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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, April 20, 2012


My prayer:

What can I say God. Tonight was so amazing. Prayer and Worship group was incredible. The prophetic words you shared were amazing. The healing you accomplished, the dreams you clarified, the visions you gave...AMAZING!!! 

God, I want to find a way to live me life in that place of deep anointing. Is that possible? Would I be able to function or would I need to go live in a monastery kind of place? 

I don't know but I know I love it. I know I love your power and your  presence. I know I love being around people who experience you and share with me in these amazing times. Thank you God for bringing us together and for showing up every time. I LOVE YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I gave you words, visions, dreams tonight because you took the time and the effort to spend with me. You did not come from obligation, you cane excited to receive and to give. 

You are someone who enjoys seeing other people happy. You are happiest when you give. SO give often and give a lot. It will fuel you and fill you. 

Whenever you start feeling down or discouraged, give. I promise you will feel better. I love you. Go rest now and give again tomorrow.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The grass is always greener...

My prayer:

Amazing God. I look at days like today, weeks like this week and I am amazed. You give me skills beyond the skills that I have. You give me favor with people that I don't deserve. You give me wisdom and insight that is beyond my ability. And with all of that, you make me better than I am and give me the ability to effect people and the world around me more than I could on my own. 

WOW! I mean...WOW!!! I feel like I should wear a shirt or a button or something that says, I am not so great...that is just my God seeing shining through. It is all you God and I am so grateful that I get to be a part of what you are doing!! 

Thank you for the new opportunities today. I can tell you are up to something good and I am excited about it!! I LOVE YOU!!

What God Said Tonight:

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Do you wonder why that saying is so true in so many situations? It is part of what sin does to you. Sin let's envy in and envy destroys every time. 

Part of what I want you to understand is that the envy in this world blinds people to the truth that I am in charge. It blinds them to the truth that you are talking about tonight. When people are envious, all they can see is what you have that they want. They can't see the source of it. The thing is, if they could open their  eyes and see the source, they would understand that they could have it all too. But envy blinds and envy begets envy. 

Like all sin, envy multiplies. It is like a virus and soon blinds you to everything except for the thing you are envious of. Stop envy in its tracks. Refuse to let it in. Instead, look at the source, the supplier of that thing you want and go to the source. I am your source now and forever and I will absolutely give you the desires of your heart. I love you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I am...

My prayer:

Amazing God, amazing life, amazing, favor, amazing God!! I love you so much! I love what you do in my life so much! You are so incredible!!! I wish I could speak a hundred different languages just so I could praise you in every one! How about Hallelujah!!! I believe that is "celebrate God" in every language on earth? HALLELUJAH!!!!! I am so crazy about you God. I love you. I love what you do for me. I love living with you on my side. That is it really. You are perfect and wonderful and I am in awe of you. HALLELUJAH!

What God Said Tonight:

I am,. that is the thing. I simply am. 

I am waiting for you. I am rejoicing with you. I am in you. I am. I simply am. 

No matter what ever happens, I am. I do not change. You may look for me in different places, but I do not change. I am. 

Whether they are praising me in triumphant entry into Jerusalem or whether they are crucifying me and spitting in my face, I am. People's response and opinions of me do not change who I am. They should not change who you are. Stand strong in the understanding of who you are as a child of me and do not let people's opinions or your circumstances dictate who you are.

You are a mighty warrior and you are a royal priesthood. You are exactly what I intended you to be. Be proud of who you are but make sure you are showing off my work and not my throw aways. 

I love you forever. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Final revival...

My prayer:

Your favor is so awesome God! I know that I talk about it all the time and you are probably getting a little tired of it; but you keep blessing me, giving me favor with people, opening opportunities that I have not earned, and prospering me over and over and I can't stay silent. I have to praise you God! I have to tell the world that it is you and not me. I have to let everybody know that you get the credit and you get the glory! 

You are so awesome! I love you so much and I am so grateful for you in my life. Thank you for opportunities at work. Thank you for opportunities in ministry. Thank you for opportunities in relationships. THANK YOU! You are the God of new opportunities and I am so GLAD!

What God Said Tonight:

Do you see the crowds? Do you see the revival? Everything you do, every opportunity is preparation for the revival to come. There are thousands, millions of people waiting for this final revival. There are so many of my children who have been crying out for so long. 

You will see the revival in your lifetime. You will see the massive crowd that I have shown you so many times. You will see the waves of healing pass over the crowd. You will see people of all cultures, all beliefs, come to recognize me as the most High God and see Jesus as the only way to their salvation. 

