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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The good life...

My prayer:
Awesome God. How do I explain how amazing you are? When I am sad, you bring me joy. When I am confused, you give me wisdom and peace. When I am happy, you celebrate with me. Nothing missing nothing lacking, shalom. That is what you are to me God. You fill every lack in my life and you add to every blessing. 

You truly turn EVERYTHING to my good. It is crazy but it is true. I love you God. How could I not? Everything good in my life is a direct result of you.

What God Said Tonight:
Living the good life is not so hard. It is entirely within your control. It is a reflection of your attitude and nothing more. If you live a life of gratitude, you will live a life of blessing. 

I am your source. I am the well from which everything you need is drawn. I am all of that because I love you so much. One day, I will be able to show you the full extent of my love. Right now, it would overwhelm you. You could not even fathom it. Know for now that my love is greater for you than you can ever imagine. 

My purpose and my plan for your life are intact and will take you places you can't yet imagine. You are my butterfly ready to leave the cocoon and fly free and beautiful. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God. Why is it that one of the most stressful times of year is when we are celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace? 

I am struggling with stress like I haven't in a long time and I am not sure what to do. The usual helpful tools (exercise, prayer, rest) are not helping enough. They are all good for short periods of relief, but then I am right back to being totally stressed out and letting stupid things bother me. 

God, I need your peace to cover me. I need your peace that goes beyond anything that makes sense to take over my mind, my emotions, and my soul. God, fill me with your peace. 

I know you are going to take care of everything anyway, what do I have to stress about? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. My heart knows that. I just need it to tell my brain and my emotions who can in turn reshape my attitude. 

I am done being stressed out. With your help God, I am done being stressed out. I love you God. Thanks for listening. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:
Turn off the TV, the phone, the computer and spend more time in my presence. We are doing a lot right now. It is good. It is what I have always wanted to do with you; but, it will take a lot. If you are not spending enough time in my presence, if you are not spending enough time refilling with me, you will burn out. 

With all the demands of every day, find more time to spend with just me. Nothing but my presence. I will take your stress. I will give you peace. I will fill you with everything you need. 

Stop looking around and look at me. Stop trying to see the next thing that is coming and look at me. I promise I won't let you get blindsided. I have my eyes and ears on it all and I will let you know when you need to move and when you need to stand. 

We are about to go to another level, more new things. To get there, you need more of me in you. Stay still and let me give you what you need. I am your God and your Lord and I have everything that you need. Trust me, relax in me, shut off the world for awhile each day and let me be your recharger. I love you so much. This too will pass my dear.

Monday, December 12, 2011


My prayer:
God you are good. You are so patient. You are so loving. You are so giving. You are so wise. You are so amazing. You are...God. Sometimes it is the most simple basic things that make me sit down and say, wow! 

I mean you are the God of all the universe. You created it all. You are Lord. You are ... that is it, YOU ARE! 

Simple basic things. I tend to complicate things and think that there is some great secret but you always bring me back to simple, basic truth. 

What God Said Tonight:
You got it. It is all very simple really. That is why I tell you to come to me as a child. You don't have to go to seminary school to know me. What a crazy system that would be. That would mean that I could only know the educated and the elite. When I came to live with you on earth, do you remember me seeking out the educated and the elite? No, I was with the people who needed to know me. I was with the sinners and the hated people. I was with the poor and the beaten down folks. I was with the sick and the suffering. 

The only credentials I need for someone to know me is that they have to want to know me. Simple. With that one simple desire, you have a free ticket to get to know me. Seek me, you will find me. Simple. 

I love you daughter. You are precious to me and I keep you in a special place in my heart. My children each get a special place, made just for them. Simple love.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Shared experiences...

My prayer:
Awesome God. I have been thinking about the paths that I did not take in my life. For some reason, I have really been thinking about "what if" a lot lately. I have always said that I don't have any regrets in life because everything that happened and every choice I made led me to right here and this is pretty awesome. That remains true. But, what if I got married when I was 18 like I thought I wanted to? What if I had a bunch of kids? What if decided to take off and roam the world? What if I decided to live for you sooner than I did? What would those lives have been like?

God, sometimes this life seems really long. Then other times, it seems like there just hasn't been enough time to do all of the things I want to do. And, then, there are some decisions that you can't have it both ways. You tell us that it is given to us one life to live. I kind of wish I got to have more than one. 

But then I think, that would just delay me getting to be with you in heaven or on the new earth and anything that delays that is not a good thing.

Maybe that is part of why it is so important to have other people in my life? That way, I get to live some of their experiences vicariously. It is not quite the same as living it out myself, but if pay close attention and ask a lot of questions, it might be good enough. Huh, I never thought about it that way but really, having friends, especially friends that are different than I am, broadens what I get to experience in life. Cool.

