My prayer:
Thank you for today God. A day full of fun, hope and friends. Life might not be perfect but days like today remind me that it is still worth it.
Now, in the quiet of the evening, I am at peace here with you and waiting on your words and your voice to make my night complete.
What God Said Tonight:
I have not given you a spirit of fear. I know why fear has wiggled in. I know the circumstances that have kicked a hoke in your side and left you vulnerable.
But, I am your God. You need not fear. I have a plan, I have a way out for you. I have your healing. It is at hand. It is not possible for me to show you all of what is in the way of this manifestation but know that I am working it out.
Go, sleep in the peace that I am working it out, for you, for your good.
I love your heart to serve, your inquisitive mind, your need to figure it all out. I will show you the whole picture one day, I promise. Right now, that is not possible. Trust in me and throw the fear out the window. It really has no business being in you, child of God.