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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Show up...

My prayer:
My God, Father, teacher, healer, provider, King and love of my life.  You are my everything and I remain in awe of you. 

God, sometimes I get worried.  What if some night I show up and I can't hear you?  What happens if I have stuff going on or I get too distracted or whatever?  I don't want to let people down.  I try not to think about the incredible people that you draw to the blog while I am praying, mainly because it kind of freaks me out.  I mean, who am I that thousands of people come to see what you and I talk about.  There's the thing God, they don't come to see what I talk about, they come to see what you talk about, which is exactly how it should be.  But, what happens if some night, I don't hear you? 

I know you are always here with me and you will never leave me or forsake me.  I know you have promised me that and I believe it.  However, I know from my past, that there are times when I hear you clearly and times that I don't hear you so clearly.  What happens if one of those times when I don't hear you as well happens during our nightly meetings? 

I don't know why I am so worried about this tonight God, but it has been on my mind and I figure it is about time I bring it up to you and see what you have to say about it.  I love you God. I am honored to be able to meet you every night.  I love that you talk to me.  I don't mean to be selfish, but please don't ever stop.

What God Said Tonight:
What are you so afraid of tonight?  Do you still think that some part of this is coming from you?  It isn't.  It is my prompting every night and my voice responding. 

I will continue to do this every night as long as you are willing.  As long as you show up, I will be here.  Will there be some night when you don't hear me? Maybe.  And, if it happens, you will be as transparent about that as you have learned to be about every other part of your life. 

You have told me repeatedly that you give me your whole life.  I am using your life to teach others and help them.  I will continue as long as you are willing.  When you choose to stop, we will stop.  While you are willing, we will continue. 

I love you daughter and I love your willingness to meet with me, to share to listen.  I am constant.  I will not leave.  I am here any time you look for me.  I am always here.  I can't not be here.  It is not possible.  I am omnipresent.  I am always present. 

You worry that you won't hear me because there have been times in the past when you haven't heard my voice.  But, those days are over.  Remember that new commitment you made several months ago?  The result of that was there would be no more roller coaster in our relationship.  Have you not noticed a new stability since that time?  That stability is a direct result of your commitment to me. 

We have reached a point that if you stop hearing me, it will be so bothersome and so painful, you will stop and do what ever you have to get back.  You won't allow the distance that you have allowed in the past.  Now that you know how good it can be between us, you won't go back.  I know it and trust but you need to trust it too. 

Remember what you learned way back in Prison Ministry.  Your job is to show up.  I will take care of the rest.  You don't have to worry, just show up.  I love you daughter.  I am yours forever.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Spending time...

My prayer:
Mighty and awesome God.  I love you God. I cherish you. I am so grateful for you, I can never express it enough.  I am also so very tired tonight God.  I don't know what to say or what to pray; but, I love you and I always want to hear what you have to say no matter how tired I am.  What's on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:
My daughter.  I love you and our time together should never be a burden.  If you are tired, you should rest.  But I am glad that you want to spend time with me anyway.  Doing this, spending this time together at night, the last thing before you rest is good.  It gives us a chance to review the day. 

I like being the last thing you think about each day.  I like being the first thing you think about each day.  I love that you keep me in your mind and your heart every day.  You are my desire, my love and the apple of my eye.  I don't have one moment that you aren't on my mind.  You are my focus and my love, the target of my love. 

When you want to spend time with me, it just makes my heart swell.  It makes me so proud to be your Father.  It makes me proud to know you.  It may seem simple but your simple desire to want to be with me means more to me than anything else you can ever do. 

I love that you serve me and my kingdom. I love that you are constantly looking for ways to bless and be a blessing.  But more than any of that, your desire to spend time with me, talk with me, listen to me and love me, that means more than all the rest put together.  It is simple but it is true. 

We can share our love story for all eternity.  Every day getting closer.  Can you imagine how wonderful our relationship will be after ten thousand years of loving each other?  I can. 

I love you daughter.  Rest now and keep me in your mind and in your heart.  Let me be a part of everything you do and everything you are.  Keep me close.  I love it when you do that.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fear and Sin...

