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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Taking care of everything...

My prayer:
My God, you are my strength, my hope, my health, my provision, and my redeemer. You are the reason to get up every day. 

Sometimes I get really anxious to be with you in heaven. When I look around me, I can get discouraged and think of how wonderful it will be in heaven where I get to worship you 24/7 without satan and his nastiness trying to distract and take me down useless paths of thought. I guess that is the point though, it happens when I look around me instead of looking at you. Whenever I am focused on you and what you do, I am encouraged and excited and can't wait to see what is next. Whenever I lose that focus on you and start looking at the world around me, I get discouraged. Sounds like I need to spend more time looking at you. But, does that mean I am ignoring "reality?" Does that mean that I am ignoring things that are right in front of my face that need to be dealt with? I don't know God, my thoughts are kind of running in circles tonight. 

Fact is, today was a great day. Fact is, in the midst of chaos, you always bring me peace. Fact is, no matter how bad things look, you always find a way to work them out. I love you God and I am making a choice to lay worry at your feet tonight. I am making a choice to lay every last thing that is outside of your will for us at your feet God. Let me know if there is anything you want me to do about them; but, in the meantime, I am leaving them with you. I love you so much. Thank you for always taking care of me and for always listening.

What God Said Tonight:
Is there anything to big for me? Remember when I first said that? It was to Mary when she questioned how she could be pregnant when she had never been with a man. It is as true today as it was then. There are no problems to big for me to handle and there is nothing that I can't make a way out of for you. 

I love you sweet daughter and I want you to keep your focus on me. That does not mean that you ignore the problems around you. It just means that you bring them to me and let me guide and direct you on how to handle them; on what to do and sometimes, more importantly, what not to do. 

You know why I said "Don't fear" so many times in the Bible? I knew that fear and worry would be a daily battle for my kids. There is a part of you that knows that the world as it is right now isn't right, it isn't what I planned. Some part of you deep down knows that there is something dreadfully wrong and it leaves you feeling uneasy, worried, and in fear. The root of that idea is true, things are not how I would have like them to be. Accept that and then realize that I still have it all under control. Recognize that the worry and fear come from a real place but because you are covered by me, because you are mine, you don't need to hold on to the worry. You don't have to fear. I will take care of it all. I will take care of you. 

Don't let the day to day hassles and the circumstances in your life throw you off tract. Trust in my ability and willingness to take care of you. I am your Father and I love you more than anything. Rest tonight in the peace of knowing that I am not sleeping and that I am taking care of everything.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God, what a great year this was!!! This truly was the best year of my life so far and I am so grateful for all that you did. There were struggles and trouble, absolutely. But you took care of everything. You provided in every situation. You taught me each day. You showed me each day how to live closer to you. 

God, I want to apologize for any times this year when I lost sight of how amazing you are. Any times when I was ungrateful. God you are so perfect and I am not perfect. Thank you for loving me anyway. Thank you for prospering me everywhere that I went this year. Thank you for healing so many people this year! You let me witness and be a part of hundreds of miracle healings! You know how much I love it when you do that!! 

Then there was the start of 24/7 Lighthouse Ministries. That was a surprise! I love what you are doing with that and can't wait to see what you do in 2012. Thank you for amazing friends and family. Thank you for reminding me how precious and important they are. 

Amazing God, it seems like each year gets better with you. 2012 should be beyond amazing!! I love you so much!!

What God Said Tonight:
2011 was about building. 2010 was about laying the foundation and this last year has been about building on that foundation. You have followed my lead and that has made things possible that would have been impossible otherwise. 

In 2012, you are going to see multiplication. You are going to see the spreading of my word and my message like never before. I am not messing around any more. Time is short and we have to get the word out. We have to make sure that every person has a chance to make a real decision. It is time to take off the veils and the scales that have blinded and blocked people from seeing me. It is time that my blessings be poured out and multiplied on my children. 

This year will be a year of hard work, but a year of celebration as well. You will see expansion and multiplication like you have never seen before. Be ready. I love you daughter and I am excited. You are going to love this year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Light in dark places...

My prayer:
My precious Lord. Today was really good. Thank you for help in getting everything done with time to spare. I feel like a great weight has been lifted. 

God, I am not sure what to talk about tonight. There are plenty of thoughts going through my mind, but nothing really worth exploring or talking about. You already heard the prayers for healing for "A" and "D" and I believe you are already taking care of those. 

You know and supply my every need. So...huh, I really am out of words and you know that doesn't happen often! What is on your mind? I am sure it is more interesting than my babble anyway. I love you God and am so grateful that I get to know you personally!

What God Said Tonight:
There are places that in the past I have told you not to go to for your own protection. I am about to ask you to go into those places. I have prepared and covered you and you will not be harmed; but, I need you to go into some dark places and bring my light. There are people hurting in the dark places of the world that need my light, my love, my healing. 

You will need to trust me completely as you go. You will have to let me shine through you so brightly that the darkness cannot stay when you come in. You will need to radiate me like never before. I promise I will protect you but I need you to go. I will tell you where and when. 

Do not be afraid of it. There was a special time and place for these things and it is now and here. The darkness will not overcome the light. The light will vanquish the darkness. It will eliminate the darkness. You will be that light and the seed of faith that they need to see so they can believe again. This is hard duty but I promise you will be well rewarded. 

I love you daughter. Wait for my direction but it will be happening before you know it. I am yours and you are mine forever.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Not forgotten...

