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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011


My prayer:
My God how I love you. You make life worthwhile. You make existence worthwhile. You are my reason to get up in the morning and my purpose. You take care of everything I need before I even know I need it. Thank you for all that you taught me tonight. Thank you for the laughter. Thank you for being willing to be present in my life 24/7. I love you more than I knew was possible to love.

What God Said Tonight:
Do you see the multitudes tonight? Do you see them looking up, hoping for a reason, a purpose, a teacher? They spread as far as you can see. The world is hungry for hope and I am that hope. They don't all realize it yet, but I am that hope. 

Keep teaching. Keeping talking. Keep sharing. Keep reminding people that I am here, I am real, and I am waiting for them. 

I love you you so much. I love my children so much. I miss them so much. I want this time of gathering to be accomplished so we can move forward. Heaven is wonderful. You will see. It is beautiful and I love being seated in heaven. I love my time there. But more, I want more. I want to live with you in the new Jerusalem in the new earth. I want to love you with no distance. I want to be one with you. I want all of my children with me. 

I love you. Remember the faces in the multitude. Remember the look of anticipation and hope for a hope. Don't hold back. Tell them what they need to hear. I love you daughter. Go, rest, but remember.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wedding day...

My prayer:
All encompassing and powerful God. My mind is on you and how amazing you are tonight. 

God, I pray that I always remain open to your will. That I always remain open to letting you do what you want to do when you want to do it. Prayer and Worship tonight with your people was amazing again, and totally different. Tonight was all about intense worship time with you and it was so beautiful and so powerful! I have more energy right now than I have had in years. I feel like my youth is restored. I feel like I could and will do anything for you God. 

It is so amazing when I just back off and let you do your thing. God, I want to be completely open to anything and everything you ever want to do. I never want to be the limitation on you God. I never want to be the stumbling block for anyone. God, help me to get out of your way. Nudge me over if I am ever in your way. I will do my best to be sensitive to it and to get out of your way. I am in total awe of you God. 

What God Said Tonight:
Hello bride. Tonight was a time of preparation of you as my bride. My bride is starting to get it. She is starting to remember who she was meant to be. She is starting to remember that we have a date that is coming soon when we will say our vows and live together as one forever. 

I am yearning for that day. I have waited for you so long my beautiful bride. You are so beautiful, clothed in the purest white, without blemish or spot. You radiate for me and I am ready for you. 

Are you ready for me? If I came today, if I came tonight, would you be ready? Would you be like the bride who had the extra oil or like the ones that ran out and had to go get more. Would you be ready to come with me or would you ask for more time to prepare. 

The day is coming very soon. Be ready for me. Be ready for our wedding day. I have written my vows. I have prepared our home. All that is left is for me to come for you, my bride, my church. Please be ready and don't make me wait. 

I love you. Your radiant beauty is shining to heaven tonight and is making the angels jealous. But don 't worry, they love you almost as much as I do. Be ready. It is coming soon.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Random thoughts...

My prayer:
Awesome Father. This was a long day. A good day but a long one. I am having a hard time quieting my mind enough to even know what to talk to you about tonight. It is all random thoughts that seem important, but maybe none of it is. 

What is important is you. What is important is hearing your voice. I love you God. Maybe the best way to quiet my mind is to shut up and stop talking. Let me give that a shot. 

Love you God. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:
I am here my love and I am happy to see you here tonight even with your side tracked mind. Between the distraction and teh fatigue, it was a little hard to get through tonight but here we are. 

I love you and want such amazing things for your future. You will see you dreams accomplished in this lifetime. You will see a purpose and a plan in everything. I will show you the whole picture some day. 

If you truly understand the battle that is raging for you right now... I will fight and I will win for you. I will never let you go. I love you so much and I wish that you could fully understand that all the time. Get there and everything else is easy. Find a way to involve me in every single situation. 

I am in love with you is the thing. I can't wait to live you with no separation. I can't wait, but I will wait long enough that my full purpose is accomplished. Wait with me. Trust in me. Love me and I will take you to places you have never been before. 

Tonight I just need you to rest. You have another big day tomorrow that I need you for. Rest now and meet me here tomorrow night. I love you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Let go of the reins...

My prayer:
There is no greater love than you God. Seems like we are talking a lot about love lately. Makes sense, as you are love. That is the thing that I have to continually remind myself of. It isn't just that you love me, love us. It is that you are love. Without you, there would be no love...there would be no "us" either! 

God, help me to love like you. Help me to love because of who you are not because of circumstances. God, help me to remember that love is not about how I am feeling but a decision to be like you. I love you. Loving you is so easy. How could I not love you who are my everything? 

What is on your mind tonight God. I am here and ready to set aside everything so I can concentrate completely on you. 

What God Said Tonight:
I love you to my daughter. 

I wish you would rely on me more. I wish that you didn't always try to get it done on your own so much. I really do have all of the answers and I can help you a lot more than you have allowed me to so far. Life does not have to be as difficult as you have made it. It doesn't have to be the struggle each day. I am here and I am so ready to take the load for you. Give it to me. 

Let me lead you in everything. Trust me for everything. I am bursting with the desire to bless you and to give you things beyond your wildest dreams. 