Picture by Anthony Stuart:z
My prayer:
Mighty God, you are doing so much in my life right now.  I truly stand in awe.  You told me that there would be a time, a time that I have waited for so long, and that in that time, I would look around me and say, "Whoa, how did I get here."  You were SO right!  I look around right now and see all that you are doing, all the amazing opportunities to minister, the favor at work and the amazing relationships you have brought to me and I say, "Whoa, how DID I get here?"  I am so grateful God.  I love these seasons when things are all happening so fast, when you are opening every door, when life just seems so blessed.  These are the truly good times God and I thank you for them.

But God, I also have to ask your forgiveness tonight. The woman at the bus stop by the gas station who asked for money, God, I lied to her.  I don't even know why.  When she asked me for money, it was dark, I was alone and I felt vulnerable.  At first I told her I only had my credit card for gas.  Then you gave me another chance when she came back and asked if I was sure.  Then I lied again and told her I only had a couple of dollars and gave her three dollars saying that was all I had when I had another $5 in my purse.  God, what is $5?  Why did I hold back?  I feel so small. I am sorry God.  I was not a good reflection of you.  I am sorry that I let fear stop me from being a blessing. Mostly God, I am sorry that I lied. God, I will do better in the future.  Forgive me God and I pray that you find a way to provide for her tonight.

What God Said Tonight:
My daughter, I have said that if you repent and ask for forgiveness you are forgiven.  You are forgiven, now forgive yourself. 

You learned something valuable tonight.  You learned that fear can make you do things that you otherwise wouldn't do.  You learned that your generosity  can be overwhelmed by fear.  Remember that lesson and the next time fear tries to take a hold of you, be ready.  Be ready and do the opposite of what fear is telling you to do. 

Fear is not from me.  I have not given you a sprit of fear.  I gave you my strength, my protection and a sound mind.  I gave you my son and I give you my Holy Spirit to guide you.  Listen to my voice in those situations.  I will tell you the right thing to do and I will never let you walk into danger if you listen to me. 

Don't listen to fear.  It will always lead you down the wrong road.  It will always lead you away from me.  There is no fear in me.  There is no fear in the you that I made you to be.  Fear is a corruption that corrupts you.  Banish it from your life.  It has no place in my daughter. 

Trust me daughter and do not fear.  There is a reason I said that so much throughout the Bible.  Fear is one of the more effective weapons that your enemy uses against you.  Stop letting him.  Rely on me for the strength, protection and peace that I provide and let that banish the fear. 

I love you daughter.  Remember this night and do it differently next time.  That is all I ask, turn from your sin, call on me and I will forgive.  I will remember the sin no longer.  You are washed clean in the blood of my son and I love you more every day.  Be whole and move on.  Love you so much. Sit with me a little longer tonight.  Just be with me and let me heal you. Mmm, that is good. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Relationships and Purpose...

My prayer:
What an interesting day God.  Not the day I thought I was going to have but interesting!  I love when you change things up and work it all out anyway! 

God, it seems like today was all about making new connections, or maybe, enhancing previous connections.  You really are all about relationships.  Someone once described that you, being three in one, are constantly in relationship with yourself.  So, clearly, anything you created in your image would have a basic need to be in constant relationship. 

I love the people you have put in my life God.  They are all so amazing in their own ways.  They are each so talented, smart, supportive, loving and just down right amazing! I pray God that you continue to connect me with the people you want me to be connected with.  I pray God that you make me at least as much of a blessing in their lives as they are in mine.  God I pray for their needs and dreams, spoken and unspoken. I pray that you meet each need out of your riches in glory.  I pray God that you give them the desires of their hearts and fulfill those dreams that you put in them.  I pray your blessing, peace, joy, and love over each of their lives.  I thank you again for them in my life and I thank you for blessing them tonight. 

You are so awesome God.

What God Said Tonight:
You are in a good mood today.  Thanks for rolling with the changes today.  I needed to make a few things happen to move things forward.  It is good that you have learned to be flexible.  It has not always been that way. 

