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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Missing peace...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have a lot running through my head again tonight. So much is happening. You are teaching me so many things. You are adding amazing people in my life. You are growing things that you planted in my life years ago. 

It is all very exciting when I stop to think about it. But, this week, I have been pretty strained just to keep up. I am not complaining. I love everything you are teaching me and doing. But, I think I kind of lost that place of peace. The one that comes from total trust in you. I think that I just let life get in my head too much. And, now, I am just crazy tired. 

I need rest but I need to rest in you. I need to trust in you. I need a Sabbath. Thank you that I get one tomorrow God! I love you God. What do you want to talk about tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

The peace that you are looking for has never moved and has never changed. It is just waiting for you to come back to it. My peace is everlasting and it will never fail; but,  you have to come get it. 

My peace is gentle. It does not chase after you. Worry chases you. Sin chases you. Stress chases you. But, my peace, does not chase you. You have to come to it. Part of finding the peace is taking a step toward me. 

I promise, it will always be here for you when you come for it. I will always be here for you when you come to me. This peace I give to you but you have to come close to be to receive it. I don't mail this peace out. You have to come to me personally and receive it from me. 

That being said, it is free. When you get to me, it is free and will not cost you anything more than the effort to get to me. I love you daughter and my peace is yours. Come and get it!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Love is a multiplier...

My prayer:

If I was ever tempted to skip this time with you God, it would be tonight. I am so tired, I can barely type. I really want to go to sleep but I know I will be sorry and regret it if I don't spend time with you and hear what you have to say tonight. I know that I will be so miserable that I won't even be able to sleep.
It's not that you would punish me. I am covered in the blood, forgiven, and you love me. But, even one second without your evident presence in me is like torture. My God, I need to hear your voice. I need to spend time with you. It is a deep seeded need in me. I need you like I need air. Tell me what is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

I am always with you daughter. Whether you are asleep or awake, alone or with others, at home or at work.

Love begets love. Love is a multiplier. It takes things and multiplies the increase. As you love, you multiply your opportunities. As you love you open opportunities for yourself. 

I have destined you to succeed and I will not let you down. Go for your dream, I will support you. Go for it! It may seen crazy and it may seem too hard, but do it anyway. You will be so excited about where you come out! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Think on good things...

My prayer:

God, my mind and my thoughts are confused tonight and you are not a God of confusion. I need to find that place of peace and calm where I can shut out the craziness of this day and just focus on you. I need to get my focus more on you. There is so much happening right now and a lot of it is good, some is challenging, and some is just rotten. I need to take a few minutes and step out of the mes and into your presence where there is calm, peace and joy. Can I come in and hang out with you for awhile God?

What God Said Tonight:

You can hang out with me anytime. You can hang out with me all of the time. 

Think on good things. Concentrate on me and my voice for a minute. There are many things vying for your attention but listen to me for a minute. 

This is an exciting time. you will look back on this time and it will all make sense. In hindsight, you will understand the purpose for each thing I did and maybe more importantly, each thing I did not do.
I love you daughter and this fight is one we will win together. The last days are nearly here. I am glad I get to face the battle with you. I love you more than life. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

God's power in me...

My prayer:

Awesome God. We have forest fires raging here and I need your help. People are dying. Others are losing everything material that they have as well as a sense of security. 

God, I pray for your help. I ask that you put out the fires. I ask that you protect the people. I ask God that you restore the things that were taken from them. I pray for your will to be accomplished and that you turn even this horrible thing to the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Thank you God.

What God Said Tonight:

I have given you all power and authority here on earth. You can speak to the fire. You can see it put out. It is a spiritual thing. You don't have to see the fire in person, you can send the word. 

You remember the mustard seed analogy? It doesn't take much faith but it does take a little and it takes a willingness to do something that seems silly at first. But let me show you what amazing power words have. Let me show you what is changed just because you said something to a scared little boy. 

There are many things that I want to tell you. Keep the windows open and listen for me in everything. Truly every last thing in you life has meaning beyond measure. You are the keeper of great wisdom and with it comes great responsibility. Will you accept the responsibility? Even when it gets rough? 