My prayer:
Awesome God, your presence is so thick tonight. I don't want to get in the way. Have your way, the floor is yours.

What God Said Tonight:

I am going to talk to you in a new way. I am going to show you some new things. I am going to remind you of all that you know and teach you the next thing. I am going to do this all because I love you and because I have a plan for your life. 

I have not forgotten you. I have not left you. I am with you always and I have never left. Lay your head on my chest and let me comfort you. Rest in my embrace and let me heal you. Keep your mind focused on me and let me bring order and peace to your thoughts. 

The status quo is over. "Things as usual" is about to have no meaning. But you won't walk in this new season and these new experiences alone. I will be with you every step of the way. Lean on me, let me lead you, let me tell you about this new landscape and prepare you for each step. You are ready for this. I have prepared you but it will require complete reliance on me. I love you now and forever. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


My prayer:
Amazing and awesome God. Seems like I am getting a lot of messages about forgiveness lately. That usually means I need to forgive someone. Weird thing is, I can't think of anyone that I am holding unforgiveness against...oops, guess I just had to say that for the person to come to mind. 

There is someone who made a decision that hurt me. But, I didn't realize that I had unforgiveness about it. I mean, it was his choice and he had every right to choose as he did. But, when I think about it, my thoughts about him have not been very kind since then. God, I will start praying for you to bless him tonight. That is always step one for forgiveness for me. 

Thanks for pointing it out God. Thank you for showing me the things that I need to work on even when I don't realize that I need to work on them. Thank you for bringing me the answers before I even know there is a problem. Life with you is GOOD! I love you God. What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
I will always be here for you daughter and I will help you to avoid problems when you listen to me and stay in touch with me. I have seen the future, I am in the future, the past and the now and I can help you navigate when you let me. I love you and I don't want you to struggle needlessly. 

I am glad that we are past the days (for the most part) of you getting defensive when I point out areas of correction. You have learned well the value of admitting that you are wrong. You have learned the value of quickly following my lead. It took a long time but you have learned. 

I love you so much daughter. My love for you is literally overflowing tonight. Can you feel it? It is flooding you, surrounding you, engulfing you. Embrace it my daughter. Embrace my love for you. Surround yourself in it to heal your wounds and to spread my love throughout the world. Spread it around like thick frosting on a cake. Cover every inch of the world around you with my love. It covers, it redeems, and it heals. I love you daughter. Keep your eyes, ears, and mind open to all that I have for you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


My prayer:
Mighty God, I come tonight with a bit of a heavy heart. One friend who found out his wife is not keeping their vows, another whose daughter was taken out of state without her permission, and I just heard on the news that a local man shot and killed his wife, in front of their kids and then killed himself. 

My God, there are some truly awful things happening and there is nothing I can do about it other than ask for your help. God I pray and ask for you to step into these awful situations and somehow turn them for their good. I pray God that with your all knowing wisdom and all powerful ability, that you somehow help, heal, and change these situations and the millions of others that I don't know about. 

God, thank you for taking care of us. Thank you for the every day that there is not a major tragedy. Thank you God that no matter what is happening or not happening, I can come to you. I love you Father.

What God Said Tonight:
Things are not always what they seem. Yes, there is tragedy in this world every day. There is tragedy that is the result of sin that continues to run rampant in this world. However, there are other events and circumstances that appear to be tragedies at first look but later can be seen in a different light. 

Remember Lazarus. His sisters thought the worst had happened. Their beloved brother had died. They trusted me to come and heal him, I did not get there in time and he died. They were devastated by his death and even more distraught that they had trusted me and I had let them down, or so they thought. What they did not understand is that I had a bigger plan. 

The "tragedy" of his death was nothing more than an opportunity for me to show people who I am and what I can do. His "tragedy" was a temporary state that was completely reversed when I stepped in. 

Know that you don't necessarily know everything that you think you know. My will shall be done. I love your heart dear daughter. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Brand new,,,

My prayer:
You are my awesome God. You told me to start reviewing old posts from the last year. I started with reading what you said last Christmas and were you ever RIGHT! I never could have imagined the year that you have given me God. I never could have imagined the miracles you have shown me. I never could have imagined 24/7 Lighthouse Ministries. I never could have imagined the outreaches. I never could have imagined the success you have given me at work. I never could have imagined the relationships that you have put in my life and grown in my life. I never could have imagined. 

I wonder what I haven't imagined yet that you are about to do? I wonder what you have planned for tonight, tomorrow, next week, and next month? I love you so much. Thank you for letting me be a part of your amazing plans.

What God Said Tonight:
That is the funny thing about imagination. You can't imagine what you can't imagine. Your imagination is somewhat limited by the things you know or have heard about. There are very few brand new ideas in the world. Most new ideas are minor adjustments on things that you already know. Now, sometimes, those minor adjustments are brilliant and create great change; but, they are still only adaptations of what you know. 

Things are different with me. I can conceive of things that have never existed or been thought of. I had the idea of the earth before there was an earth. I had the idea of you before there was a you. 

I love creating. I love creating things that are brand new. I love to see the surprise and knowing grin on your face when I do something new. I love that when I do something brand new, it is hard for people to deny that it was me. I love the new. 

I have made you brand new. I have cleaned away the old and made you into a new creature who is capable of so much more than you ever were before. I love you and we have a lot more new stuff to do.