Thanks for that insight God. I love you and can't wait to here what else you want to teach me or talk to me about tonight.

What God Said Tonight:
Reincarnation is a seductive idea. The thought that if you get things wrong in this life, you can make them right in the next. But, it just doesn't work that way. When you get things wrong in this life there area consequences. There are some that I can protect you from if you are with me and have asked me to be Lord of your life. There are others that are rough but that I can use to have you help other people through your experience. 

Shared experiences are vital. You can't never know everything you need to know on your own. One of the things that I approve of with the internet is that it allows people to share experiences that otherwise may have never met. Connect with everyone I put in your life. There is value in every person and in every experience they have. The more you understand people and the things they have gone through, the better you will be able to lead your life and help the people around you. If you isolate and if the only experience you have is your experience, you are extremely limited and become ignorant of all that you could know and understand. 

Wisdom is a very fine thing and it comes from experience. Your experience and the experience of others.  I love you daughter and I am proud of you. Keep stretching and doing and being who I have created you to be and the blessings will overwhelm you.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

With God...

My prayer:
Wonderful day God! Thank you! I am not sure what to talk about tonight. That usually means I should be quiet and let you talk. What is on your mind? Anything good happen for you today? Anything I can do for you? Love you!!

What God Said Tonight:
I took a run with you today. I rested with you today. I went with you while you got pampered. I read a book with you and I had a great meal with you.Today was a good day! 

I love being with you. We don't always have to be accomplishing things or studying. Sometimes I just like to be with you. No pressure, no worries, no desperation, but the joy of being together. 

You are never alone my dear because I am always with you. I will never leave you. But that is because you have chosen me. You have asked me to be with you and live in you. I won't ever push myself on someone who doesn't want me. That is not who I am. I am a God who understands my worth and I will not beg. But I yearn for my lost children. I ache for the wanderers. I mourn for those who have died without making a decision to choose me. 

Can you keep telling people about me? In your own way, not in their face, but tell them. I will bring them to you but please tell them. Tell them I miss them. Tell them I love them. Tell them I am waiting for them. They can't hear me right now so please tell them for me. 

I love you daughter and I loved spending the day with you. Let's do it again tomorrow!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Living word...

My prayer:
Awesome God. What a week of highs and lows! I am exhausted but grateful that tomorrow is Saturday Sabbath! Its funny how things from the Bible sometimes seem outdated but when I apply them to my life, I find that they really do still matter and work. The Sabbath is a really good example. I use to think that it was done away with through Jesus. But now, I know that i need a day of rest or I get out whack. I think Jesus freed us from the religious constraints on the Sabbath but we were still designed to have a day of rest. You had a day of rest in creating the world and we are your kids. It would make sense that we need to rest too.

I wonder what other things in the Bible that I have discounted as old fashioned and ignored. I better start looking at that a bit closer. You don't waste a single word in that Bible do you Lord.

I love you God. What's on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
Every word in my Bible is truth and has a purpose, a plan, and a destiny. When I say my word is living, I truly mean it is living. It  moves through time and achieves things faster and better than they could at any other time. 

I have blessed this time and this place knowing that we would be here. We are definitely going to relax tomorrow. You will enjoy it!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Best man for the job...

My prayer:
Awesome God. I kind of feel like I was just spinning my wheels today. I don't feel like I made much of a difference for eternity today. However, I was super busy all day and now I am just drained. 

I don't know what to talk about. I can't even actually keep my eyes open. But, my hunger for you and what you have to say brings me back night after night. The opportunity to serve you  brings me back every night. It is you God. I come back because I have to be with you. I have to have quiet intimate time with you or I will crumble. Life is way too hard without you in it making a way for me. This life is way to rough to try to handle it without you. I wouldn't even want to try. 

So God, lead me, guide me, talk to me, and love me. I love you more than I can ever say God. I am ALL YOURS!

What God Said Tonight:
Don't sleep just yet, there is more to hear. Don't quit just yet, there is more to do. 

I have this path that was specially made for you to take your journey on. Stay in the middle of the path. Your contribution is important because you are the best man for the job. In a perfect world, you would fulfill every purpose. In this world, you will fulfill every purpose that you want to fulfill. You get to choose. 

Choose wisely. Make smart decisions about where and how you spend your time. Never forget that people come before things. A simple order. Your accomplishments today were in the form of giving for no reason and loving people. You did more than you realize. Heaven is cheering for new people being reached in part because of what you are doing. We are very proud of you and want you to stay strong and diligent.