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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, January 5, 2018

Gift of grace...

My prayer:

You are fantastic God. Thank you for a wonderful day. I pray your love, your peace, and your salvation surround the world and everyone in it tonight. Make us right, make us whole, make us yours. 

What God Said Tonight:

Your dropping into a time of grace that is unprecedented. 

I am not saying that there is more grace available than ever. I provided you with all of the grace you will ever need when I sent my son. What I am saying is that the world is ready to receive grace like never before. There is such great need for grace. You will begin to see people understanding my grace and letting it transform their lives. 

I have been waiting for this time. It is like when you get someone a very special present. You want to give it to them right away to see their joy in receiving it. But, sometimes the impact and the power of the gift is greater if you wait for the appropriate time. A Christmas gift opened in November does not have the same effect as it does being opened on Christmas day. 

Your Christmas day is here and you will see people all around the world opening the gift of grace over their lives. It will be glorious.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Upside down...

What God Said Tonight:

If forty years go by and nothing changes, are you in my will or outside of it? If someone finds joy in the middle of disaster, does that mean that I caused the disaster or I caused the joy?

The question of perspective is always important. Seeing things in a slightly different light or in a new situation can make all of the difference in the world. 

Take a minute to turn your situation upside down.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Recharge your spirit...

My prayer:

I am drained tonight God. Gave today my all and now there is not a lot left. 

God I ask for your will to be done in every corner and aspect of my life. I pray that your will is in complete authority. I submit gladly to your will. I don't know everything but I know enough to know that your will is the best for everyone concerned, every time. 

Thank you for being my Lord.

What God Said Tonight:

A sandwich will fill you up physically when you are hungry. I will fill you up when you are spiritually hungry. 

Your spirit is drained tonight and needs to be refilled and recharged. Plug into my Holy Spirit and recharge your batteries. Plug into the source that never diminishes. 

I love you and I am here for you, giving you everything you need when you need it. I love you.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Never ending love...

My prayer:

Today was interesting. I was thinking it was a pretty decent day and then when I thought through everything that happened, a lot of pretty rotten stuff happened all day. I guess it is good that I am not depending on circumstances to effect my experience of the day?

Thank you for joy and peace in the middle of chaos that doesn't make sense but is as real as anything.

I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

I have you carved in the palm of my hand. You, your welfare, your joy, your blessings are infinitely important to me. 

I don't know that I can ever explain to you how much I love you. It is a love that never dies. It is a love that is not dependent on what you do. It is a love that is the source for every good thing in this world. 

Rest in my love for you. Know that it is yours forever no matter what. I decided a long time ago to love you.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Open doors...

My prayer:

I have really enjoyed this break God. Thank you again. Tomorrow it is back to the world and all of its complications. I ask for your help in navigating it in peace and showing off your love for everyone around me. You are wonderful.

What God Said Tonight:

There are cities and towns around the world that you see with me. I have given you a door to the world, now it is time to walk through it. You have shared my voice, my thoughts and now you will share my presence. 

I will inhabit the places you inhabit and I will fill the places you enter. I will go before you and with you. 

I love you and the doors are open. 

Sunday, December 31, 2017

New new vs. old new...

My prayer:

Sweet Father and Lord. You are so good. Your presence is amazing. Your love is indescribable. Thank you for fulfilling the law so that I can know you like this. As we close out 2017, I pray for a memorable, purpose filled, and joy infused 2018.

What God Said Tonight:

Shiny and new is not always the best way to start over. Sometimes, you can find treasure in your past, in something you already have, just by seeing it in a new light. You take a slightly different view and the thing that you thought was over, done with, no longer relevant, comes to life and becomes powerful and useful again. 

Look at what you have and see it anew. 

I love you.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Season of travel...

My prayer:

I definitely got the time for rest today God. Thank you for that luxury. 

We are almost at the new year. 2017 seems to have passed in a flash. I am not even sure I remember most of it. Maybe I should go back through our posts for the year and see if that gives a clearer picture. 

Most years, there seems to be a bit of a theme. There are years of growth and years of death. Years of joy and years of sorrow. But this year was kind of a fire hose of everything. So much that I think I am left a bit numb. I can only take so much in. 

I think that is why I am enjoying all this quiet time at home right now. It is pretty wonderful to be a bit isolated and not constantly bombarded with everything that comes with being out in the world. I know that soon I will have to go back out but right now, I am really enjoying the peace and quiet of home. 

Thank you for always giving me just what I need God.

What God Said Tonight:

There is a season of travel coming to you. Your time at home is in preparation. Getting your home in order so you can travel the world without worry is the purpose behind this time of rest. 

Remember always that whether we are out and about or home safe and snug, I am with you and I will give you what you need for that moment in that time. I am the great provider. I am your Father and teacher. I am the one that loves you above everything else.