My prayer:
What a day, what a weekend God. Thank you for reminding me of the great plans you have. Thank you for reminding me of visions of the great things that you have planned. Thank you God for connections with people that love you more than anything else. Thank you God for this next chapter we are walking into. Thank you for the opportunities to bless you and bless your people. Thank you for healing so many people with back troubles today! I LOVE YOU LIKE CRAZY!
What God Said Tonight:
I do it all for you, my children. You are more precious than gold to me. You are more brilliant that fine gems. You are everything I ever hoped from the time of my first creation.
I know we have been through a lot to get to this point. But, I promise, it will be worth it. I promise that when you look back on your life, you will say it was a worthwhile life. You will be glad that you lived and moved in the time that I have given you here on earth.
We have a lot to do but don't ever get intimidated. I will lead you and guide you. I will help you through this like I have everything else. You never thought you could write or publish a book and now you are offering to help others while your book continues to sell.
It will be so easy once we get started. I am going to fling open doors. I am going to create opportunities that have never been open before. I am going to soften men's hearts toward you and they will bless you. You will have more than what you need to do what I have called you to. You will love it, I promise.
Tonight, celebrate this time in history. This is going to be the small beginning that you talk about nostalgically in your old age as you are helping a new ministry get offf the ground.. I love you so much and I am excited to walk you through this next thing.