My prayer:
I am not sure how to say thank you for this week Lord. The car accident was pretty horrible but thank you that no one was hurt. Thank you that I wasn't hurt. Thank you that the truck was not so damaged that I couldn't get it home but damaged enough that I can't drive it right now. Thank you for the time to take this seriously and do all that I can to be sure it doesn't happen again.
I am sorry that I didn't understand what you were trying to tell me earlier. I am sorry that I was arrogant enough to think that I had it all under control on my own. I will find ways to do better moving forward.
Thank you for your loving mercy and forgiveness Lord. I am yours, now and forever.
What God Said Tonight:
Sometimes, I don't have the time, or more accurately, you don't have the time, for me to wait for you to figure things out on your own. Sometimes, I have to allow the consequences of your actions to come through, a bit.
I am still your Father, and I love you, and I never would allow anything that wasn't necessary or needed for your good. This is something I needed you to understand quickly, before it became a larger issue. It is something that I was telling you about but you were not doing anything about it.
I will help the emotional scars of this event but I want you to never forget the seriousness of the vision. That is a memory that will serve you well in your decisions in the future. I love you my child, now and forever.