You will see great prophesy and mighty wonders. You will see creative miracles. You will see the dead rise. You will see great disaster but you will see great redemption. You will see it all. 

You will be a part of the last generation. You will be a part of these final days and you will see the culmination of the law, the promise, and the redemption. I have chosen you, my children of this age, to be witness to this amazing moment in history. You have been groomed and prepared. You are a special generation. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Blessing and cursing...

My prayer:

Awesome God you gave me a little bit of everything that I needed exactly when I needed it today. YOU ARE SO AMAZING!!! Thank you for understanding what I need and providing for it every time. 

God, you bless me like crazy and I am so grateful. I don't know if I always do a good enough job of passing that blessing on. Do we ever get a clear idea of our effect on others. It has to be a mix of good and bad. People are great about telling me about the good effect I have; but, I always wonder about the other side of the coin. I wonder about the negative effect I have on people. Being flawed, I am sure that I sometimes negatively effect people. I don't want to I would love to be a crazy blessing to everyone around me all of the time. What would that be like? I just heard you God, that would be like hanging out with Jesus all the time. Sounds good to me! 

God, I pray that I am a blessing more than I am a curse to those around me. I ask that you show me when I am not being a blessing and help me to change. I love you God and I want to better reflect the Jesus in me for your sake, for the people around me sake, and for my sake. 

What God Said Tonight:

You know how I have told you that there is death and life in the power of your tongue? Well, it is true for your life and for the lives around you. 

If you want to bless the people around you, speak blessings into their life. Be specific about it too. Don't just say, may God bless you. Spend some time with them, find out what is on their heart and pray that I bless them with the desires of their heart. Then you will be a blessing. 

If you don't want to be a curse, don't curse them with your words. Even words they don't hear have power. Once you speak something, you give it life. When you are in traffic, be careful of what you say, even when they can't hear you. You can curse someone you don't even know with a careless word. 

I am serious about this. There is power in your words. I gave you that same creative power. Don't misuse it. Be a blessing and not a curse. You make the choice and you realize that choice with your words. I love you daughter and always will.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jump into Spring...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Life has been so serious lately. I think I have been forgetting to enjoy the ride. And, now, I am beating up on myself about that. 

Truth is, I am pretty sick of me right now God. What is on your mind. You are so much more interesting and worth listening to.

What God Said Tonight:

Do you ever wonder why I made so many white flowers for Spring? There is a purity and a freshness in Spring. It is the time when everything is new. Everything is fresh. The old fades away and the new bursts up from the soil. The ravages and cold of Winter are not forgotten but lose their power in the fresh flush of Spring. 

Spring is here. Jump into it. Leave the dead of Winter behind and jump into Spring with me. I am ready to take you into a new beginning if you are willing to leave the winter behind. 

I love you daughter. You will love the new season but don't miss it. Don't miss what I have for you because you can't stop thinking about what didn't happen last winter. Let go of the past and reach forward to the future I have for you. It is good.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Unanswered prayers...

My prayer:

Thank you God for the luxury of rest today. Thank you for getting me recharged. My life is so wonderfully full and busy. but, every time I get a couple minutes to rest, my mind goes to the things I don't have. The prayers that have gone unanswered. The promises that I have not yet seen. 

Why is that I wonder. Is it natural/normal? And, even if it is, why do I do it? It doesn't do me any good. It doesn't help me in any way to dwell on those things. It does not inspire me, it only depresses me. 

God, help me to change this. Help me to concentrate on all that you have done. Help me to only focus on the things I don't yet have if there is something that you want me to do about it. 

Fact is, you have shown me that I can have anything I really want. I wonder if the reason I don't have some things is because somewhere deep down I don't want them? I will have to think about that one. 

I love you God and I pray that I have the mind of Christ, focusing on those things that are good.

What God Said Tonight:

My daughter, if you were to have everything right now there would be no need for tomorrow. There would be nothing to strive for. If everything was perfect, you would never want to change and the fact is, there is more change needed in you. 

There will be a day when every promise is fulfilled in your life. There will be a day where you live in the perfection of heaven. There will be a day when everything that you think you are missing right now will be a permanent and eternal part of your life. That time is not now. 

Now is a time for study, for change, for growth, and for joy. There is much joy in the process of growing and striving. It gives you one more thing to get up for each day. 

I have great plans for you and they are exactly on time. It is just the time is not now. I love you and I will bring you each promise in due time.