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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, November 3, 2018

A season passes...

My prayer:

It is really hard to know what to do sometimes God. I am not sure what to do now. Guide me. 

What God Said Tonight:

Each season has its moments. Moments to laugh and moments to cry. Moments to live and moments to die. 

A season passes but never before a new season has begun. 

I am with you. I will guide you. I am yours.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Who am I...

My prayer:

I pray for healing. I pray for favor. I pray for guidance. And most of all, I pray that your will is accomplished. It sounds generic but each is a heartfelt need tonight God. Thank you for hearing me tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

You are not who people say you are. You are not even who you say you are. You are who I say you are. 

There is one truth, one thing you must understand. I created you and I know you. So, when I tell you that you are my child, that you are a royal priesthood, that when I came and died for you, you were covered and made perfect, that is the truth about you. That is who you are. 

A child of God has no need to worry, ever. I am with you always and I will bless you, I will guide you, I will heal you and because you have asked, my will is being accomplished in your life. 

You are not alone, now or ever. I am yours forever. I love you.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


My prayer:

Thank you for raining blessings on me today! You are wonderful God and you make me succeed.

What God Said Tonight:

My pleasure is your pleasure and your pleasure is mine. I bless you and I am blessed. 

Monday, October 29, 2018


My prayer:

When life is a roller coaster, my only reasonable response is to trust you. Anything more and anything less will only drive me crazy. So, here I stand, trusting you God. My future, my life, my everything is in your hands.

What God Said Tonight:

In a world filled with lies, I am the truth. In a world filled with deception, I am your lighthouse. I am your path in the darkness and I am the hope in your future. 

Follow my truth and see miracles. I love you.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Let love out...

My prayer:

There is one thing you ask of us God. You ask us to love each other. But, sometimes, that is the hardest thing to do. To love when people are unlovable and when they hurt us. To receive love and trust that the other person does not have ulterior motives. Sometimes that seems impossible.

I understand that you have asked us to love and I want to do your will. However, I will need your help.

What God Said Tonight:

Love is not an emotion and it is not even a decision. Love is a matter of being. 

You are a child of God and therefore you are a child of love. The world has tried to beat the love out of you but it is still at your core. It is at your core because I am at your core. I am love. 

Underneath the bruises and the scars, your core is love. Reach to our core. Gently move aside the pain and you will see love, waiting to be released. The best cure for the pain of the world is love. The best cure for your scars is love. 

Don't try to love. Just reach within yourself and let the love out. I promise you it is there. Let love out. Let love heal you.

Friday, October 26, 2018


My prayer:

I needed rest and you gave me rest today God. Thank you. You always are there with just what I need. There is no better God, Father, Teacher, and Friend than you. I am very grateful that I get to spend eternity with you!

What God Said Tonight:

A million points of light. All different colors, sizes, strengths, woven together into a tapestry of beauty. That is how I see your souls. 

Each one unique and beautiful on its own but each a part of an even more beautiful expanse. Your souls are so beautiful alone and together. Together you are brighter and the contrast brings out your color even more brightly. 

Love the light in your brother. It is beautiful. Love the light in yourself. It is beautiful. Love the light that you have together, it is magnificent. 

I love you, let my light shine in you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Right around the corner...

My prayer:

I did not have very good balance today God and I am left feeling drained. I pray for your strength and restoration.

I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

A time to celebrate is near. There are things you have been waiting on that are truly right around the next corner. 

Stay strong. Do not get weary in your well doing. Lean on me and hang on for just a little longer. I have such a great blessing waiting for you. 

I love you and I can't wait to see you so blessed.