My prayer:
A day of challenges and multiple challenges to experience humility. It doesn't sound too bad when I say it like that.
Thank you for your help in this day God. Thank you for reminding me not to take it all too seriously. Thank you for helping me to find some joy in the midst of the problems.
You are very good to me.
What God Said Tonight:
Seek me with all your might. Find me within your heart. I am never far from you. I dwell in you. I have taken up residence in your heart and in your soul. You have made for me a tabernacle to dwell in.
I have made for you a heaven to live in for eternity. My heaven is filled with your brothers and sisters and I have prepared your place here. It is grand and I hope you will love it.
I live in you and you live in me and together we will conquer the world and live in peace for eternity. It is within your reach. To see a world that has completely turned its back on evil and has fully embraced me. That world is not a dream. It is the fact of your future.
I love you, now and forever.