Monday, March 26, 2012


My prayer:

Awesome God! You are so amazing. Your promises are truly incredible! You have been sending me a lot of messages about the gap between what you have promised us and what we are experiencing in our life. For most of us, if not all of us, what we experience is not even a fraction of what you have promised us or what you want for us. 

Since you are perfect and you give only good gifts, it must be something on our end that is not working right? I think it is complacency and impatience. I see it a lot, I see it in me. If I am believing for something and it doesn't happen right away, I start to find reasons why it didn't happen. I come up with some really Godly sounding reasons like, "Well, God must have a plan for me in this sickness, otherwise He would have healed me." 

And, it is true that you have a plan and purpose for me and you turn all things to my good. It is not true that you want me sick. You have said that it is your desire that I live in health. 

Every time I make an excuse as to why I have not experienced your promise in my life, I accept the way things are, making it that much harder to see your miracle change in that situation. I stop believing with expectation and I accept the way things are. 

I want to stop doing that God. Please help me and point out to me every time I do that. Please help me to keep my faith alive and in a state of expectation of what you are going to do. God, I want all that you have for me. ALL of it. I don't want to miss out on one thing.

What God Said Tonight:

You are definitely getting the first part of what I want to show you and teach you but there is more for you to understand. 

There are other barriers to you experiencing the fullness of me. There are roots and thorns that are in the way. There is an unholy mess that surrounding you as a result of where you have grown and we need to clean that up. Every root of bitterness and every thorn of judgement is a barrier to my promises for you. 

It is time to prune out the thorns and dig up the roots. We will get you replanted in good soil where you can grow free of the barriers and become everything that I planned for you to be. 

I love you daughter and it is time to clean you up.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Being used...

My Prayer:

God you are amazing. Your power is amazing. Your miracle healing is amazing. The wisdom that you share and the things you teach me are amazing. The way that you are ALWAYS there for me, ready to answer any question, help with any problem, and the way you love me, AMAZING. 

I am not good enough for a God like you. I never will be. But, that is the point I guess. That is why I need Jesus. 

God, as we start another week together, I ask that you open my eyes to every opportunity to share you and to do your will. I ask that you make me a blessing to the people around me. I ask that you make me alert to the needs around me and help me to know how to help.

I love you God. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:

Imagine for a minute that I have a perfect goat. Everything about this goat is perfect. It has a perfect coat, perfect milk, perfect temperament, perfect everything. As long as I just have the goat and don't use it for anything, the worth of its perfectness is wasted. 

The same is true of Jesus, your Messiah, my son and the part of me that sacrificed for you. As Jesus, as me, I am perfect. The sacrifice was perfect. The Holy Spirit that I sent to you is perfect. But as long as you don't use any of it, as long as you don't put your salvation, your power in the Holy Spirit into action, none of it is worth a thing. 

I give you gifts, I give you wisdom, I give you talents with the expectation that you will use them. When you put it to use, that is when its real value becomes apparent. When you put your faith to use, that is when  you recognize the strength and the value of your faith. When you put to use the principles that I have taught you, that is when you see their worth. 

You are like rubies and gold to me my beautiful daughter. But your true value is not realized until I put you to use. I love you. Let's get to work.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Flood of joy...

My prayer:

What a wonderful day God! Thank you for this early Spring. I am so grateful for the sun, the warmth, the ability to spend the day outside and enjoying it all! I am here tonight, fully satisfied and wanting to hear your voice. I love to listen to you God. I pray that I am always able to hear and listen to you.

What God Said Tonight:

I loved today with you too. I have some more surprises and a lot of joy for you tomorrow. Truth is I have joy that is stored up just for you. I have been storing joy from the beginning of time waiting for a time to pour it out. 

Now is the season of joy. Now is a season of celebration. Now is a time to rejoice in all that has happened and all that will happen. Get ready, joy is coming your way and it will be like  a flood. When it comes, don't try to reason with it, just receive it. Just enjoy it. 

I love you daughter and I can't wait to celebrate with you.