged in the ground floor stage. The fun stuff is on the way. Sleep tight my daughter.