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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

I am with you...

My prayer:

Today was a good day God. Not because of anything that happened or didn't happen but because I could feel your presence all day and your presence gave me the ability to handle anything that came my way.

It felt good to have that back. It is what I missed yesterday. I am nothing without you. Thank you for choosing me and living in me.

What God Said Tonight:

I am with you, now and forever. It is my promise and commitment to you that I will never leave you. It is vital that you always remember that. There may be times when you are more aware of me and times when you are less aware of me but I do not change.

I am with you now and forever and that will not change. I love you and you are mine. I won't give you up. Go and rest in my presence.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

All is well...

My prayer:

I am uncomfortable and on edge tonight God and I don't really know why. Something is off. I am off.

God, I pray and ask for your peace and for your will to be fully manifest in my life and in me. Fill me Holy Spirit. Let everything that comes out of me and everything within me be in agreement with you and your will.

I am yours, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I am in agreement with you I have made a way for us to always be in agreement. The sacrifice of my son allows us continual fellowship. It breaks down every barrier. I removes every hindrance. My son's blood makes it possible for you and I to be together forever.

Lean into the presence of my son and let his sacrifice wash over you. Let his blood renew you. Let my Holy Spirit encourage you. Let me love you.

All is well.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Windy path...

My prayer:

What a day of joy, healing and love! Thank you Jesus! You healed my leg. I could barely lift it yesterday and today, no pain at all. Then, you surround me with people who are generous, kind and make me feel so special. Thank you for this special day God.

What God Said Tonight:

I have you on a bit of a windy path right now. You will get where you need to go but you will not travel in a straight line.

There is purpose in the turns. Take time to enjoy the scenery. Take time to get to know those who are traveling with you in a deeper way. We are going to cover a lot of ground by taking this path.

You might say that is the reason for the serpentine route.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


My prayer:

Protection God. That is the word that is just echoing in my mind and my spirit tonight. I pray for your protection over us. Protection from violence, protection from fire, protection from evil and protection from ourselves and the decisions we make out of our pain. Blanket us in your protection.

What God Said Tonight:

I have built a fortress around you. My angels stand guard. My Holy Spirit watches over it all. I have a protection program set up that is infallible and unbreachable.

I will not only watch over you in this life but, when it is time, I have made the provision for you to live forever with me. That everlasting life is your guarantee of my protection.

I will not see you destroyed. Ever.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Complicated mess...

My prayer:

Today was pretty wonderful God. Thank you for every blessed minute. I have been praying and asking for your help for everyone else today. I think tonight I just want to listen.

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes things that you think are a mess are really just complicated. Just because something is complicated, does not mean there is something wrong. The best things in life can be the result of very complicated preparation.

I have great things for you. Some of them you will see coming. Others, you will see emerge from the complicated "mess" that you thought was an issue to be solved when it was nothing more than the breeding ground for my blessing.

I love you.

Friday, July 8, 2016

The disease of evil...

My prayer:

God, I pray for your peace to blanket our country tonight.

Things have gotten really out of control. I don't understand how killing people became a viable course of action but it seems like every day, we have another mass shooting or other horrific violence.

We need your wisdom and your peace. We need your grace to overwhelm us so our reaction is love and not violence. We need your love, which is stronger than any hate, to heal us.

God, I give you my country and ask for your help.

What God Said Tonight:

I have seen great violence done over the ages. I will see yet more. Violence is a side effect, an outcome of evil living in the world. It is a symptom of the disease of evil.

The symptoms seem to be getting worse because the illness is coming to a head. It is like when you have a fever. Often, right before the fever breaks, you have a spike where your temperature rises a bit more, or at least it feels as though it does. The same is true of this world.

The end (or the beginning depending on how you look at it) is nearly here. For now, know that you are under my protection. Know that I have my children well and strategically placed. Know that no matter how out of control it feels, I will see it work for your good in the end.

We are in a battle but it is a battle that we win.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hold on tight...

My prayer:

I am resting in your arms and in your love tonight God. My favorite place!

What God Said Tonight:

Strap on and hold tight. We have a bumpy road ahead.

You can choose to be frightened by the ups and downs or you can trust me in the middle of it and enjoy the ride. It is going to be exhilarating if you let yourself enjoy it. It will be terrifying if you don't trust me.

I love you sweet child. Hold on tight.