You have learned a lot in the last several years, most of it from people I put in your life.  Every person I put in your life is there for a purpose.  That purpose may be to provide you with something or to teach you something.  That purpose may be for you to provide something to them or to teach them something.  The purpose may simply be to love.  Actually you can count on it that the primary purpose of every person in your life is to love them and be loved by them.  Anything else is frosting. 

But know there is a purpose in every person and everything that I do in your life.  There are no coincidences.  You are on a planned path.  You are on the way as they used to say.  You are on my path and I will guide you always. 

Recognize the purpose in your life, in the lives of those around you.  When you have recognized it, fulfill it.  That is the goal.  Find your purpose in each situation and in each relationship and fulfill that purpose.  Can you do that for me? 

I love you daughter.  In every relationship, never forget our relationship must come first.  You and I have to stay close, aligned and of one mind for the rest of it to work out the way I intended it.  Be assured, there is a purpose in every last thing.  I don't waste anything.  Rest now.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My prayer:
All knowing God.  Why is it that it is so easy for other people to see us clearly and so hard for us to see ourselves clearly? Ask any 5 of my friends and they could clearly identify my strengths and my weaknesses.  They could tell you the things that make me valuable to the people around me and the things that take value away from the people around me.  They may come up with slightly different answers based on their relationship with me and their own values, but in general, I would bet the answers would be similar.  But, ask me the same question and I will struggle a bit. 

God we had the message on Reverb online church tonight about "If you really knew you" and it seems like a really simple question, who are you? But, while it is a simple question, the answer is anything but simple. 

God I pray that you help me see me more clearly.  I pray God that you help me see my strengths and my weaknesses with a clarity that allows me to make changes and become a better person for you and for the people in my life.  God I pray that if there is anything that is keeping me from seeing me, like pride or fear, remove those things so that I can truly see me. 

God I also pray that you give me wisdom with the people around me.  I pray that you show me when and how to share insights.  I pray God that you show me how to always do it in love and never in judgement.  I pray God that you help me to always build people up and never tear them down.

God make me a better person so I can serve you better.  That is my prayer tonight God.  I love you.  What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
I can absolutely help you to see yourself more clearly but you have to be open to see it all.  You have to be willing to see the good , the bad and the ugly.  You are always so quick to be critical of yourself, which can be useful for correction.  But what I need you to do is see the other side of the coin.  I need you to see the good that I put in you.  I need you to be ok with the fact that I have given you gifts and recognizing those gifts is not a prideful thing.  It does not have to be something you hide.  It should be something that you show to the world.  That is why I gave you those gifts so you would use them.  Not hide them. 

Don't ever try to to hide.  Don't hide your gifts or your weakness.  It is a waste of time and it inhibits my ability to use you and heal you.  You are my servant daughter and I know you love it when I use you for the kingdom.  Know that hiding from yourself makes it really hard for me to use you.  When you are hiding from yourself, you can't trust yourself.  When you can't trust yourself, I can't trust you. 

So let down your guard daughter.  You may be surprised at what you see. You may find that the truth is more beautiful than you could imagine.  You will see yourself through my eyes and believe me, there is nothing more beautiful to me than you.  My child, my love, you are the most beautiful thing in the world and I love you in your glorious beauty.  Peel back the layers and discover the beauty that I have grown inside of you.  You are like a budding flower that is about to open to the sunshine. 

Your beauty is just beginning to reveal itself.  Do not be afraid of it.  I made you beautiful.  Your beauty that I put in you will draw people to you and in turn to me.  Draw them in my beautiful daughter.  Shine in your beauty.  I love you so very much.  It is time to shine.

Monday, November 8, 2010


My prayer:
Awesome ruler, King of everything,My Lord and savior.  God you are in charge of everything and your perfect will is being accomplished right now throughout the world.  God I thank you for being all powerful.  I pray God that you continue to show up in our lives, healing, loving, fixing and guiding every aspect. 

God I love you and I love that my God is all powerful.  God I am grateful that I have that power working on my side. What good would having a God be if that God was not the most powerful thing ever created?  I need a God that will win every time.  I need you God, the God of victory.  The all mighty and powerful God.  You are everything to me God. 

