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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Monday, October 16, 2017


My prayer:

Whooohoo did I get offended today! I know I am not supposed to. I know I am supposed to turn the other cheek. But, in the moment, as a big pile of proverbial crap was being dumped in my lap...yea, I am not proud of my reaction.

God I pray for peace and strength to brush that stuff off. I know, in my more lucid moments, that it doesn't really matter. I know that you will take care of it and show me crazy favor like always. I just need to remember that earlier.

Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

An offense is not something that is taken on lightly. Especially as my child, you know the consequences of offense. You know that it can fester into bitterness and cause poison in you. 

I don't expect for you to let go of offense immediately but I do expect you to let go. I will help. 

Hanging on will destroy you. Letting go will free  you. The sooner you let go, the sooner you are free. The longer you hang on, the longer you are trapped. 

I love you, now and forever. Release it all to me.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

God's direction...

My prayer:

I had a lot of fun today God but I am pretty worn out. Fun can be exhausting! Thank you for the luxury of a day of fun. Thank you for keeping me healthy to enjoy it. 

My request tonight God is for direction and inspiration. Were the things we talked about tonight from you or is just us getting bored and wanting to force things to get moving? I really don't have the energy to chase after anything that is not of you. 

Please give us wisdom and insight into what you want to do next. We will get right in there with you, if you want us to.

What God Said Tonight:

There is very little of what you want to do that is not also in my will. You have my heart and that heart drives your desires for the most part. Once in a while, something comes in that is not of me but those times are pretty obvious. This is not one of those times. 

Move forward in the direction you choose. I will be there with you.  We are living this life together.

Friday, October 13, 2017

You and me and Glory...

My prayer:

Today was a good day. Thank you for all that you did today. I pray your will continues to be done, now and forever.

What God Said Tonight:

I see a day in your future where there is no pain, there are no doubts, there is nothing but you and me and Glory. 

That day will be like none before it. The Glory of that day will live forever. 

There are days that do not end. They are so powerful, so meaningful, that they last long after the night comes. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017


My prayer:

Today was a long one! Very glad to be done and here with you God. 

My prayer tonight is for all of us who had a long, rough day. I ask God that you give us peaceful rest a new hope and inspiration in the morning. Wake us up with your vision, your direction, and your fire. Remind us of our purpose and help us to carry it out.

Thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

Life is fragile and beautiful. One good smack in the right spot and your life can fall to pieces like a shattered glass globe. However, even broken glass has beauty and use. 

Sometimes it is the brokenness that brings out the true purpose. A glass globe is beautiful to look at but it has very little use. Break the globe and you have sharp edges to cut with, you have points to make tools. You have many uses. 

It can be the same with people, with your life. An unbroken life is beautiful to behold; however, it is not much use. When troubles come, someone who has not had any brokenness in the past will have no idea how to cope. Someone who has been broken and has survived knows what to do, knows they will make it through, and can help others around them. 

I don't break you but I know how to give the pieces of your life meaning and purpose. I don't break you but I know how to heal you, right in your brokenness. 

I love you, brokenness and all.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Every good thing...

My prayer:

I found some joy today God. Not a big heaping helping of it but I found some. I enjoyed every second of it too!

Thank you for moments of joy. Sometimes, that is all I need.

What God Said Tonight:

Every good thing comes from me. When you need "good" seek me out and you will find it. When you need joy, call out to me and you will have the joy you need. When you need blessings, call on me, seek me and when you find me, you will find the blessings. 

I am the Good Father. I will share with you all good things. 

Instead of chasing after the 'good things', running yourself ragged as they run away and dart around, just seek me and you will find every good thing. 

I love you and I am not stingy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


My prayer:

Thank you God for hearing my prayer and helping me today. What could have been a really bad thing turned into no big deal because you helped me say what needed to be said and gave me favor with "man." THANK YOU!

Your favor is amazing. We often think about your favor in relation to finances (and that is wonderful) but it goes way beyond that. It is someone telling me my backpack is unzipped on the train. It is someone taking bad news with grace and generosity. It is all the things that go right, not because of any reason except you decided that they should go right.


What God Said Tonight:

A child of God is born with privilege. It is the privilege of being the King's kid. 

Walk in your privilege but always remember to share the blessing and the favor. They are for you but your love and generosity is what draws others to me. Share your blessings and I will multiply them. Always. 

I love you and I love blessing you.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Small blessings...

My prayer:

Thank you for all of the small blessings today God. They are not much on there own but they add up to make a pretty rotten day more bearable. Thank you also for your protection. You certainly rebuked the devourer for my sake several times today. As I look back on today, it was not great but it could have been so much worse.

Father, protector, redeemer, and giver of all good things. I love you.

What God Said Tonight:

A blessing's size is dependent primarily on the need. A well placed 'I love you' can make all the difference. Take a new look at those circumstances looming and see them through the lens of blessing.