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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

God's warehouse of blessings...

My prayer:

What a wonderful day God. Thank you for every minute of it. I love you and I love this world that you made for us. It is so beautiful. 

I am grateful for days like today when I get to really get out and enjoy what you have made. The trail was beautiful, the waterfalls, the lush green plants, the beautiful wild flowers. Even the rain was beautiful! And I got to share it with someone I love more than life. It doesn't get much better than that. 

Thank you God for simple pleasure like today and the time and freedom to enjoy them.

What God Said Tonight:

I have many gifts for you that I have stored away. I have little jewels like today that I bring out for you whenever you have the time to enjoy them. I love to bless you. I love to give you joy and happiness. I love to make you happy. You are my child and your happiness, success, and health (physical, emotional, and spiritual) are my top priorities. 

I will never run out of blessings for you. I will always have more. 

This life, while it can be hard at times, Will also be a tremendous joy for you as my child. I have such great things in store. Yes, things for you to do and experiencc but also great blessings to make the journey worth the fight. 

I love you now and forever. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013


My prayer:

Awesome healing God, Jehovah Rapha. I pray your healing power in my own body tonight God. I thank you that you are the miracle healing God and that you took my sickness onto you. I thank you God for the gift of healing that you so freely give and I receive it in the name of Jesus Christ. God, I love seeing you heal people that I get to pray with. I love seeing your healing power in their lives. Tonight I need that power for me. Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

My healing is for everyone including you. You do not have to qualify. You do not have to earn it. You only have to receive it. You only have to believe and trust me to take care of it. 

The pain will go. It is only a symptom. I am going to the root tonight and I will resolve the issue, if you are ready. That is important, are you ready? Are you ready to let go of it? 

Don't answer quickly, think it through. If you are ready or when you are ready, it will be gone. 

I love you and I would have you live in divine health all the days of your life. I never bring sickness. But I can only bring healing when you are ready to be healed. 

I love you and I am with you in this and all things.

Friday, July 12, 2013

My only job...

My prayer:

SO excited we made it to the Sabbath God! This was a LONG week and I know a big part of it was me not having the right attitude. I did try to improve my attitude, but failed most of the time.

It is so weird. I know what I should do, understand that I am only hurting myself by not doing it and yet, I still don't do it! God, I frustrate myself sometimes. I don't know how you put up with me. 

I am unspeakably grateful that you do put up with me. Your patience and love mean everything to me. I ask that you help me refill tomorrow so I can improve my attitude and be a blessing and not a curse to the people around me.

What God Said Tonight:

You have a lot of words and a lot of thoughts running through your mind tonight. Let's start by sweeping those away so you can hear me more clearly. Let's clean out the corners of your mind so there is room for me to fill you. 

Now, that is better. I am your peace and your rest and I will make sure that you receive all that you need if you make the time to be with me. I need you to do more than rest this Sabbath. I need you to be fully concentrated on me. I need us to spend some real time together where I can fill your mind and your spirit. 

I will give you rest but come to me. Be with me. Listen to me. I will give you all that you need. You do not have to try to fill your needs. I will take care of you. You only need to seek me and I will take care of everything else. Focus on me tomorrow. That is your only job and your only responsibility for the next 24 hours.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Eternity decision...

My prayer:

This was a super long day today God. Thanks for getting me through it. Thanks for giving me wisdom and insight throughout the day. And, thanks for the small gems of sweetness and goodness that sprinkled throughout the day. 

You are wonderful and I would not want to live this life without you.

What God Said Tonight:

You will never have to live without me. Your choice, your decision to live with me in your life and in your heart is an eternity decision. It is one that lasts forever. 

You can only lose me if you walk away from me. And even then, as long as you come back to me, there will be no problem. I am yours and you are mine forever. That will not change and you can rely on it. 

No other is no thing that can keep me from you. there is no barrier or enemy that can keep me from you. You are the only one who can keep me from you. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Phase one and phase two...

My prayer:

Awesome God, I love you. I feel like I have been coming to you with so many needs lately. Tonight I want to focus on how wonderful you are. Your mercy that is unending, your grace which is so undeserved, your patience which is monumental, and your love which is the greatest and most powerful thing in the universe leave me in awe. 

When I take the time to really think about it, I can't believe that I get to know you, talk to you, listen to you and live this life with you. Then, when I think I might be wrapping my mind around part I start to think about your sacrifice that has made it possible for me to live forever with you...mind blown!

I love you, I am in awe of you, I worship you Lord of ALL!

What God Said Tonight:

Life, this life is step one. There is so much more for you. Yes, we will make this life that you are living epic. We will do such amazing things together. But, as you have seen, amazing things have  a short half life. People forget, even when I part a sea and take them to safety, they forget. 

So, in phase one of this journey, we will do amazing things together and people will be stunned and amazed and some will be changed. Many will forget. 

Then, in the next stage, when we are living together in the manner that I intended you to live from the beginning of time, when we are together with no barrier. When we live without an enemy stalking you every that phase two, every minute will be a wonder and a tremendous event. Love will rule that place. Joy will be our breath. 

I am excited by what we will do in phase one but I am anxious for phase two. I love you my sweet child.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


My prayer:

Amazing God of truth. throughout my life, I have begun to realize that the people who I have the hardest time dealing with are often A LOT like me. 

God, I really struggled with someone today, not for the first time, and I know that the things that make me crazy in her are present in me too. And that makes me more angry! It should give me grace and mercy when dealing with her. Instead it makes me want to "fix" her. You know how you say we should remove the plank from our own eye before we try to remove the speck from someone else? Well call me Ms. Plank.

God I pray for your help in removing the plank from my eye. Help me to be less controlling, less overbearing, less of a know it all. These are not attractive qualities and they are not things that show people your love. Help me God to be more accepting, more supportive and more open to others ideas of how to do things. 

Through this all God, please give me the grace and mercy to relate to people who share this struggle with me.

Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:

Sometimes I give you people in your life to be mirrors to you. They are there to help you see what you need to change. How can you know what needs to change if you can't see it? 

You are right to recognize that your irritation and anger is merely a symptom of recognizing your faults in the mirror. I have heard your prayer for help and of course I will help you. 

You are to focus on the replacement virtues. I will concentrate on removing the old. The old ways are death and the new ways are life. You have chosen life and I have come to give it to you. I will flood you with the grace and mercy you desire because you want it for others and because it is yours as a result of being mine. 

Don't ever miss an opportunity to get closer to me.Every step is worth it.

Monday, July 8, 2013

God's voice...

My prayer:

Wonderful Father. I can't thing of a single thing to talk about tonight. I know, that is shocking and completely unlike me! Maybe it is a good cue that tonight I should just listen?

Love you Daddy!

What God Said Tonight:

Seek to hear me and I will speak every time. I am continually speaking. You are not always listening. 

You have to concentrate to hear my voice over the noise of life. I don't shout and I don't beat you over the head. My voice is quiet but mighty.

My voice creates reality. My voice changes your circumstances. My voice created the world. My voice is mighty and powerful and will bring you into your future. 

Listening to my voice, hearing my voice, is one of the most important things you can do. The more you listen, the easier it is to hear. When you become truly sensitive to my voice, you can hear me at anytime. It let's me help you all day, not just in our quiet times together. 

Keep an ear out for me. You will be surprised by what you hear.