I kneel in your presence out of respect but even more so out of complete awe.  You, the most powerful force ever, loves me and treats me with a gentleness that is beyond words.  You are my everything.  I love being your daughter.

What do you want to say tonight God? I am here to listen.

What God Said Tonight:
You focus on my power to belay your own fear and that is good.  Everything you say is true, I am the most powerful force that has ever been or ever will be.  And, I will use that power to protect you and insure that you win. 

I love you and my power has no greater purpose than to protect you, my child.  My power is often misrepresented.  Power is meant to be used out of love, not out of hate or manipulation.  Remember always that manipulation is witchcraft.  I will always only use my power for love. 

Even when the day of judgement comes and I will use my power to separate the wheat from the chaff, the children of God from the children of satan.  Even in those days, I will do it out of love.  I will also do it with a heavy heart, knowing there are people who will be condemned to hell that did not have to be.

There are people in the end who, had they made one different decision, if they just once, decided to give me try...those are the ones that break my heart. Just one moment, one decision one minute away from everlasting joy in heaven.  Instead, they will rot in Sheol. 

Thank you daughter for always choosing me.  Be alert to opportunities to share me even more.  Be my lighthouse, but be my moving lighthouse.  Don't stay where you are; take my word around the world.  Let me show you what I can really do!  I have so much more to show you.  

I love you. Go and rest now while the night is still fairly new. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Remember the dream...

My Prayer,
Another awesome night of worship in my car with a great friend.  Why is it some of the most amazing experiences of worshiping you seem to happen in my car? Guess it doesn't matter where it happens, as long as it happens! 

God, I am a little goofy tonight.  I'm not sure this prayer will make any sense.  Sometimes, when I spend time in the presence of your Holy Spirit, it just messes me up and leaves me goofy. 

I love you so much.  Thank you God for taking care of me, my friends, my family, and your children throughout the world  Thank you God for ALWAYS being there.  Every time I look for  you, you are always right there.  There is a song that says you are in the same place third time as you were the first time, that you aren't trying to hide.  Thank you for never hiding God.  Thank you that no matter how many times I lose my way, turn my back, get distracted or make a wrong choice, that you are always right there waiting for me in the last place I saw you. 

You make it so easy on us Lord.  We make it so hard but you make it so easy on us.  God I give you my whole life.  Every good bad and indifferent part of it.  I give you my work, my mind, my body and my spirit.  I give you my thoughts and my heart.  God I give you everything.  Laying everything down for you tonight God, not because you asked but just because I want to.  Just because you are my God and I trust you more than I even trust myself.  I am yours God.

What God Said Tonight;
Tonight has been beautiful and wonderful.  You ask why you have such amazing worship times in your car.  It is simple really, that is where you are taking time to worship me with no one watching, with no need to serve, with no need to be concerned that someone else is getting what they need.  You are just in direct contact with me, worshipping and loving me. 

There are those special people that I have put in your life that you can share those times with.  The people who give as much as they get.  The ones who can see those moments of worship for what they are and join you in worship of me.  Those are even more precious times because I am in the midst of you.  You are gathered in my name and I am in the midst of it. 

I love you daughter so much.  I enjoyed tonight as much or even more than you did.  You're going to remember tonight as significant in the days to come.  The prophecies of tonight were real and were from me.  Trust what you hear from me.  Don't doubt right now.  I need your whole faith.  You have given me your heart, your mind, your body and your spirit tonight.  Give me also your full faith.  Give me your trust that I will do what I said I will do.  I am not a man that I would lie.  I will do what I said I would do. 

You have several promises on your life and don't give up, I am not done fulfilling them yet.  You had the message on Joseph today.  I know you don't particularly like that one because it hits a bit too close to home but it is good and true and you must remember it. 

I want you to know that I am with you.  I want you to remember every dream I have given you and I want you to trust me to complete it. 

Rest awhile and be ready to go in the morning.  The next phase is nearly here.  I am watching over your dream and I will see it accomplished.  My love will assure it and my word is your promise.  I love you like fresh mown hay.  You are golden and ready to be gathered up for our true purpose.  Be quiet now and rest.