As long as you are relying on yourself to accomplish things, we will never be able to do more than what you can do in your natural state. Rely more on me and then we have no limits. All things are possible with me. Expand you horizons, your territory, and your idea of "possible" by leaning more on me. 

I will guide your steps. Don't worry, you will still have plenty to do. But let me guide you in what to do, after you have asked me to help. Don 't become so self sufficient that you lose your dependence on me. Don't limit yourself and your future. Your abilities  will help you to see the dream of a house built. My abilities can make everything as far as the horizon  yours. Everywhere you look can be your territory if you rely on me. 

Will you let me give you all that I want to? Will you let go of the reins long enough to let me do my thing? You won't believe how far we can go. I love you and I want to give you the world. Will you let me?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God of love and glory. rain your love and glory on me tonight God. I ask God that you fill any cracks and brokenness. I pray God that you help me to remember that my trust is in you and not in people. 

God, people break my heart sometimes. People disappoint me. God, I break other people's hearts sometimes and I know I disappoint them. God, we are so imperfect. We break covenants. We break trust with each other, a lot. It can be hard to keep loving when that happens. 

God, help me to keep my eyes on you. Help me to keep my trust in you so I can bear the disappointments  God, help me to disappoint others less than I do right now. Help me to love more than I hurt. Help me God to be better.

What God Said Tonight:
Those things you see as disappointments are not always what they seem to be. How many times have you initially been disappointed, only to later find that I had to move one thing out the way to give you something even better. You know it is true. 

Don't blame people when they walk out of your life. It is often a part of my plan, I have a purpose and  plan for you and for them. Sometimes that plan coincides with each other. Sometimes you are meant to come together for a moment, a day, a season, and sometimes a life time. All of those encounters are significant. Every one of those relationships is valuable. 

Don't mourn too much when I end a relationship. I know that you miss them, but in the bigger picture, you will look back ad see that this time had a purpose. That I have a better plan for you and that plan could not happen if you were not released from some old relationships. It doesn't make those relationships any less good or less important. They will remain valuable to you for the rest of your life. 

But, let go so I can bring you the next level. Let go so that your arms are free to receive the new revelation and the new blessing. I am God and I know the end from the beginning. Trust my judgement. Make a decision to see the purpose and the plan in this change and refuse to be hurt by it. Hurt, in this case is completely unnecessary. I love you. Let go and trust me.

Monday, October 31, 2011


My prayer:
Amazing God. Incredible provider. Jehovah Jireh. I have been thinking a lot today about the disparity of wealth today God. It is strange to spend one day with people who don't have food or a roof over their head and the next day with people who live in huge homes and travel the world for fun. 

It seems like there should be enough for everyone. It seems like if we could figure out how to share better, no one would have to go hungry. Am I just naive God? What if we really did live the way you talk about in Acts where everyone threw all their money into the pot to provide for the "church." Could we ever make that work as the family of God? I would like to think so but when I think about it, who would be in charge of the communal account? Who could we trust with everything we have. I don't know, but it seems like there should be a better way than this. 

It really seems like there should be a way that everyone at least has food, water, shelter. We can put a man on the moon but we can't figure out how to take care of each other? OK, I am done ranting God. 

Help us dear God to find a better way. Help us to help each other. I love you God and I love your people. It is hard to see them going without. More specifically God, help me to know what I can do to help. Show me how and when to give to have the greatest impact and to most closely follow you will. God, you know I can give. Show me where it will be most effective and then multiply that gift God like only you can. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:
My daughter, if you could better understand Kingdom finances, you would be less worried. I own all of the cattle on a thousand hills. there is no end to my wealth. The streets of heaven are paved with gold. 

I showed you earlier tonight me covering you and my people with gold. You are more precious than any amount of money. My people are precious and valuable. You, treat them well. Treat them with respect. Treat them as the valuable carriers of my precious currency that they are. 

A coin can help someone who doesn't have one. Listening will help everyone. Everyone wants to be listened to. Everyone wants to have their worth recognized and valued. Step one to evening out the disparity between people is to treat everyone with the same level of respect. 


Value is determined by the core of a person, not by what they have. Value every person at their core and watch their circumstances change. 

I love you daughter. Rest now, we have more to do tomorrow.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God of love. You who are love. God, I talked to a lot of people today who believe in you but who think that you don't love them, that you are mad at them, that you hate them and want them to live a life of less than enough. God, I tried to tell them that isn't who you are, but I don't know if they believed me. 

God, my God, we need a flood of your love over our lives. We need your powerful love to overtake us. I pray and ask tonight that you shower people with your love tonight. God, let them see, feel, and know that you do love them, that you want only good things for them, that you have a plan and a future for them. God, my God, Holy Spirit, fall on them with your love. Even tonight God, make your love real for them. 

God I love you so much and I remember what it was like before I really understood that you loved me and that you wanted me to live blessed. It was horrible, dark, lonely, and at times, unbearable. God, show them your love as you have shown me. I love you Father.

What God Said Tonight:
I pour my love into you so you can share it with others. I do not force myself on anyone. I only come into someone's heart if they ask for it. So, if you share my love, and they like it, they can ask me to come in and I can flood them with love. 

Keep doing what you are doing. Keep sharing my love. Keep pouring out what I give to you. My children really only have one job in life. To love. Love me and love each other. One job, one mission. 

I love you more than ever.