My prayer:
Whooohoo did I get offended today! I know I am not supposed to. I know I am supposed to turn the other cheek. But, in the moment, as a big pile of proverbial crap was being dumped in my lap...yea, I am not proud of my reaction.
God I pray for peace and strength to brush that stuff off. I know, in my more lucid moments, that it doesn't really matter. I know that you will take care of it and show me crazy favor like always. I just need to remember that earlier.
Thank you!
What God Said Tonight:
An offense is not something that is taken on lightly. Especially as my child, you know the consequences of offense. You know that it can fester into bitterness and cause poison in you.
I don't expect for you to let go of offense immediately but I do expect you to let go. I will help.
Hanging on will destroy you. Letting go will free you. The sooner you let go, the sooner you are free. The longer you hang on, the longer you are trapped.
I love you, now and forever. Release it all to me.