My prayer:
Awesome God. I am praying for wisdom and understanding tonight.
I am not sure if what I am looking at is an opportunity from you or if it is temptation trying to get me out of position. It might not be either. It might be me grasping at straws, hoping for change. I don't know but I know you do.
Please help me to understand. Guide me to the right decisions. Keep me in your will. Thank you Jesus.
What God Said Tonight:
I know and understand why you are looking for the way out. I promise, when it comes, it will not be ambiguous. You will not have to question, "Is this it?" You will know and there will be little choice other than to move in that direction.
A timing is preset for this. It is good to keep our eyes open but you will not miss this next change, opportunity. I will not let you.
I love you and I want every good thing for you. You are mine and I am yours forever.